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Your search for * in weather has returned 34 entries
noun fog
(Spanish) niebla, neblina
Speaker: Janet Chávez Santiago
noun air
(Spanish) aire
lots of air
(Spanish) mucho aire
earthquake, shake
(Spanish) temblor
Speaker: Froylan Carreño Gutiérrez
noun drought
(Spanish) deslave
noun lightning storm
(Spanish) tormenta eléctrica
humid, damp
(Spanish) húmedo
noun mist
(Spanish) bruma
noun lightning
(Spanish) relàmpago
Speaker: Teresa Martínez Chavez
(Spanish) lumbre
adjective cool
(Spanish) fresco
noun cold (of things and weather)
(Spanish) frío (de cosas y tiempo)
noun rain
(Spanish) lluvia
Example: see more on Twitter
Speaker: Teresa Manuela Mendoza Ruís
noun drizzle (diminutive)
(Spanish) llovizna (diminutivo)
noun hurricane
(Spanish) huracán
Speaker: Bibiana Gutiérrez
noun hurricane, storm
(Spanish) huracán, tormenta
adjective cloudy
(Spanish) nublado
verb it snows, snow falls
(Spanish) nieva, cae nieve
verb it hails
(Spanish) graniza, cae granizo
the wind blows
(Spanish) el viento sopla
it gets sunny, the sun comes out
(Spanish) se pone soleado, el sol sale
it gets windy
(Spanish) se pone ventoso
noun thunder
(Spanish) trueno
lightning strike, there is lightning
(Spanish) relampaguea, cae un relámpago
Speaker: Edison Hipólito de los Ángeles
the sun is shining
(Spanish) el sol brilla
dry season
(Spanish) tiempo de sequia
noun hot season
(Spanish) temporada de calor
noun cold season, winter
(Spanish) temporada de frío, invierno
noun rainy season
(Spanish) temporada de lluvias , primavera
noun when it’s windy
(Spanish) cuando hace aire
noun earthquake
noun hail
(Spanish) granizo
(Spanish) el tiempo, la clima