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metal spindle for yarn
(Spanish) malacate de metal
Speaker: María Dolores Santiago Arellanes
(spindle to make warp yarn)
(Spanish) cuñas (malacate para levantar la urdimbre)
Speaker: Federico Chávez Sosa
(Spanish) hilo pie
(Spanish) el peine de telar
Speaker: Oscar Bautista Gonzáles
(Spanish) canillo
Speaker: Natalia Carreño Hernández
(Spanish) voy a amarrar la urdimbre
(Spanish) elegir los hilos que vas a tejer
you are stretching the warp
(Spanish) estás estirando la urdimbre
noun cloth, clothes
(Spanish) ropa
Speaker: Gario Ángeles
1. to dye, 2. to color
(Spanish) 1. teñir, 2. pintar