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Semantic domain: [all] Danza de la Pluma adjective agriculture animal bird body part celebration clothing color command common expression feeling fiesta flower food greeting health kinship landscape location name number person places plant religion school sky song lyrics technology time verb weather weaving weaving pattern or Cali Chiu chapter: [all] CC I-1 CC I-10 CC I-2 CC I-3 CC I-4 CC I-5 CC I-8 CC II-1 CC II-2 CC III-1 CC III-5 CC IV-1 CC V-1 CC V-5
This page has returned 41 entries
(Spanish) cuando
Speaker: Gario Ángeles
phrase during the evening we say...
(Spanish) cuando es la tarde decimos...
Speaker: Janet Chávez Santiago
phrase at night we say...
(Spanish) cuando es la noche decimos...
phrase at midday we say...
(Spanish) cuando es medio dia decimos...
noun Sunday
(Spanish) domingo
noun Monday
(Spanish) lunes
phrase in the morning we say
(Spanish) cuando es manaña decimos
dry season
(Spanish) tiempo de sequia
noun hot season
(Spanish) temporada de calor
noun cold season, winter
(Spanish) temporada de frío, invierno
Speaker: Bibiana Gutiérrez
noun autumn, fall (lit. when the leaves fall)
(Spanish) otoño
noun rainy season
(Spanish) temporada de lluvias , primavera
noun when it’s windy
(Spanish) cuando hace aire
finish the set amount of time for being one of the Danzantes (3 year periods)
(Spanish) termina la promesa (de 3 años)
Speaker: Horacio Mendoza Martinez
a little
(Spanish) un poco
Speaker: Francisco Ruiz Gutiérrez
(Spanish) pocos
Speaker: Francisco Ruiz Gutierrez
noun spouse
(Spanish) esposo, esposa
Speaker: Rocío Mendoza Bazán
to bring / to purchase (animal)
(Spanish) va a traer / va a comprar (animal)
(Spanish) chueco
before, in front
(Spanish) antes
(Spanish) despacio
to take into account
(Spanish) tomar en cuenta
to fish
(Spanish) pescar
Speaker: Mariano Sosa Martinez
I am going to pee.
(Spanish) Me voy a orinar.
noun bedbug
(Spanish) chinche
Speaker: CC
fewer (for countable objects)
(Spanish) menos (como cosas que se pueden contar)
as it happens
(Spanish) después de todo
Speaker: Jorge David Hernández Sosa
and it’s that, and then
(Spanish) y es que
(Spanish) tres
number sixty
(Spanish) sesenta
number seventy
(Spanish) setenta
seventy (for money)
(Spanish) sesenta (para dinero)
Speaker: Elena García Jiménez
three step (La Danza step)
(Spanish) paso tres (paso de La Danza)
be patient
(Spanish) con calma
noun kiss
(Spanish) beso
Speaker: edison hipolito
saves, puts away, packs up
(Spanish) ahorra, guarda, empaca
Speaker: Natalia Carreño Hernández
rubbing alcohol
(Spanish) (que se frota) alcohol
(Spanish) pronto