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’Ahbínídą́ą́’ ch’ééh niba’ hasht’e’ ’ádííníszin.

morning-Past in.vain 2-wait ready REFL-1-keep.CI

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Tyler TinhornlistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Ellavina PerkinslistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Sharon J. NelsonlistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Sharon J. Nelson

I was all ready and waiting for you all this morning (but you didn’t come), (Lit. in vain I wait for you in readiness).

’Ahbínídą́ą́’ hashbį’go baa nídiisdzá ’ákondi t’áadoo ’áłtso da.

morning-past 1-clear.I-GO 3-for 1-start.P however but not-yet all NEG

’Aoo’, ’ashdladigóó ’oolkiłgo ’áádę́ę́’ sh ná’ílwod.

yes five-at-toward clock-GO there-from 1-with 3-return.P

’Ashą́ą́ nít’ę́ę́’ t’áadoo hooyání shaa ’ílwod.

1-eat.Prog past suddenly 1-for 3-drive.P

’Atsiniltł’ish dóó tó dayókeedígíí baa ’áłah ’aleeh lá.

electricity and water pl-3-request.I-NOM 3-for meeting DISC

’Eii łééchą̨ą’í t’áá ’áko taah yilwo’.

that dog immediately water.into 3-run.U

The dog immediately runs into the water.


Át’ah ’índa shaa náádíídááł.

later 1-to again-2-come.F

Bá’ólta’ísh Jáan ’éí doodaii’ Mary daats’í yich’į’ haadzíí’?

teacher-Q John TOP or Mary perhaps 3-to 3-talk.P

Bíla’ashdla’ii wolyéii bił dah nahaz’ą́ą́góó t’áá ’ał’ąą bizaad dahólǫ́.

3-fingers-five-NOM 3-be.called-NOM 3-with static areal-3-govern.P-toward just separate 3-language pl

Chidí naat’a’í ’íinilaaígíí háajį’ ninít’a’?

airplane 3-2-make.P-ÍGÍÍ 3-fly.P

How far did the airplane that you built go when it flew?

Dibé tó y yáánii’á.

sheep water 3-with 3-crowd.P

The sheep crowded at the water.

Dibé doo deeghánígóó ’ałkéé’ ’idíítąądgo hooghanjį’ náákah.

sheep long.way RECP-follow 3-spread.out.NP

The sheep were strung out a long ways, one behind the other, as they headed home.

Dibé ła’ yóó’ ’íínilgo k’adę́ę ’e’e’aahgo ch’ééh naanááshwoł.

sheep some away 3-1-lose.P-GO almost evening in.vain 3-after 1-run.around.P

Díí mósí yázhí hooghangóó nááshtééł.

this cat little home-towards 3-1-carry.Prog

Doo hanii ni ’ałdó’ nilį́į́’ bik’i dah ’íníił da.

NEG contrary 2 also 2-horse 3-on up saddle 3-2-put.PlO.I NEG

Doo yéé shaa yánłti’go ndiséts’ą́’į́.

NEG fear 1-to 2-talk.DI-GO 2-1-hear.P

Gohwééh ła’ shaa níkaah.

coffee some 1-to 2-give.OC.I

Ha’át’éego lá ’íiyisíí ’atiinjį’ ’ańdeeshdááł lá?

how Q main 1-back-on-go.F DISC

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Lorene B LegahlistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Lorene B Legah

How can I get back onto the main road?

Ha’át’éegoshą’ t’áadoo ’azee’ál’į́į́góó nisíníyáa da?

why-Q NEG hospital-to NEG

Hastiin sání léi’ ’áłchíní bił yanáa’áago yił nahalne’.

man old INDEF children 3-with 3-pile.NI-COMP 3-with 3-tell.CI

An old man is telling stories to a pile of children. (Lit. the children are piled with him)

Háágóó lá Bíl doogááł nízin Jáan?

where-toward Q Bill 3-want.CI John

Háágóó lá díníyá?

where-to.Q 2-go.F

Háí lá kintahgóó sh ’adoołbąs?

who-Q town-to 1-me 3-drive.F

Háí lá kintahgóó sh adoołbąs?

who-Q town-to 1-me 3-drive.F

Na’nízhoozhígóó deeyá, ya’?

Gallup-toward Q

Na’nízhoozhígóósh díníyá?

Gallup-to-Q 2-go.SP

Naaki yiską́ągo Na’nízhoozhígóó shił ’adeeswod.

two yesterday Gallup-to 1-with 1-drive.F

Nimá yázhí bighangóó díílwoł dóó ’áájí ’awéé’ baa ’áhólyą́dooleeł.

your aunt 3-house-to 2-run-and that-way baby 3-for 2-care.CI FUT

Shighandóó ndáá’góó ’ada’iisdee’go nihí ’éí t’áá yiike’.

1-home-from war.ceremony-to 3-go.away.P TOP just 1du-remain.behind.P

Shimá bighangóó náshdáahgo łééchąą’í baná’ástso’.

1-mother 3-house-toward again-1-go-GO dog 3-again-1-feed.R

T’áá ’ákwíízhíní tó dah siyínígóó ’ałnánáshdááh.

every summer lake-toward again-1-go.R

T’ááłáhádi kin binída’shiilzhiizh dóó hooghangóó dah ńdiikai.

once-at house 3-into-Pl-1dpl-dance.P home-toward start

Táá’ daats’í shinááhaigo Hwéeldi hoolyéégóó sh dah ’adiiná níigo halne’ łeh shicheii.

three maybe 1-year.P-GO Fort.Sumner areal-be.called-toward 1-with 3-migrate.P 3-say.NI-GO

As my grandfather tells it, he was about three years old when he started off with the family on the move to Fort Sumner.

Tó bidinínáágóó ni’ bikáá’ hasé’éél.

water 3-opposite-toward land 3-on 1-float.P

Tsé ’ayóí ’áníłtso léi’ tsékooh góyaa hadah ch’ééłmááz.

rock remarkably large INDEF canyon areal-down areal-edge out-3-1-roll.P

Tsxį́įłgo łees’áán ’ánílééh; nimásání nihaa níyá!

quickly tortilla 2-make.I 2-mat.grandma 3-came.P

Tsxį́įłgo łees’áán ádíílííł; nimásání nihaa yíghááh!

quickly tortilla 2-make.F 2.poss-mat.grandma-NOM 3-come.F

Yiską́ągo nighandi naadeeshááł.

tomorrow 2-home-at 2-to-1-go.F

Yiską́ągo níléí Tóhajiileehgóó shigáál deizt’i’.

tomorrow.GO over.there Tóhajiileeh-toward 1-physical.being pl-3-path.extend.P