Example: see more on Twitter Gazub lay dxi, rza’ gib Gdo Zunni, te de Bën gul za rni, lay dxi rliuzh Mizh giba // Everyday at noon, bells toll in Tlacochahuaya, because our elders believed at that time, Mass ends in heaven
Example: see more on Twitter Gazub lay dxi, rza’ gib Gdo Zunni, te de Bën gul za rni, lay dxi rliuzh Mizh giba // Everyday at noon, bells toll in Tlacochahuaya, because our elders believed at that time, Mass ends in heaven
Example: see more on Twitter Chi rchun gui'ísh, dub rzulo riald guts loni, ne Bën Za rtiu'ú guts te go de icha. // On dry months, there's no grass, but agave plants bloom, and Zapotecs cut bloom stalks to feed cattl