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Your search for * in health and wellness has returned 14 entries
ailment/pain in the knee
(Spanish) inflamación de la rodilla
Speaker: Moisés García Guzmán
place the leaves
(Spanish) poner las hojas
Mexican pepperleaf leaf
(Spanish) hoja de hierba santa
add ingredient to make infusion (instruction)
(Spanish) agrega un ingrediente para hacer te
add salt (instruction)
(Spanish) agrega sal (instrucción)
bush sunflower (wild flower fed to chickens)
(Spanish) acahual delgado
Example: see more on Youtube
(Spanish) flor del niño
wild mint
(Spanish) poleo
sprained body part
(Spanish) lugar del esquince
tea of Mexican pepperleaf
(Spanish) te de hierba santa,
wild mint tea
(Spanish) te de poleo
stops the cough
(Spanish) calma la toss
Example: Bën Za ro Bdua Gëch chi rac deb guishru / Zapotecs eat wild bananas to cure a bad cough see more on Twitter
stops stomachache
(Spanish) calma el dolor de estómago
wash (instruction)
(Spanish) lava (instrucción)