(Spanish) el frío hace bien a los arboles de guaje
Example: Bën Za zeula ro lá'a, ne lo de be'éu gal nald rzulo raa dem // "Guaje" pods are important in the diet of Zapotecs, and during winter months they start harvesting them. see more on Twitter
Example: Nde na "yug" ni rlib tuby nez gu'ún te ra'ándem lo nia... // These are yokes where a pair of bulls are tied, and that's how they plow the land... see more on Twitter
Example: De na de bini xhub ni zewla rbe la’n gëch Dani / These are some corn seeds that are still planted in the Northern sierra / Semillas de maíz que se siguen sembrando en la sierra see more on Twitter
Example: see more on Twitter Xhub dxidx, tub nax ni ro de “vaquer” txi renedeb de itxa lo gi’x // Frutillas del mezquite “rompe-capas” una delicia que disfrutaban los cuidadores de ganado en el campo. // Wild berries from m
Example: Nde na "yug" ni rlib tuby nez gu’ún te ra’ándem lo nia... // These are yokes where a pair of bulls are tied, and that’s how they plow the land... see more on Twitter