Example: see more on Twitter Zët bëdy gidy nagas, rzhu par rza bëny te gak nab gal naza’k // Eggs from black hens are considered a good omen, they’re rubbed on people’s bodies to attract good fortune // Los hue
Example: Bel yubga yald guie Yagëch, ziubga za gued Xman "Sant" // If Mezquite trees bloom early, the Holy week will fall early in the calendar as well. see more on Twitter
Example: Bel yubga yald guie Yagëch, ziubga za gued Xman "Sant" // If Mezquite trees bloom early, the Holy week will fall early in the calendar as well. see more on Twitter
Example: see more on Twitter Siav xnia, ni re’ de Bën Dani, rac chuni cun xub ne bzia’ / Red atole is a drink that people in the Northern sierra prepare, it’s corn and cocoa based. / Atole colorado, preparado en
Example: see more on Twitter Gazub lay dxi, rza’ gib Gdo Zunni, te de Bën gul za rni, lay dxi rliuzh Mizh giba // Everyday at noon, bells toll in Tlacochahuaya, because our elders believed at that time, Mass ends in heaven
Example: see more on Twitter Gazub lay dxi, rza’ gib Gdo Zunni, te de Bën gul za rni, lay dxi rliuzh Mizh giba // Everyday at noon, bells toll in Tlacochahuaya, because our elders believed at that time, Mass ends in heaven