Your search for the postposition -ił with
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’Aoo’, ’ashdladigóó ’oolkiłgo ’áádę́ę́’ sh ná’ílwod.

yes five-at-toward clock-GO there-from 1-with 3-return.P

’Ashkii yázhí éí bimá kingóó yił yi’ash.

boy little TOP 3-mother store-to 3-with 3-walk.du.Prog

’Ałk’idą́ą́’ shimá b na’nishkaadgo ’aghaa’ yisdizígíí dibé yázhí yichíihgo yizénéíłt’ih.

long ago 1-mother 3-with SUP-1-herd.I-GO wool 3-spin.P-ígíí lamb 3-birth.P-GO 3-neck-around-3-tie.P

At’ééd na’abąąs yíhooł’ą́ą’go bimá yił ’oołbąs.

girl driving 3-3-learn.P-GO 3-mother 3-with 3-drive.Prog

Baa dahwiinít’ínígíí sh bééhodoozįįł nissin.

agenda 1-with 3-about-ho-find.out.F 3-1-want.NI

Béeso bá hooghan góne’ shił ha’ashch’ą́ą́l dóó ’azéé’ííł’íní bił yah ’ííyá.

money 3-for building inside 1-with and doctor 3-with into 1-GO.P

Béésh bee hane’é b nááshbał.

phone 3-with 1-whirl.Prog

I’m turning in circles with my cellphone.

Bilagáana bizaad bił nantł’a.

English language 3-with 3-difficult.NI

Bilagáana kin baa naháłnii’go neeznáá nááhaijį’ bik’é na’iishłée dooleełgo b ’ahadi’nisht’ą́.

whiteman house 3-from 3-1-buy.P-GO ten 3-for 1-pay.Prog FUT-GO 3-with sup-1-agree.P

Bįįh b da’doółdǫǫh.

deer 3-with pl-2dpl-shoot.O

Da’ Cubadę́ę́’ tsinaa’eeł nił ní’éél?

Q Cuba-from boat 2-with 3-float.P

Dibé tó y yáánii’á.

sheep water 3-with 3-crowd.P

The sheep crowded at the water.

Diné nihaikaíígíí nihizaad nideilkaahgo ayóó bił danilį́ ’áko ndi doo ’akót’ée da.

people 1dpl-language pl-3-1-investigate.I-GO very 3-with pl-3-be.NI even so NEG thus-3-be.NI NEG

The people who came to visit us believe that we are doing a great job investigating our language, but that is not the case.

Doo b bééhózin da ya’?

neg 3-with 3-know.CI neg Q

Doo choshijooł’į́į́’ le’ ’át’éégóó sh hóyéé’.

NEG 3-1-make.use.O proof.against-NEG 1-with lazy.NI

Gohwééh t’áá bizhání ’éí doodaii’ ’abe’ bgo daats’í nínízin?

coffee only TOP or milk 3-with-GO perhaps 3-2-want.NI

Gohwééh t’áá bizhání ’éí doodaii’ ’abe’ bgo daats’í nínízin?

coffee only TOP or milk 3-with-GO perhaps 3-2-want.NI

Haidą́ą́’ ’a’áán góne’ naashnish ńt’éé’ --- doo sh yá’áhoot’éeh da.

winter-past mine.shaft 1-work.I past neg 1-with 3-good.N neg

Hádą́ą́’ ’áłtsé chidí naat’a’í n nast’a’?

When past first airplane 2-with 3-fly.P

Háí lá kintahgóó sh ’adoołbąs?

who-Q town-to 1-me 3-drive.F

Jake ’ólta’ b bóhoneedzą́.

Jake education 3-with 3-possible.NI

Jáan Mary bił baghan.

John Mary 3-with 3-live

Mary łį́į́’ b yá’át’ééh.

Mary horse 3-with 3-good.NI

Na’nízhoozhídę́ę́’ shíká b ’oolwoł.

Gallup-from 1-for 3-with 3-drive.I

Na’nízhoozhídę́ę́’ shíká bił ’oolwoł.

Gallup 1-for 3-with 3-drive.I

Na’nízhoozhígóó nihił ’adeeswod ’áko shį́į́ ’adiidį́į́ł chidí nihá ’ánálnéehgo.

Gallup-to 1-with INDEF-drive.P then maybe 1-dual-eat.F car 1-for 3-fix.I-GO

Naaki yiską́ągo Na’nízhoozhígóó shił ’adeeswod.

two yesterday Gallup-to 1-with 1-drive.F

Naakidi tsin sitą́ądi daats’í kinaaldá b ’ahééniijéé’.

two mile maybe purberty.ceremony 3-with

Naʼahóóhai nitsaa b hoo’aahgóó dóola dííyééł.

rodeo 3-big.NI 3-with areal-space.I-to bull 2-haul.F

Nihá naazíinii bił neikai.

our leaders 3-with 3pl-1pl-go.P

We are with our representatives.

N bééhózinísh ’éí doodaii’ nicheii daats’í b bééhózin?

2-with 3-know.CI-Q TOP or 2-grandfather perhaps 3-with 3-know.CI

Nił hǫ́zhǫ́ǫ́sh doodaii’ doósh nił hózhǫ́ǫ da?

2-with-happy.NI-Q or neg-Q 2-with happy.NI neg

Niłísh bééhosin doodaii’ biłísh bééhozin?

2-with-Q 3-know.CI or 3-with-Q 3-know.CI

Shilééchąą’í b na’nishkaadgo jooł b ’abíńjíshhałgo yikéé’ náádiilwo’.

1-dog 3-with 1-herd.CI ball 3-for 3-1-bat.R-GO 3-after 3-run.R

Shimá dóó shizhé’é bił dibé dóó tł’ízí ta’nda’díígish nt’éé’.

1-mom and 1-dad 3-with sheep and goats 3-pl.shear.I past

Shizhé’é ’azee’ál’į́į́ góne’ b yah ’i’ííbą́ą́z.

1-father hospital into 3-with in 3-push.wheel.P

Shí hanii t’éiyá Naasht’ézhí bizaad sh bééhózin.

I contrary only English 3-language 1-with 3-know.P

Shínaaí chidí b dah diilwodgo bizánághah góne’ łeezh ’adzíísi’. car 3-with up 3-run.I-GO 3-around areal-in dust 3-trail.P

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Bernadine M. CodylistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Tyler Tinhorn

When my older brother started off in the car he left a trail of dust around the corner.

Shínaaí łahda b náhoniidoh. sometime 3-with 3-become.warm.R

Shoo sitsóí, da’ Na’nízhoozhigóó n ’adeeswod?

hey 1-grandson Q Gallup-to 2-with 2-go.F

T’áá ’aaníígóó shił hodoonih bíniiká na’ídíshkid.

truth 1-with 3-tell.O 3-against 3-1-question. I

I’m asking questions (against him) to get him to tell the truth.

T’áá ’ałkéé’ ’azee’ííł’íní bił yah ’adahaadzá.

just one-behind-another doctor 3-with 3-in 1Dist-4-go.I

Táá’ daats’í shinááhaigo Hwéeldi hoolyéégóó sh dah ’adiiná níigo halne’ łeh shicheii.

three maybe 1-year.P-GO Fort.Sumner areal-be.called-toward 1-with 3-migrate.P 3-say.NI-GO

As my grandfather tells it, he was about three years old when he started off with the family on the move to Fort Sumner.

Tł’éédą́ą́ łééchąą’í léi’ nihił ’yaííyá’ii’ neeztį́.

last.night dog strange 1dpl-with 3-come.inside.P-and lie.down.SNP

ʼAtʼééd doo bzhǫ́ǫ da dooleeł.

girl NEG 3-with HO-happy.NI NEG 3-become.F