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’Ayóo deesk’aazgo beeldléí ditánígíí biih násh’nah.

very cold-GO blanket 3-thick.NI-ÍGÍÍ 3-into 1-crawl.R

’Ííłta’ dóó ’iiłghaazh.

1-read.P CONJ 1-sleep.P



Ashkii tó nílinígíi yiih dzółhaał.

Boy flowing.water-ÍGÍÍ 3-in 3-3-fall.O

Bee nahaldzoohí yah ’adíítį́į́ł. Da’ yah 'ííńtą́?

broom in 3-2-bring.F.SSO Q in 3.2.bring.P.SSO


Chidí naa’na’í ’ayóo bídin nishłį́.

tractor really 3-without 1-be.NI

I really want a tractor.

Chidí ła’ bíká ’í’iishłaa.

car some 3-for 1-order.P

Dah díníilghaazh ’áshįįh bik’ídíínił.

fry.bread salt 3-on-3-2-sprinkle.PlO.F

You will sprinkle salt on the fry bread. Sprinkle salt on the fry bread.

Dah doónááł lágo!

up 2-go.F don’t

Dah nóóljííd lágo.

up 2-jump.O don’t

Dichinísh doodaii’ dibáá’ísh jinízin?

hunger-Q or thirst-Q 3-4-want.NI

Diné nishłį́ndi Bilaagana bizaad t’éí bee yáshti’.

Navajo 1-be.NI but English language only 3-with 1-speak.I

Doo hanii ni ’ałdó’ nilį́į́’ bik’i dah ’íníił da.

NEG contrary 2 also 2-horse 3-on up saddle 3-2-put.PlO.I NEG

Doo kingóó diit’ash da.

NEG town-to 1dpl-go.du.Prog NEG

Ha’at’iish náádaadi’ní?

what-Q again-pl-3-say.I


which way

Ha’át’íí shį́į́ biniinaa łééch’ąą’í nidahał’in.

what perhaps 3-because dog pl-3-bark.I



Háágóóshą díníyá?

where-to.Q 2-go.F

Hooghan binááshwoł ńt’éé shimá sání shich’ahóóshkeed.

hogan 3-encircling-1-run.Prog past 1-grandmother 1-3-scold.P

K’aa’ísh ’aní’á biyaa doodago daats’í báhátis ’ayiist’oh ?

arrow-Q bridge 3-under or perhaps 3-over 3-3-shot.P

Kǫ’ ’ayóigo bee n’deezdíín ndi doo shiníłdoi da.

fire very 3-with 3-sheds.light.P but NEG 1-3-warm.SPN NEG

The fire gives lots of light, but it doesn’t warm me.

Kwii ’áłah ’aleeh léi’ hasht’e náádahojidlééh.

here together meet since prepare again-pl-area-4-tidy.up.R

There will be a meeting here, it is being tidied up again.

Ląʼí Náhóółago hodookʼááłígíí yaa kódzaa dooleeł

much 3-rain-GO.O 3-fire.I-IGII 3-down to.happen.NI 3-become.F

The forest fire will go down if we get heavy rain.

Mary yíká hoolne’.

Mary 3-for 3-call.P

Náhookǫsdę́ę́’ níłch’igo ’ayóo deesk’aaz.

north.from breeze-GO very cold.SPN

Nichxǫ' doo ájíléeh da.

stop NEG 3-4-make.I NEG

Stop, don’t do bad stuff!

Nidlóóhísh ’éí doodago doo daats’í nidlóoh da?

2-cold.X-Q TOP or NEG perhaps 2-cold.X-Q NEG



Níwe, doo ch’il bikáá’ nijigháa da!

stop NEG plant 3-on 3-4-walk.I NEG

Stop it, one does not walk on plants!

Níwe, tʼáádoo tózis disxǫsí yóóʼ ahiłdliidí.

stop NEG liquid.container plastic 3-2-throw.away.R.NEG

Stop! Quit throwing plastic bottles away.

Ńléí dził bighą́ą́’dóó łid yót’ááh yít’i’.

over.there mountain 3-over there smoke to.rise.up into-I.

There’s a column of smoke rising into the sky from the mountaintop.

Sam ’ádił yálti’.

Sam reflx-with 3-talk.DI

Shighan bíighahgi yas biyi’dę́ę́’ tsé hahíí’ą́.

3-house 3-inside of snow 3-inside-from rock 3-stick.out.NP

Shighanídóó ’e’e’aah bich’ijígo shádí bighan.

1-home-from west 3-in.the.direction.of older.sister 3-dwell.N

Shił naa’aash shį́į́! T’áá shǫǫdí shaná’níłtsóód!

1-with 3-go.dl.CI maybe please 1-to-back-3-2-feed.I

Oh, my cousin! Please give me (some of) the food back!

T’ah ’ałk’idídą́ą́’ ’éí Diné tát’áá góyaa kéédahat’íinii t’éiyá díí tábąąhgóó bidáda’ak’eh naaznil ńt’éé’.

still quite.long.ago the people water-near areal-down pl-3-reside.NI-NOM only this water-edge-toward farm 3-lie.about.SPN past

T’áadoo hadahooł’áhí.

neg pl-3s-2dpl-make.noise.NP-Í

T’áadoo hosh niyą́ní.

T’ÁADOO cactus 3-2-eat.I-Í

T’áadoo yaa nidanoht’áhí.

NEG down pl-3-2dpl-put.SRO.I-Í

T’áá ká dibe łá yóó’ ’ajónííł

Neg sheep some 4-lose.O

Don’t let one lose any sheep.

T’áá ká k’éé’jółchxǫǫh

Neg 4-erase.O

Don’t let one erase it.

T’óó tá’ádeesgizii’ ’ííyą́ą́’.

just 3-reflex-wash.P-CONJ 3-eat.P

Tsxį́įłgo tł'aakał ła’ ’ájóle’.

hurry-GO skirt some 3-4-make.O

One wishes to quickly make a skirt.

Tsxį́įłgo łees’áán ’ánílééh; nimásání nihaa níyá!

quickly tortilla 2-make.I 2-mat.grandma 3-came.P

Tł’éédą́ą́’ mą’ii léi’ shidááh gónaa ch’élwod.

last-night coyote there 1-before areal-around 3-move-rapidly.P

Tł’óodi didíłjeeh.
