The San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec Talking Dictionary currently has 2200 entries, with 1749 audio files and 187 images.
This image gallery has returned 100 entries.
( Spanish ) oruga
Scientific name: Lepidoptera via Wikipedia
Example: Photo by hallakarl / iNaturalist, License: CC-BY-NC via
Semantic domains:
[ bë’gui’idy ]
butterfly, moth
( Spanish ) mariposa, polilla
Scientific name: Lepidoptera via Wikipedia
Example: Photo by cullen / iNaturalist, License: CC0 via
Semantic domains:
[ byùùu’b ]
leaf-cutter ant
( Spanish ) hormiga arriera
Scientific name: Atta cephalotes
Example: Photo by momoto-erick / iNaturalist, License: CC-BY-NC via
Semantic domains:
( Spanish ) caracol
Scientific name: Cornu via Wikipedia
Example: Photo by cobao / iNaturalist, License: CC-BY-NC via
Semantic domains:
[ cwàa’nàa’dy ]
type of plant (used to treat arthritis)
( Spanish ) tipo de planta (se usa a tratar la artritis)
Semantic domains:
[ dùub blììa’ ]
tobalá maguey (a wild maguey used to make mezcal)
( Spanish ) maguey tobalá (maguey silvestre que se usa para hacer mezcal)
Semantic domains:
[ dùube’èu’ ]
a type of wild maguey used to make mezcal
( Spanish ) una clase de maguey silvestre para hacer mezcal
Semantic domains:
white winged dove
( Spanish ) paloma alas blancas
Scientific name: Zenaida asiatica
Example: Foto de Jorge A. Pérez Torres, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC). via
[ gueezhro ]
large biznaga (was used to make "tortillas" during the famine)
( Spanish ) biznaga grande (se usaba para hacer "tortillas" en tiempo de hambruna)
Semantic domains:
[ guii’ch ble’ed ]
type of thorny bush
( Spanish ) especie de arbusto espinoso
Semantic domains:
[ guìi’chbèe lahg ]
type of tree (goats are dependent on this tree)
( Spanish ) tipo de árbol (que comen los chivos)
Semantic domains:
[ guichbiily ]
type of plant with barbed thorns
( Spanish ) tipo de planta con espinas
Semantic domains:
[ guichble’ed ]
type of plant (eaten by goats)
( Spanish ) tipo de planta (que comen los chivos)
Semantic domains:
[ gyabòo ]
encino oak (used to make coal)
( Spanish ) encino (se usa para hacer carbón)
Semantic domains:
All content copyright © the recorded Zapotec communities (2013-2019)
Dictionary produced by Brook Lillehaugen, with support from K. David Harrison and Jeremy Fahringer.
Supported in part with funding from a NSF REU Site grant (PI Harrison, Building Digital Tools to Support Endangered Languages and Preserve Environmental Knowledge in Mexico, Micronesia, and Navajo Nation, Award #1461056).
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Most of the black and white line drawings in these entries are taken from the Arte para la Alfabetización en México (Art for Literacy in Mexico) (Instituto Lingüistico de Verano, A.C., 2004) and are used according to the license agreement therein. All artwork remains the intellectual property of the artist.
All rights reserved. Do not distribute or reproduce without permission.
how to cite:
Lillehaugen, Brook Danielle, Felipe H. Lopez, Pamela Munro, with Savita M. Deo, Graham Mauro, and Saul Ontiveros. 2019.
San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec Talking Dictionary, version 2.0. Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages.