Ła’ ha’nitáhígíí ’éí biihidzóhí 50 entries
’Atiin bąąhgóó béésh halne’é tsin bá ’adaaz’á.
road 3-along.side telephone pole 3-for 3Pl-stand.upright.SPN’Ałk’idą́ą́’ ’ayóo nahałtin ńt’éé’.
long.ago very areal-rain.I past-’ąą
Bááh łikanígíí ła’ nisin háálá ayóo łikan.
bread 3-be.sweet.NI.NOM some 3-1-want.NI because very 3-be.sweet.NIbik’ídadidoohdis
pl-3DO-2dpl-wrap.it.around.it.FBikáá’ dah ’asdáhí bikáa’gi doodaai’ ni’góó daats’í nishdaah?
chair 3-top-at or floor-on perhaps 1-sit.NIbíhoosh’aah
1-learn.it.IChidí daats’í bee hólǫ́ ’éí doodaii’ niísh chidí nee hólǫ́?
car maybe 3-with 4-exist.N TOP or 2-Q car 2-with 4-exist.NIdadidíníilkał
pl-3DO-1dpl-melt.it.(snow).PDichin nínízin ya’?
hungry 2-want.NI QDii éé’ shił nizhónígo nahideeshniih nisin nt’éé’ ’áko ndi ayóo ilį́į́ lá.
this clothing 1-with 3-like-GO 3-1-buy.F 1-think.Cl Past even then very 3-expensive DiscDiné bikéyah bikáa’gi łáhágóó ninádahałtį́įh łeh.
Navajo 3-land 3-on-at a.few.places areal-rain.I usuallyDíídó’ doo ákót’ée daásh łí?
this-DÓ’ neg indef-how-3-be.NI neg-ÍSH ŁÍdoo chohoo’į́į́góó
Ha’át’éego lá ’íiyisíí ’atiinjį’ ’ańdeeshdááł lá?
how Q main road-up.to 1-back-on-go.F DISCha’át’éédę́ę́’
Ha’át’íí biniinaa náníldzid?
what 3-cause 2-fear.Ihadaniilchaad
3DO-1dpl-card.it.(as.in.wool).FHastiin dóó ’at’ééd ha’át’íí lá ’áyiilaa?
man and girl what Q 3-3-make.PHooghan bine’jígo łį́į́’ sizį́ dóó t’íís yiyaagi dahaastł’ǫ́.
home behind-at-GO horse 3-stand.SPN AND cottonwood 3-under-at up-3-3-tie.PK’ad cháshk’eh gódę́ę́’į́">yaa tó de ’anool’ąął.
now wash down water up 3-rise.ProgMósí yázhí chizhtah yiyah yilwod.
kitten woodpile.among 3-under 3-run.PNa’nízhoozhídę́ę́’ shíká bił ’oolwoł.
Gallup 1-for 3-with 3-drive.I
bee ’ééhóziní
- -dę́ę́’ from a general location or point in space or time, also out of, off offind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- -ká after, forfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- goal
- -ił withfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- transportation
- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’oolwoł drivefind in Navajo Verb Modes
Naalyéhé bá hooghandi t’ah doo dá’deelkaałdą́ą́’ nisingo na’ńle’dii tsį́į́ł shiisxį́ (siisxį́).
trading.post-at just NEG 3-PASS-close.I-past 1-think.N-GO dismay speed 1-3-kill.Pniłbéézh
3DO-2-boil.it.INíwe, k’ídíítih!
stop 3-2-break.SSO.IShá hooł’aah.
1-for areal-2 move-over.IShą́ą́’ ’ałk’idą́ą́’ baa hwiinít’į́į ni’.
remember long.ago 3-for 3-discuss.I recallShibéézh bik’í’óshch’iid le’ ’éé’ bitahgi yóó’ ’eelts’id.
1-knife 1-find.it.O clothes 3-among 3-move.PShimá dóó shizhé’é bił dibé dóó tł’ízí ta’nda’díígish nt’éé’.
1-mom and 1-dad 3-with sheep and goats 3-pl.shear.I past
bee ’ééhóziní
- dóó and, and thenfind in Navajo Conjunction Lexicon
- -ił withfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- dóó and, and thenfind in Navajo Conjunction Lexicon
- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- tá’dishgéésh shear itfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- ńt’éé’ pastfind in Navajo Conjunction Lexicon
- ńt’éé’ relates to past timefind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
Shínaaí shíká ’adoolwoł nisin ńt’éé’ ’áłt’ąą t’áadoo níyáa da.
1-older.brother 1-for 3-run.F 1-want.NI but after.all NEG 3-come.sg.P NEG
bee ’ééhóziní
- -ká after, forfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- benefactive
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- yishwoł run alongfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- Neuter Imperfective (NI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nisin think, wantfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- ńt’éé’ relates to past timefind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- ’áłt’ąą after allfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- t’áadoo notfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- doo --- da frame to negativize verbs and phrasesfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nishááh come, arrivefind in Navajo Verb Modes
T’ah ’ałk’idídą́ą́’ t’áá neesh’į́į́ ńt’éé’.
still quite.long.ago just 2-1-see.P pastT’áadoo yaa nidanoht’áhí.
NEG down pl-3-2dpl-put.SRO.I-ÍT’áá ’aaníígóó shił hodoonih bíniiká na’ídíshkid.
truth 1-with 3-tell.O 3-against 3-1-question. IYadiizíní bigháníshgéésh.
can 3-through-1-cut.open.IYadiizíníshą’ haa néelt’e’go nínízin?
can-Q how 3.many.N-GO 2-want.NIyideeshjį́į́ł
Future Mode: 1-become.black.Fyiilzhóó’
3DO-1dpl-brush/comb.it.PYiską́ągo Na’nízhoozhígóó deet’áazhgo haa’í lá ’adiidį́į́ł?
tomorrow Gallup-to 1dpl-go.du.F-GO where Q 1pdl-eat.Fbee ’ééhóziní
- yiską́ągo tomorrowfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- -góó to, toward, along, on, with a numeral it indicates a datefind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- -go verb and subordinating encliticfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- déyá start to gofind in Navajo Verb Modes
- haa’í where
- lá particle for content questions
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’ashą́ eatfind in Navajo Verb Modes