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For Kastom ceremony, chew the leaves with the white endosperm of coconut and then rub on body to enjoy the fragrant aroma. Sometimes when a person is working hard, and are tired, they take this leaf, mix it with ground coconut and wash in salt water. When planting yams, a bunch of leaves with this plant are mixed with wild cane and burned, and the ash put int he ground as one plants the yams.

[nakoŋ har] n. tree to 4 m tall, 25 cm dbh (collection: Michael J. Balick #4734)

Example: For Kastom ceremony, chew the leaves with the white endosperm of coconut and then rub on body to enjoy the fragrant aroma. Sometimes when a person is working hard, and are tired, they take this leaf, mix it with ground coconut and wash in salt water. When planting yams, a bunch of leaves with this plant are mixed with wild cane and burned, and the ash put int he ground as one plants the yams.