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Kastom medicine for male impotence (big bamboo = (Nare) penis). Take six 3 in. pieces of the young inflorescence before it opens, chop it and mix with a double handful of leaves from 5047 (Alternanthera brasiliana) add water (1 liter) and squeeze in cup. Patient drinks 2 bottles/day for 1 week, avoid alcohol--whisky, rum, no kava, no tobacco. Stay away from wife or partner. 1 week passes with this treatment, man is much more potent.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5037)

Example: Kastom medicine for male impotence (big bamboo = (Nare) penis). Take six 3 in. pieces of the young inflorescence before it opens, chop it and mix with a double handful of leaves from 5047 (Alternanthera brasiliana) add water (1 liter) and squeeze in cup. Patient drinks 2 bottles/day for 1 week, avoid alcohol--whisky, rum, no kava, no tobacco. Stay away from wife or partner. 1 week passes with this treatment, man is much more potent.