faka tagi gata
[ɸaka taŋi ŋata]
tree, 4 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4169)
Example: Peel off the outer portion of the stem, clean it, remove the fibers and dry them in the sun, and then weave into rope for fishing and also to make the net for catching flying fish. Weave into rope for fishing, and also weave this fiber to attach to the frame, used to catch flying fish.
Scientific name: Pipturus argenteus, Speaker: Takaronga Kuautonga
type of plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5230)
Example: Ancient people were said to use this as a fishing line. Strip off the skin (bark) of the stem and place it in the sun to dry. Remove the fiber by stripping it off and weave the fiber into a fishing line. (authorities: Naumeta Rose (male, 32), Paul Fatapa (male, 74))
Scientific name: Pipturus argenteus