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’Ahbínídą́ą́’ ch’ééh niba’ hasht’e’ ’ádííníszin.

morning-Past in.vain 2-wait ready REFL-1-keep.CI

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Tyler TinhornlistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Ellavina PerkinslistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Ellavina PerkinslistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Sharon J. Nelson

I was all ready and waiting for you all this morning (but you didn’t come), (Lit. in vain I wait for you in readiness).

’Aoo’, ’ashdladigóó ’oolkiłgo ’áádę́ę́’ sh ná’ílwod.

yes five-at-toward clock-GO there-from 1-with 3-return.P

’Ashą́ą́ nít’ę́ę́’ t’áadoo hooyání shaa ’ílwod.

1-eat.Prog past suddenly 1-for 3-drive.P

’Ashkii yázhí éí bimá kingóó yił yi’ash.

boy little TOP 3-mother store-to 3-with 3-walk.du.Prog

’Atsiniltł’ish dóó tó dayókeedígíí baa ’áłah ’aleeh lá.

electricity and water pl-3-request.I-NOM 3-for meeting DISC

’Eii łééchą̨ą’í t’áá ’áko taah yilwo’.

that dog immediately water.into 3-run.U

The dog immediately runs into the water.

Béeso bá hooghandi béeso ch’ééh ’adííníshkeed.

money 3-for house-at money in.vain 1-ask.I

Dibé tó y yáánii’á.

sheep water 3-with 3-crowd.P

The sheep crowded at the water.

Dibé doo deeghánígóó ’ałkéé’ ’idíítąądgo hooghanjį’ náákah.

sheep long.way RECP-follow 3-spread.out.NP

The sheep were strung out a long ways, one behind the other, as they headed home.

Dibé ła’ yóó’ ’íínilgo k’adę́ę ’e’e’aahgo ch’ééh naanááshwoł.

sheep some away 3-1-lose.P-GO almost evening in.vain 3-after 1-run.around.P

Díí mósí yázhí hooghangóó nááshtééł.

this cat little home-towards 3-1-carry.Prog

Doo yéé shaa yánłti’go ndiséts’ą́’į́.

NEG fear 1-to 2-talk.DI-GO 2-1-hear.P

Gohwééh ła’ shaa níkaah.

coffee some 1-to 2-give.OC.I

Ha’át’éego lá ’íiyisíí ’atiinjį’ ’ańdeeshdááł lá?

how Q main DISC

Ha’át’éegoshą’ t’áadoo ’azee’ál’į́į́góó nisíníyáa da?

why-Q NEG hospital-to NEG

Ha’át’íísh nizhé’é yaa naaghá?

what-Q 2-father 3-about 3-do.CI

Ha’át’íí lá nizhé’é yaa naaghá?

what Q 2-father 3-about 3-do.CI

Háágóó díníyá?

where-to 2-go.F

Háágóó lá Bíl doogááł nízin Jáan?

where-toward Q Bill 3-want.CI John

Háágóó lá díníyá?

where-to.Q 2-go.F

Háágóó shą’ díníyá?

where-to.Q 2-go.F

Háí lá kintahgóó sh ’adoołbąs?

who-Q town-to 1-me 3-drive.F

Háí lá kintahgóó sh adoołbąs?

who-Q town-to 1-me 3-drive.F

K’ad ’ałníí’góó ’eeshtł’óół doo yę́ę ła’ damóo yę́ędą́ą́’ t’áadoo ’asétł’ǫ́ǫ da.

now half-toward 1-weave.Prog future past one Sunday when.past NEG 1-weave.P NEG

Na’nízhoozhídę́ę́’ shíká bił ’oolwoł.

Gallup 1-for 3-with 3-drive.I

Na’nízhoozhígóó deeyá, ya’?

Gallup-toward Q

Na’nízhoozhígóósh díníyá?

Gallup-to-Q 2-go.SP

Naaki yiską́ągo Na’nízhoozhígóó shił ’adeeswod.

two yesterday Gallup-to 1-with 1-drive.F

Neeznáadigóó ’oolkiłgo ’áłah ’aleeh daaní. time-GO meeting pl-4-say.NI

Nimá yázhí bighangóó díílwoł dóó ’áájí ’awéé’ baa ’áhólyą́dooleeł.

2-auntie 3-house-toward 2-run.F and there-at baby 3-to 2-care.CI FUT

Nizhe’é ha’át’íísh yaa naaghá?

2-father what-Q 3-about 3-do.CI

Shighandóó ndáá’góó ’ada’iisdee’go nihí ’éí t’áá yiike’.

1-home-from war.ceremony-to 3-go.away.P TOP just 1du-remain.behind.P

Shimá bighangóó náshdáahgo łééchąą’í baná’ástso’.

1-mother 3-house-toward again-1-go-GO dog 3-again-1-feed.R

Shí ’éí t’áá naanishdóó kingóó déyá.

I TOP just work-from town-to 1-go.I

T’áá ’ákwíízhíní tó dah siyínígóó ’ałnánáshdááh.

every summer lake-toward again-1-go.R

T’ą́ą́tsoh táá’góó yoołkáłę́ędą́ą́’ ’ałdó’ Tóta’góó tádííyá.

May three-góó day-past also Farmington-góó 1-went.P

Táá’ daats’í shinááhaigo Hwéeldi hoolyéégóó sh dah ’adiiná níigo halne’ łeh shicheii.

three maybe 1-year.P-GO Fort.Sumner areal-be.called-toward 1-with 3-migrate.P 3-say.NI-GO

As my grandfather tells it, he was about three years old when he started off with the family on the move to Fort Sumner.

Tsé ’ayóí ’áníłtso léi’ tsékooh góyaa hadah ch’ééłmááz.

rock remarkably large INDEF canyon areal-down areal-edge out-3-1-roll.P

Tsé dzídzahashníiłgo baa naashá, daniidoiigo táchééh góne’ yah ’adoo’nił biniiye.

rock 1-go.I sweathouse into in 3-PASS.put.PlO.F 3-because

I’m busy putting stones into the fire, to be taken into the sweathouse when they get hot.

Yiską́ągo naaltsoos naa deesh’ááł.

tomorrow book 2-for 1-move.SRO.F