Search: entire dictionary Yokoim headwords English headwords Yokoim pronunciation guide
Semantic domain: [all] animal basket bodily fluids body canoe clothing & costume coconut color conversation cookware crocodile fire fish food fruit house hunting & fishing land money music number people & family pig river sago sky & weather time vegetation village
An example search has returned 100 entries
sentence we are leaving
Speaker: Ben Koni,Dialect: Manjamai span>
numeral twenty
Speaker: Nick Waikay,Dialect: Konmei span>
noun full grass skirt
sentence the woman took the pig from me
Speaker: Ben Koni,Dialect: Konmei span>
phrase hello
Speaker: Chris Nick,Dialect: Manjamai span>
noun; phrase women’s paddle
Speaker: Louis Kolisi,Dialect: Kundiman span>
noun woman, lady
noun flower, certain type
phrase tomorrow
noun firewood
phrase my name is
phrase my X
phrase my ear
Speaker: Felix Andi,Dialect: Karawari span>
phrase my coconut
phrase my song
phrase my eye
phrase my [mother]
phrase my [coconut palm]
noun roof
noun mouth
noun sago leaf
proper name Arafundi River
Speaker: Augus Kaien,Dialect: Karawari span>
noun red body paint
sentence they didn’t see me
noun eyes (sg. eye)
Speaker: Nick Waikay ,Dialect: Konmei span>
sentence I know him
noun arm, hand
noun seeds for making music
noun flower (generic)
noun heart
sentence The woman is taking the pig from me
proper name Yokoim
noun egg (pl. eggs)
noun tree (pl. trees)
noun eye (pl. eyes)
noun foot
sentence They know him
noun canoe
sentence I know you
sentence I saw you
noun armband
noun sago bark
numeral two
noun fence
proper name Kundiman
noun elder sister
noun elder brother
Speaker: Augus Kaien ,Dialect: Karawari span>
noun back
noun bilum bag
proper name Manjamai
noun braided rope usied for climbing coconut tree
noun rope holding house beams together
phrase one [river]
phrase one man
phrase one female crocodile
phrase one [tear]
sentence do you know me?
numeral ten
sentence boys are swimming in the river
phrase your [house]
noun; phrase fruit fed to fish
noun leg
sentence I saw them
sentence we gave to them
noun tool for pounding sago
phrase one sakuri catfish
numeral four
noun tooth (pl. teeth)
noun grass skirt
noun wild ginger
noun sago pulp, flour
Speaker: Louis Kolisi ,Dialect: Kundiman span>
phrase my sago palm
noun urine
noun; phrase coconut
noun hair
noun snake (pl. snakes)
sentence you didn’t see us
noun feather (pl. feathers)
noun axe
adjective young
noun younger sister
noun drum
noun name
noun night
sentence I killed the pig
sentence I shot the pig
sentence I gave the pig to you
sentence you gave the pig to me already
sentence you gave the pig to me long ago
noun; phrase fruit
noun body paint
noun white body paint
noun arms (sg. arm)
noun sago trunk
noun; phrase toothache