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[ʧ͡’o’p’] sustantivo arrow
(Spanish) flecha
Speaker: Miguel Àngel Damiàn y Damiàn
[[ʧ͡’o’pʰ]] sustantivo arrow
Speaker: Miguel Ángel Damián y Damián
[χilil] adjetivo smooth
(Spanish) liso
[kᴶe.ʛeʛ] sustantivo generalmente no poseido wind
(Spanish) viento
Speaker: Miguel Angel Damiàn y Damiàn
[laʔ.k’ureʔ] Adverbio de lugar where
(Spanish) donde
Speaker: Miguel Angel Damián y Damián
[ʔo.ʧo:ʧ] sustantivo house/shelter
(Spanish) casa
[titiʃkʰ] verbo intransitivo flow
(Spanish) fluir
[t͡se.tsenkʰ] verbo intransitivo laugh
(Spanish) reírse
[ʔuk’.aʔ] sustantivo horn
(Spanish) cuerno
Example: ja’
[’] número siχ
(Spanish) seis