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Your search for * in food has returned 28 entries
phrase Are you going to eat?
(Spanish) ¿Vas a comer?
Speaker: Francisco Ruiz Gutierrez
(Spanish) chícharos
Speaker: Edison Hipólito de los Ángeles
tepache made with pulque
(Spanish) tepache de pulque
Speaker: Minerva Gonzáles Hernández
tepache made with pineapple
(Spanish) tepache de piña
noun avocado leaf
(Spanish) hoja de aguacate
Speaker: Janet Chávez Santiago
nanche (type of fruit)
(Spanish) nanche
Speaker: Miguel Ángel Mendoza Bautista
ripe nanche (type of fruit)
(Spanish) nanche maduro
noun nanche (type of fruit)
noun chayote (type of edible squash)
(Spanish) chayote
Speaker: Teresa Martínez Chavez
chayote (type of edible squash)
Speaker: Noel Alejandro García Juárez
wild blackberry
(Spanish) zarzamora
noun mushroom
(Spanish) champiñón
(Spanish) carne de res
(Spanish) carne de puerco
adjective raw meat
(Spanish) carne cruda
Speaker: Camelia Lazo Chávez
noun meat
(Spanish) carne
Speaker: Bibiana Gutiérrez
noun fried chicken
(Spanish) pollo frito
noun fish
(Spanish) pescado; pez
noun fried fish
(Spanish) pescado frito
noun butcher
(Spanish) carnicero
Speaker: Manuel de Jesús Mendoza Chávez
(Spanish) menta, hierbabuena
(Spanish) yerbabuena
(Spanish) ciruela
red apricots
(Spanish) chabacanos rojos
noun banana
(Spanish) plátano
noun tuna (type of cactus fruit)
(Spanish) tuna
tuna (type of cactus fruit)
Speaker: Froylan Carreño Gutiérrez