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Semantic domain: [all] agriculture animal body part body part part body party part clothing color cuerpo emotion flower food greeting insect kinship location medicinal number numero plant plants pronoun religion or Cali Chiu chapter: [all] CC I-9 CC VIII-3
An example search for * has returned 10 entries
(Spanish) gorrión
Speaker: Eloterio Hernandez Martinez
(Spanish) hierba para golpes
Speaker: Juana Martinez Martinez
a type of wild plant
(Spanish) planta silvestre que florea en todo santos
Speaker: Aurora Sánchez Gómez
type of field rat
(Spanish) rato de campo
uncomfortable adjetivo
(Spanish) incomodo
Speaker: Aurora Sánches Gómes
to fall
(Spanish) caer
(Spanish) blanco
Speaker: Floriana Hernández Martínez
useful adjective
(Spanish) útil
a, an; one (used e.g. when counting tortillas)
(Spanish) un; uno, una (se usan, p. ej. en contar tortillas)
(Spanish) abajo del nanchal
Speaker: Sérgio Javier Morales Raymundo