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ʼAghááł chidí bídadooltłʼółígíí k'ad hashtʼe dadiilnííł.

rattle rope car 3-3-tie-ÍGÍÍ.F now 3-prepare 3-1pl-make.F

Letʼs prepare the yarn that will be tied onto the vehicles now.

’Ahbínígo gohwééh dííłbish.

morning-GO coffee 3-2-boil.F

’Ałk’idą́ą́’ ye’iitsoh lei’ jiní “łeeh nideeshbish.”

long.ago giant INDEF 4-say.P ground-into 2-1.roast.F

Long ago, a giant said, “I will roast you in the pit”.

’Áádóó “shiba’ yílwoł”, ní ma’ii, jiní.

and.then 1-ahead 2-run.F 3-say.P coyote 4-say.P

And then, “You trot along ahead of me”, Coyote said, they said.

’Áłahji’ tó dilchxoshí síníł’ą́ą dooleeł.

always water popping-Í 3-2-keep.SPN

Keep a soda at all times.

'Áłahji’ tó dilchxoshí síníł’ą́.

always water popping-Í 3-2-keep.SPN

'Ólta’góó deínóhkááh.


Abínídą́ą́’ kintahgóó dah didoohkah.

morning-past town-GÓÓ up start-3pl.go.F

Beeldléí danołtsóós.

blanket pl-3-2dpl-bring.FFO.I

Bįįh b da’doołdǫǫh.

deer 3-with pl-2dpl-shoot.I

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Ron GenelistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Irene Silentman

You all shoot the deer!

Ch’ééh jidighaahgo, ajółhosh laanaa jinizin łeh.

in.vain 4-walk.I-GO, 4-sleep.O hope 4-want.CI usually

Chaha’oh biyaagi ni’dííłbąs. 3-under-at 2-drive.F

Chidí diiłts’į́į́h.

car 3-2-start.I

Chizh ła’ yah ’aníjááh.

firewood some in 2-bring.I

Dah díníilghaazh ’áshįįh bik’ídíínił.

fry.bread salt 3-on-3-2-sprinkle.PlO.F

You will sprinkle salt on the fry bread. Sprinkle salt on the fry bread.

Dah níljííd!

up 2-jump.I

Dibé yah ánádanołkaad!

sheep inside semelit-pl-2pl-gather.R

Díí tł’éé’ t’áá ká dóola dá’ák’eólyeed lágo, dádiʼnítįįh.

this night NEG bull into.field-3-run.O hope.not 3-2-close.gate.I

Díí yiską́ągo ’íídííłtah.

this tomorrow 3-2-read.F

Hada’niłhosh le’!

up-pl-3-3-bubble.up.CI LE’

Let water bubble forth!

Háá’íshą’. ’Ákǫ́ǫ́ dílyeed!

what-Q there 2-run.F

Jáan biʼdizhchínéejįʼ ʼanááhoolzhiizh. Tįʼ bá daʼdiidįį́ł.

John 2-birth-up-to again-area-arrive.P let's.go 3-for pl-2-eat.F

It is John’s birthday, let’s have a dinner for him.

K’os hóle’!

cloud 3s-become.O

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Irene SilentmanlistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Conan Gene

I wish for clouds

Naʼahóóhai baa nídiikai ʼakó ʼakʼidahiʼniłí bee shí ʼadíílwoł.

rodeo 3-about so saddle.blanket 3-with 1-after 2-help.F

Naʼazhǫǫshgóó dooʼáazhgo nihikééʼ ʼiih deeshwoł.

casino-GÓÓ 2du-go.F-GO 2pl-behind 3-into 1-run.F

Neel’ą́ą le’. LE’

I wish water to reach (my stomach).



listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Irene SilentmanlistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Conan Gene

I wish for it to sprinkle.

Nimá sání bich’į́’ ch’iyáán ła’ dijááh.

2-grandmother 2-to food some start-3-2.take.PlO2.F

Nizhónígo saad ha’oodzíí’ ’áníléehgo bik’e’íłchí.

nicely word HO-speak.P 3-2-make.I-GO 3-2-write.I



Níwe, bíni'dii ’ałwosh!

stop 3-let 3-sleep.I

Stop, let it sleep!

Níwe, ni’éé’ t’óó bik’i na’ínil

stop 2-clothes just 3-on 3-2-dribble.I

Stop, you are just messing up your clothes!

Níwe, t’óó bee nídinine’!

stop just 3-with 3-2-play.P

Stop, you are just starting to play with it!

Shíká ’anilyeed.

1-for 2-run.I

Help me. / You’re helping me. (lit. You’re running for me.)

T’iis bąąh nidaohna’.

cottonwood 3-on pl-2dpl-climb.I

Tį’ ninádeiilnish.

let’s.go again-pl-1dpl-work.R

Tó tsíídkáá’ dididííkááł.

water charcoal-on start-3-2-put.OC.F

Put the water on the charcoal (at some time in the future).

Tó tsíídkáá’ didíkaah.

water charcoal-on start-3-2-put.I.OC

Tsxį́įłgo ni’éé’ biih ni’nééh.

hurry 2-clothes 3-into 2-crawl.I

Yishdlosh le’.

peg-1-trot.Prog LE’

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Irene SilentmanlistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Conan Gene

I wish to trot (in water).

“Chizh ła’ nahílááh”, hałní jíní.

firewood some 2-gather.I 4-say.P 4-say.P

“Gather some firewood”, one said, it was said.

“Níléi dził binaagóó ’áheehidi’níílchééł”, ní jiní ma’ii.

yonder.there mountain 3-around-GÓÓ around-2-du-run.F 3-say.P 4-say.P coyote

“Sh naa’aash ’ałgháádidiit’ash”, ní ma’ii jiní.

1-with cousin 1du-race.F 3-say.P coyote 4-say.P

“My cousin, letʼs have a race”, Coyote said to the skunk, they said.