Your search for the mode Neuter Imperfective (NI)
has returned 50 entries
’Akóyaa ’adah, t’áá baa ’áhólchįįh.
there-down down, just 3-to 2-aware.NI’Asdzą́ą́ Báhoozhóní yinishyé.
woman happy 1-called.NI’Ayóo deesk’aazgo beeldléí ditánígíí biih násh’nah.
very cold-GO blanket 3-thick.NI-ÍGÍÍ 3-into 1-crawl.RWhen it’s very cold, I get into a thick blanket.
bookmarkBíla’ashdla’ii nishlį́.
3-hand-five-NOM 1-be.NICh’é’étiingóó naanéhígíí shił bééhózin.
entrance-along 3-play.I-COMP 1-with 3-know.NICh’iyáán t’óó ’ahayóí ndi tó ’ádin.
food lots but water 3-none.NIChidí nahideeshnih ndi shibéeso ’ádin.
car 3-1-buy.F but 1-money 3-none.NIDa’ chidíísh bee hólǫ́ doodaii’ ni daats’í chidí nee hólǫ́?
Q car-Q 3-with 4-exist.NI or 2 maybe car 2-with 4-exist.NIDa’ dichinísh nínízin?
Q hunger-Q 2-feel.NIDibé bitsį’ doodago béégashii bitsį’ daats’í nínízin?
sheep 3-meat or cow 3-meat possibly 3-2-want.NIDichin nínízin ya’?
hungry 2-want.NI QDichinísh doodaii’ dibáá’ísh dzinízin?
hunger-Q or thirst-Q 3-4-want.NIDiné bikéyah bikáa’gi ndahonidzood yę́ędą́ą́’ Naatsis’áán hoolyéégóó niha’áłchíní bił ’adahineet’į́į́’.
Navajo 3-land 3-on-at past Navajo.Mountain areal-be.called.NI-to 1pl-children 3-with
At the time people were on the run in Navajoland, fleeing in small groups, we sneaked away with our children one group after another, to Navajo Mountain.
bookmark- -káá’ on, on top offind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- location
- -gi atfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
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- yę́ędą́ą́’ pastfind in Navajo Conjunction Lexicon
- Neuter Imperfective (NI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- -ił withfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- accompaniment
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Diné nishłį́į ndi Bilaagana bizaad t’éí bee yáshti’.
Navajo 1-be.NI but English language only 3-with 1-speak.IDoo hanii kintahgóó díníyáa da nisin.
NEG contrary town-toward 2-start.go.P NEG 1-think.CI
I thought you weren’t going to town.
bookmark- doo --- da frame to negativize verbs and phrasesfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- hanii expresses contrarinessfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- -góó to, toward, along, on, with a numeral it indicates a datefind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- goal
- Neuter Imperfective (NI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nisin think, wantfind in Navajo Verb Modes
Dziłghą́’ą́ bizaad diists’a’ laanaa.
White.Mountain.Apache 3-language 1-understand.NI wishGohwééh nayiisnii’ídiísh bił bééhózin?
coffee 3-3-buy.P-at-Q 3-with 3-know.NI
Do they know where he bought the coffee?
bookmark- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nahashniih buy, sellfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- -ísh enclitic for yes/no questions
- -di atfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- location
- -ił withfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Neuter Imperfective (NI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- bééhózin there is knowledgefind in Navajo Verb Modes
Gohwééh t’áá bizhání ’éí doodaii’ ’abe’ biłgo daats’í nínízin?
coffee only TOP or milk 3-with-GO perhaps 3-2-want.NIHa’át’íí neidiyoołnih nínízin?
who 3-3-buy.F 2-think.NIHa’át’íísh neidiyoołnih nínízin?
who-Q 3-3-buy.F 2-think.NIHa’át’íísh nizhé’é nahideeshnih nízin.
what-Q 2-father 3-1-buy.F 3-want.NIHáidíígíísh neidiyoołnih nínízin?ÍGÍÍ-Q 3-3-buy.F 2-think.NIHáí dahoneesná, Kinłánídę́ę́’ ’Óola yee ’ádadójíhígíí doodago Gah Bikee’ Taah Yí’áhídę́ę́’ Hado yee ’ádadójíhígíí daats’í?
who pl-3-win.P Denver-from nugget 3-with RFLX-pl-4-call.NI-nom or Florida-from heat 3-with RFLX-pl-4-call.NI-nom perhaps
Which team won? Denver Nuggets or Miami Heat.
bookmark- háí who
- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- -ee by means offind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Neuter Imperfective (NI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- doodago orfind in Navajo Conjunction Lexicon
- -ee by means offind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- daats’í maybe, perhaps, possiblyfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
Mary ha’át’íí lá yinízin?
Mary what Q 3-3-want.NINaʼahóóhai nitsaa bił hoo’aahgóó dóola dííyééł.
rodeo 3-big.NI 3-with areal-space.I-to bull 2-haul.FNeeznáadigóó ’oolkiłgo ’áłah ’aleeh daaní. time-GO meeting pl-4-say.NINihimásání ha’át’íí lá yinízin?
1dpl-grandmother what LÁ 3-3-want.NINisneez sélį́į’go shicheii nahałáhági ’át’éego nahashłáa doo nisin.
1-tall.NI 1-become.P-GO 1-grandfather 1-perform.ceremony.CI future 3-want.NINizhé’é ha’át’íísh nahideeshnih nízin.
2-father-Q what 3-1-buy.F 3-want.NIShichidí t’ahdii yá’át’ééh, ’át’ah ’índa ła’ ninááhideeshnih.
1-car still 3-good.N later one again-3-1-buy.FShíká ’anánílwo’ doodago’ t’áadoo shaa nánít’į́ní!
1-after indef-help.R or just-neg 1-about 1-2-bother.NI-negShínaaí shíká ’adoolwoł nisin ńt’éé’ ’áłt’ąą t’áadoo níyáa da. 1-for 3-run.F 1-want.NI but after.all NEG NEGI wanted my older brother to help me but unfortunately he didn’t come.
bookmark- -ká after, forfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- benefactive
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- yishwoł run alongfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- Neuter Imperfective (NI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nisin think, wantfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- ńt’éé’ relates to past timefind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- ’áłt’ąą after allfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- t’áadoo notfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- doo --- da frame to negativize verbs and phrasesfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nishááh come, arrivefind in Navajo Verb Modes
Tó lą’ígo nidlą́ ’áko bee nitah yá’áh’hoot’ééh dooleeł.
water many 3-2-drink.DI so 3-with 2-among pl-3-good.NI future
Drink lots of water so that you can be healthy.
bookmark- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’áko so, so that, so thenfind in Navajo Conjunction Lexicon
- -ee by means offind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- -tah, -taa-, -ta- among, mixingfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Neuter Imperfective (NI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- dooleeł futurefind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
Tł’óo’di kǫ’ diltłi’ bikáa’gi chéch’il ła’ dináádísh’nííł.
outside-at fire 3-burn.NI 3-on-at oak some fire-again-3-1-move.PlO.I
I put some more oak on top of the fire burning outside.
bookmark- Neuter Imperfective (NI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- diltłi’ burnfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- dináádish’nííł put more of them into the firefind in Navajo Verb Modes
- tł’óo’di outsidefind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- -gi atfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
Yadiizíníshą’ haa néelt’e’go nínízin?
can-Q how 3.many.N-GO 2-want.NIYadiizíníshą’ haa néelt’e’go nínízin?
can-Q how 3.many.N-GO 2-want.NIYéego ’ííníłta’, shi’awéé’, ’áko nizhónígo ni’dííłtah.
really 2-study.NI 1-baby so well 2-graduate.FGive education your best, my child, so that you can graduate.
bookmarkYiską́ągoósh ’adeestsił nínízingo bee na’anishí hasht’enilééh?
tomorrow-Q 1-make.F 2-want.NI-GO tool 3-2-prepare.IÁniid iiyą́ą́ ’áko ndi t’ah dichin nisin.
Recently 1-eat.P even then still 3-hungry 1-want.NI
I recently ate even then I am still hungry.
bookmark- ’ániidígo recently, not long agofind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’áko ndi even so, even thenfind in Navajo Conjunction Lexicon
- -t’ah in a recess, pocket or enclosed space, undercoverfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Neuter Imperfective (NI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nisin think, wantfind in Navajo Verb Modes