Your search for the imperative Indirect command with implied negation
has returned 4 entries

Dibé yázhi bimá doo boosáni da, biʼnootsaał.

sheep little 3-mother NEG 3-love.I NEG 3-starve.O

Ashkii tó nílinígíi yiih dzółhaał.

Boy flowing.water-ÍGÍÍ 3-in 3-3-fall.O

’Ashkii tó nílinígíi yiih dzółhaał.

boy water 3-be.NI-ÍGÍÍ 3-in 3-fall.O

’Awééh kweʼé ninishteeh, adaʼoogeeh.

baby here 3-carry.AnO.I 3-fall.O