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This page has returned 86 entries
Speaker: Martial Wahe
v. plant modifier word used with yam ("nuk")
shine flying fox
Speaker: Martial wahe
feed pig
v. poison (for example a fish)
catch the hen
n. a type of traditional exchange ceremony
adj. thirsty
adj. slippery
adj. old
v. construct a yam trellis
v. look up! (imperative)
look up and see a plan
(Bislama) tra look antap by you look wan plen.
phrase can you look up
(Bislama) look antap
adj. yellow
to weave (a basket)
adj. good, beautiful, useful
sleep and look up
put in order
n anchor (of boat)
v drink water
(Bislama) tra drink wata
kill dog
kill pig
don’t climb
don’t cry
(Bislama) no cry
enough hurt or killed children
v. to clear away bush or brush, to scratch, claw, or carry away
v. to slap
v. to stick with a knife or spear
v. to sprout or send up shoots
v. to clean brush, sweep or weed a garden, to clean for preparation, like kava
n camp
cut my penis( circumsision)
cut your penis
cut his penis
v cut tree stump
(Bislama) katem stampa blo hood.
v cut my hair
(Bislama) katem hair blo mi
v cut the hood branches
v. go away! (imeprative)
get out or keep away, I cut the road
(Bislama) kamaot mi katem road
v shut the door
(Bislama) sarem door
scrape the coconut
(Bislama) sikrasem coconat
v. stand (imperative)
v. to braid rope or hair, or wrap with coconut leaves
v. bite out or scrape with teeth
v. to strip off leaves, for example coconut leaves from a frond
v tie a house post
(Bislama) taetem ol pos blo aos.
Example: see more on Youtube
v look down or shut our eyes we pray
v. bend down (imperative)
v. to wear a penis wrapper
peeled taro (skin out)
(Bislama) skinimtaro
pilled yam (skin out)
v. open
(Bislama) openem
v. to fight with
take out the skin of the something like hood stemp with a knife
adj. big, large
v eat two things, like meat and taro together rather than only meat
v push something, like a car or tree
(Bislama) pusum trak
v. to garden
adv., adj. wild, in the bush
you listen
v. 1. to grate tubers, 2. treat with traditional medicine by spitting grated or masticated ingredients on the patient’s head
v. to make twine, by twirling between the fingers
v. look down! (imperative)
v 1. spill (as liquid); 2. capsize, overturn, dump out; 3. fall, drop
Speaker: Wahe Martial
v. to peel skin or husk
can you squeeze me or massage me
(Bislama) tra skwisim mi.
v. intransitive walk downhill
v. come here! (imperative)
v. take! or hold! (imperative)
v cut fire wood in pieces
(Bislama) spletem fire hood.
splet dry coconut intwo pieces
v. to kill