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This page has returned 32 entries
noun pincer
(Hindi) चिमटी
adj. huge
(Hindi) बहुत बडा, विशाल
Speaker: Khandu Degio
adj. horrid
(Hindi) बहुत बुरा
adj. hilarious
(Hindi) अत्यधिक हास्यजनक
verb adore
(Hindi) बहुत पसंद करना
noun herb
(Hindi) जडी-बूटी
noun handicraft
(Hindi) दस्तकारी
adj. inborn
(Hindi) पयदाशी
noun shrub
(Hindi) झाडी
noun needle
(Hindi) सुई
verb play
(Hindi) खेलना
noun tournament
(Hindi) खेल प्रतियोगिता
noun fun
(Hindi) मनोरंजन, हँसी-मजाक
verb hang
(Hindi) लटकाना, टांगना
noun bear
(Hindi) भालू
adj. broad
(Hindi) चौडा
adj. thick
(Hindi) मोटा
noun snail
(Hindi) घोंघा
n boys and girls, as named in the special lexicon used by priests, orators, and singers (see mimsa)
adj. auspicious
(Hindi) शुभ, मांगलिक
verb paint
(Hindi) रंगना
verb haul
(Hindi) घसीटना, खींचना
verb drag
(Hindi) (कठिनाई के साथ) घसीटना
noun sparrow
(Hindi) गौरैया
adv. too
(Hindi) भी
adv. thence
(Hindi) वहाँ से
adv. thereafter
(Hindi) उसके बाद
noun Oriental Small-clawed Otter
adj. lazy
(Hindi) आलसी, आलस
adj. indolence
(Hindi) सुस्ती
adj. dull
(Hindi) सुस्त
adj. gross