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This page has returned 16 entries
noun shrine
(Hindi) मकबरा, समाधि
noun type of bamboo arrow, with blunt tip, used by children to kill small birds
Speaker: Khandu Degio
noun ghost
(Hindi) भूत, प्रेतात्मा
noun mask
(Hindi) नकाब
noun vampire
(Hindi) नरपिशाच
noun apparition
(Hindi) भूत-प्रेत, आत्मा
verb sip
(Hindi) चुस्की
verb suck
(Hindi) चुसना
verb disperse
(Hindi) छितरा देना
verb sow
(Hindi) बीज बोना
verb blow
(Hindi) (हवा का) बहना
noun loss
(Hindi) खोना
adj. lost
verb lose, lost
(Hindi) खो देना
noun cucumber
(Hindi) खीरा
adj. dumb
(Hindi) गूँगा