Entry # 128 has returned 1 entry
[ʔuk’a:ʔ ] sustantivo horn
(Spanish) cuerno
Speaker: José Luis González Vásquez
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All content copyright © Achi language community. (2014)
Dictionary produced by José Luis González Vásquez, Abelino Román Lajuj, María Vásquez de González, José Reginaldo Pérez Vail, Ajb’ee Jimenez, Anna Luisa Daigneault, Rodrigo Ranero Echeverría, Gregory D. S. Anderson, K. David Harrison (2014)
All rights reserved. Do not distribute or reproduce without permission.
how to cite:
Achi Talking Dictionary.
K’ulb’il Yol Twitz Paxil / The Academy of Mayan Languages, Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages.
Interface and database design under the direction of Jeremy Fahringer and Swarthmore College ITS.