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’Ahbínídą́ą́’ ch’ééh niba’ hasht’e’ ’ádííníszin.
morning-Past in.vain 2-wait ready REFL-1-keep.CI’Ahbínídą́ą́’ hashbį’go baa nídiisdzá ’ákondi t’áadoo ’áłtso da.
morning-past 1-clear.I-GO 3-for 1-start.P however but not-yet all NEG’Áhéhee’ dóó baa ’ahééh nisin. and 3-for appreciation 1-think.CI’Áłchíní bi’éé’ náádaségis.
children 3-clothes 3-1-wash.RAdaadą́ą́, hééł sinil gone’ hastht’ehooshłaa.
Day.last belongings storage inside 3-1-clean.PCh’ééh déyá léi’ t’óó hanáshyį́į́h.
try 1.go.P since just’óóshdą́ą́dą́ą́’ Bilagáanaa Bizaad doo diists’a’ da. K’ad ’éí t’áá shxǫǫ t’áá bee yáshti’.
formerly English neg 1-understand.I neg. Now TOP good.thing barely 3.with 1.speak-ICh’óóshdą́ą́dą́ą́’ Bilagáanaa Bizaad doo diists’a’ da. K’ad éí t’ááshxǫǫd t’áá bee yáshti’.
formerly English NEG 1-understand.I NEG | now TOP at.least just 3-with 1-speak.IChidí bąąh dah sitání bąąh dah shishtįįh ńt’éé’ ’ił adaagizí doo ’éí da lá.
car license plate 3-1-put. I SSO past Sup-with screw neg that neg Disc.Chidí daats’í bee hólǫ́ ’éí doodaii’ niísh chidí nee hólǫ́?
car maybe 3-with 4-exist.N TOP or 2-Q car 2-with 4-exist.NIDa’ dichinísh nínízin?
Q hunger-Q 2-feel.NIDa’ Ron saad nináánéíłkaah ya’?
Q Ron word 3-3-investigate.I QDibé bits’į́’ daodą́ą́’ lágo.
sheep 3-meat pl-3-1dpl-eat.O LÁGODibé dził binániidi da’ałchozh.
sheep mountain 3-slope-at Pl-3-graze.CIDlǫ́ǫ́’ ’akǫ́ǫ́ náájilwod.
Prairie Dog LOC-there It. 4-2-run.IDlǫ́ǫ́’ ba’áán góne’ yah ’adeeshnii’go dlǫ́’áyázhí shishhash. 3-hole into 1-bite.PDoo chosh shijooł’į́į́’ léi’gi’ ’át’éégóó shił hóyéé’.
NEG 3-1-make.use.O proof.against-NEG 1-with lazy.NIDoo t’áá k’ad chidí na’ní’ą́ą da.
NEG just now vehicle 2-3-1-lend.P NEGHa’át’íísh baa hane’?
What Q 3-for be.told.CIHa’át’íí́sh baa hane’?
What Q 3-for be.told.CIhaa nízahdę́ę́’ hoolzhiizh
Haashíyee’ ’ahíłká ’ańdiijah.
let’s.see really each.other-for éí tsídii ła’ ’adah ’ayídzí’ą́.
man TOP bird INDEF down nééz doondó’ ndi ’alzhish da.
man tall NEG but 3-dance.DI NEGHáadi lá dibé nidahaniih?
where-at Q sheep pl-3-pass-sell.CIHádą́ą́’ Jáan bighan ’áyiilaa?
When-past John 3-hogan 3-3-make.PHííłch’į’go ’íinda ta’iideeshnih.
evening.GO until 1-mix.dough.FHodíínáá’ágo bááh dootł’izhí ła’ deeshį́į́ł.
after.a.while-GO bread blue some 1-eat.Fnidadiilyeeł
pl-3DO-1dpl-carry.a.ropelike.thing.around.Fcarry a ropelike thing around, 1st person plural