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’Ahwééh bee yishdlį́hígíí bikáá’ ’adání bikáá’ dah yish’ááh.
coffee 3-with 3-1-drink.P-NOM table 3-on up 3-1-put.SRO.U
Whenever I finish drinking coffee I place it (the cup) on the table.
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’Ahwééh ła’ yishdlą́.
coffee some 3-1-drink.I’Atsiniltł’ish dóó tó dayókeedígíí baa ’áłah ’aleeh lá.
electricity and water pl-3-request.I-NOM 3-for meeting DISC’Ayóo łį́į́’ shił naalgeed diní, ’ííshją́ą́shį́į́ díí łį́į́chogii bikáá’ dah ńdaah.
very horse 1-with 3-buck.CI 3-2-say.NI lets.see this stallion 3-on up 2-sit.I’Áádóó haa hóót’įįd?
and.then how ho-happened.P’Áłah ’aleehdi hastiin léi’ t’óó yááłtih yiits’a’.
meeting-at man INDEF just 3-talk.Prog 3-be.heard.I’Áłtsé biba’ dooleeł ’áko shį́į́ ’índa nihił dah adidoolwoł.
first 3.for will until then only 1.with start 3-drive.F’Óshą́ą́’ laanaa’ dichin shi’niiłxį́.
1-eat.O wish hunger 1-3-kill.I-doondó’ --- da, doo ndi ---da, doondó’ ndi --- da
At’ééd na’abąąs yíhooł’ą́ą’go bimá yił ’oołbąs.
girl driving 3-3-learn.P-GO 3-mother 3-with 3-drive.ProgBich'ah haini'ą́, "díí bee yisdádíínááł," hałní jiní.
hat 3-2-give.P with.this.PP pl-2-survive.F 3-to.say.I they.sayBįįh bił da’doółdǫǫh.
deer 3-with pl-2dpl-shoot.OChidí binaashnish yę́ę ’áádóó t’óó ni’ kwíishłaa.
vehicle 3-1-work.CI past and.then just stop 1-stop.PChidí bits’ą́ą́’ niiltłago t’óó yíyooyił.
car 3-from 3-stop.P-GO just 3-3-push.Prog
S/he is pushing his/her stalled vehicle.
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Chidí naat’a’í ’íinilaaígíí háajį’ ninít’a’?
airplane 3-2-make.P-ÍGÍÍ 3-fly.PChidí nahideeshnih ndi shibéeso ’ádin.
car 3-1-buy.F but 1-money 3-none.NIChidíísh bee hólǫ́ doodaii’ ni daats’í chidí nee hólǫ́?
car-Q 3-with 4-exist.NI or 2 maybe car 2-with 4-exist.NIdajitł’óóo yę́ędą́ą́’ dziłghą́ą́’dę́ę́’ shádí dóó ba’áłchíní bił ’adaashkai.
sunday past-time mountain top.of-from 1-elder.sister and 3-children 3-with downward-1-go.Pl.Pdeiłhį́į́híí tł’éé’ t’áá ká dóola dá’ák’eólyeed.
this night NEG bull into.field-3-run.OHa’át’íí neidiyoołnih nínízin?
who 3-3-buy.F 2-think.NIHa’át’ííshą’ hastiin dóó ’at’ééd ’áyiilaa?
what-Q man and girl 3-3-make.Phaa nízahdę́ę́’ hoolzhiizh
Háágóósh díníyá?
where-to-Q 2-go.IHágoónee’, t’áá ’ákódí shahane’.
well that’s.all 1-storyHoozdodę́ę́’ Łééchąąłgaii bee nááshdááłgo Kinłánídi da’jiyání góne’ sédáago shiyaa haalwod lá.
Phoenix-from greyhound.bus 3-with 1-return.Prog-GO Flagstaff-at cafe into 1-sit.SPN-GO 1-under 3-run.P DISC
Coming back from Phoenix by Greyhound bus I got left behind in the restaurant in Flagstaff.
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Háidíígíísh łį́į́ʼ bił deeshdlóózh?ÍGÍÍ-Q horse 3-with 3-crawl.FKinaaldáágóó jidóya’ t’óó ’ílį́.
puberty.ceremony-to 4-go.O hope just thinkNa’nízhoozhídę́ę́’ shíká bił ’oolwoł.
Gallup 1-for 3-with 3-drive.I
S/he is driving from Gallup to get me.
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- -ká after, forfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
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- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
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Naat’áanii ’índa níyá.
boss just 3.arrive.Pnishóóh
3DO-2-brush/íwe, tʼáádoo tózis disxǫsí yóóʼ ahiłdliidí.
stop NEG liquid.container plastic 3-2-throw.away.R.NEGSha’áłchíní béeso ’ashladiin baa nínil ńt’éé’ t’ááła’ajį́ ’ałtso yibadooskai.
1-children money 50 3-for 2-put.PlO.P past at-once all 3-3-exhaust.PShá bíighah na’ashkǫ́ǫ́’go yiishjį́į́’ lá.
sun proportionate 1-swim.CI-GO 1-sun.burn.I DISCShi’éé’ kin bikáá’dóó hadah (or bidah, ’adah) ’ahé’ah.
1-clothes house 3-on-from areal-downward 3-1-toss.FFO.P
I dropped my clothes down one after another from the top of the house.
bookmark- ’adah downward from a heightfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- -káá’ on, on top offind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
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- -dóó from a specific location or point in space or timefind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
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- ’ahish’áád toss awayfind in Navajo Verb Modes
Shidá’í éí t’óó chaha’oh ła’ nijó’aah laanaa ní.
my.uncle TOP just arbor one 4-build.O hope 2-say.PShił naa’aash shį́į́! T’áá shǫǫdí shaná’níłtsóód!
1-with 3-go.dl.CI maybe please 1-to-back-3-2-feed.IShí ’éí doo shił bééhozin da nít’éé’.
1-possessive TOP NEG 3-3-knowledge.CI NEG pastFor me, I didn’t know about this.