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’Ákǫ́ǫ́ shił díí’ash.
there 1-with 2sg-go.du.F-ká
Adaadą́ą́, hééł sinil gone’ hastht’ehooshłaa.
Day.last belongings storage inside 3-1-clean.PBichidí yichǫ’ yę́ędą́ą́’ ’ashkii t’áani’ nálwod.
3-vehicle 3-P-ruin past boy on.foot 3-P-returnCh’iyáán ’ííshłaa ’áádóó da’iidą́ą́’.
food 3-1-make.P CONJ 1Pl-eat.Pch’į́į́góó
Chidí sits’ą́ą́’ hashtł’ish yiih yilwodgo t’áá ch’į́į́góó ch’ééh ’ííł’įįd.
car 1-from mud 3-into 3-go.P-GO failure in.vain 1-act.P
I did everything possible to get my car out of the mud.
bookmark- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- yilyeed go, runfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’asht’í actfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- t’áá ch’į́į́góó failurefind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- -iih intofind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
Chidí bitooʼ ʼásdįįdgo doo diitsʼį́į da dooleeł.
truck 3-gas 3-exhaust.NP-GO NEG 3-start.I NEG 3-become.Fdashiilbéézhłhį́į́hłbishásts’aa’ shił naaldloosh ńt’éé’ shimá siiłtsą́, yiniinaa násineestsxas.
ram 1-with 3-trot.CI past 1-mother 1-3-see.P 3-because 1-3-whip.Pdeidííłhį́į́’íí ’abíní dibé tóógóó neeshkał.
this morning sheep water-to 3-1-herd.ProgDíí chizh shá ’ałk’íniishóósh.
this firewood 1-for 3-2-split.IDíí tł’éé’ t’áá ká dóola dá’ák’eólyeed lágo.
this night NEG bull into.field-3-run.O hope.not LÁGODlǫ́ǫ́’ ’a’ą́ą́dę́ę́’ hanoolne’ dóó naneesne’. hole-from stick.head.up.out.P and 3-look.around.PDzi’izí bikee’ náásxis nít’éé’ bił daalkaałí baa’íí’á.
bicycle 3-tire 3-3-turn.Prog past nail 3-into-3-extend.NPHa’át’íísh nizhé’é nayiisnii’?
what-Q 2-father 3-3-buy.PHa’át’íísh nizhé’é yaa naaghá?
what-Q 2-father 3-about 3-do.CIHa’ąądi dibé bighan.
areal-other.side sheep 3-corralhadiiltééł
3DO-1dpl-carry.him/her.up.out.of.something.Fcarry him/her up out of something, 1st person dual
bookmarkHahgo hooghan ’ájílééh?
When hogan 4-make.IHastiin dóó ’at’ééd lá ha’át’íí ’áyiilaa?
man and girl Q what 3-3-make.PHáadi niyaa hazlį́į́’?
where-at 2-under area-grow.Pháálá
becauseHádą́ą́’ hooghan ’ájíilaa?
When-past this hogan 3-4-make.PK’aa’ísh ’aní’á biyaa doodago daats’í báhátis ’ayiist’oh ?
arrow-Q bridge 3-under or perhaps 3-over 3-3-shot.P
Did s/he perhaps shoot arrows under or over the bridge?
bookmark- -ísh enclitic for yes/no questions
- doodago particle or
- daats’í particle for perhaps
- -yaa under, beneath, downfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- location
- -tis overfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- location
- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’adisht’oh be an archer, shoot arrowsfind in Navajo Verb Modes
Kénídánííljeehgo, sin ła’ beehódíítał. song some 2-sing.FNa’ńle’dii. Tó háníyá, tóhą́ą ’ásdįįd lá.
dismay water areal-1.go 3-disappear.P DISCNichxǫ' t'áadoo baa nánít’íní.
stop NEG 3-about 2-bother.I-ÍNighéí na’ashch’ąą’ígíí níil’į́.
over.there painting-ÍGÍÍ 3-2-du.look.INisneez sélį́į’go shicheii nahałáhági ’át’éego nahashłáa doo nisin.
1-tall.NI 1-become.P-GO 1-grandfather 1-perform.ceremony.CI future 3-want.NINizhónígo saad ha’oodzíí’ ’áníléehgo bik’e’íłchí.
nicely word HO-speak.P 3-2-make.I-GO 3-2-write.Iniłhį́į́híwe, tʼáádoo łééchąąʼí nánítałʼí.
stop NEG dog 3-2-kicking.R.NEGSam ’ádił yálti’.
Sam reflx-with 3-talk.DIShá hooł’aah.
1-for areal-2 move-over.IT’áá ká ’adinoólgháásh.
neg 2-oversleep.OT’iis Ts’ózídi shicheii bidááh níyá. 1-grandfather 3-meet 1-walk.PTooh ńłínígíí ha’naa shił ’adeeshdloozh ńt’éé’ łį́į́’ shił deezgo’
water river areal-across 1-with 3-move.P past horse 1-with 3-fall.Pyidoołbish’íididiséézhą́ągo Na’nízhoozhídi háadish ’adeeshį́į́ł ninízin?
tomorrow Gallup-at where-Q 2-eat.F 2-want.CI
When you go to Gallup tomorrow where do you want to eat?
bookmark- yiską́ągo tomorrowfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- háá-P.ENCLITIC where
- -sh enclitic for content questions
- -di atfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- yíshą́ eat itfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- Continuative Imperfective (CI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nisin think, wantfind in Navajo Verb Modes