Ła’ ha’nitáhígíí ’éí biihidzóhí 50 entries
’Ííłta’ dóó ’iiłghaazh.
1-read.P CONJ 1-sleep.P-ee
3DO-1-wrap.it.around.it.PCh’ah ’éí doodaii’ nák’ee sinilí łizhinígíí daats’í nee hólǫ́’?
hat or sunglasses perhaps 2-with 4-exist.NIChidí bąąh dah sitání bąąh dah shishtįįh ńt’éé’ ’ił adaagizí doo ’éí da lá.
car license plate 3-1-put. I SSO past Sup-with screw neg that neg Disc.Da’ Cubadę́ę́’ tsinaa’eeł nił ní’éél?
Q Cuba-from boat 2-with 3-float.PDah díníilghaazhísh ’íilnilaa?
fry.bread-Q 3-2-make.PDamóo yę́ędą́ą́’ dziłghą́ą́’dę́ę́’ shádí dóó ba’áłchíní bił ’adaashkai.
sunday past.time mountain-top.of-from 1-elder.sister and 3-children 3-with downward-1-go.Pl.Pdazhdiłhį́į́h
pl-3DO-3dpl-boil.it.IDichin nínízin ya’?
hungry 2-want.NI Qdidíníilkał
3DO-3-start.fire.FDíí chizh shá ’ałk’íniishóósh.
this firewood 1-for 3-2-split.IDíí yiską́ągo ’íídííłtah.
this tomorrow 3-2-read.FDíí łééchąą’í dah doosłóós laanaa.
this dog 1-lead.O.ADV-laanaa optative particle for a positive wish, hope or desire.Díídó’ doo ákót’ée daásh łí?
this-DÓ’ neg indef-how-3-be.NI neg-ÍSH ŁÍDoo ’áłah deiidleeh da.
NEG together pl-1dpl-meet.pl.I NEGDoo łá’í ndi naash’áa da.
NEG one but 3-1-hold.SRO.CI NEGDíí jį́ Nida’iiníísh ’áko shį́į́ nihich’į’ nida’iilyé, ya’?
today Friday then.maybe 1pl-toward 1pl-payment.I QHa’at’iish náádaadi’ní?
what-Q again-pl-3-say.IHa’át’íí lá nizhé’é yaa naaghá?
what Q 2-father 3-about 3-do.CIhadínóołchał
3DO-1dpl-card.it.(as.in.wool).PHastiin dóó ’at’ééd lá ha’át’íí ’áyiilaa?
man and girl Q what 3-3-make.PHáágóó lá díníyá?
where-to.Q 2-go.FHádą́ą́’sh Mary ’ólta’dę́ę́’ nádzá?
when-past-Q Mary school-from 3-return.PHáidíígíí lá neidiyoołnih?
which.one-ÍGÍÍ Q 3-3-buy.FHáidígíísh ʼałkʼésdisí deeshį́į́ł?
which.one-ÍGÍÍ-Q candy 3-1-eat.FMary hádą́ą́’sh ’ólta’dę́ę́’ nádzá?
Mary when-past-Q school-from 3-return.PNaashnéego jooł báátis yímááz.
1-play-go.CI ball over 3-roll.PNaʼahóóhai nitsaaígóó dóola dííyééł.
rodeo 3-big-to bull 2-haul.FNáás heesháałgo chidí bine’ ’ííyá.
forward 1-step.Prog-GO car 3-behind 1-go.PNádí daats’í ’éí doodaii’ nideezhí daats’í bááh ’íidoolííł?
older.sister perhaps or younger.sister perhaps bread 3-make.FNiba’ sézį́.
2-wait 1-stand.SPNnidajizlá
pl-3DO-4dpl-carry.a.ropelike.thing.around.PNíwe, naaltsoosgo yee' baa nitsíníkees!
stop paper-GO really 3-with 3-2-think.ISam Diné yitah naalnish.
Sam Navajo 3-among 3-work.IShá bíighah yáshti’ lá.
sun proportionate 1-talk.I DISCShilééchąą’í yázhí táa’go tsásk’eh yiyaa ’ahííjéé’.
1-dog small three-comp bed 3-under 3-lie.pl.NPT’áádoo shich’į’ béésh nídiiłts’į́hí
NEG 1-to phone 2-call.R-ÍTó háálínídi ’ahéédidiit’ash ’ałní’ní’ą́ągo.
spring-at refl-1du-meet.F noon-GO
bee ’ééhóziní
- Proposal, affirmativefind in Navajo Imperatives
- 1st person inclusive, Let’s!find in Navajo Imperatives
- -di atfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- ’ałní’ní’ą́ągo at noonfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Command, affirmativefind in Navajo Imperatives
- 1st person inclusive, Let’s!find in Navajo Imperatives
- -di atfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- ’ałní’ní’ą́ągo noon-atfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes