Entry # 2193 has returned 1 entry


Medicine for gonnorhea. Collect two plants and clean their roots, boil whole in 2 liters water, boil 20-40 minutes, drink the mixture hot,  2 cups a day, 3 weeks. This condition presents as a burning in the penis, along with other issues. For heavy cough, take  double handful leaf, boil 10-15 minutes in 1 liter water, 2 cups day warm, for 5 days. Pods used to calm children by shaking as rattle, when they are crying.

n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5128)

Example: Medicine for gonnorhea. Collect two plants and clean their roots, boil whole in 2 liters water, boil 20-40 minutes, drink the mixture hot, 2 cups a day, 3 weeks. This condition presents as a burning in the penis, along with other issues. For heavy cough, take double handful leaf, boil 10-15 minutes in 1 liter water, 2 cups day warm, for 5 days. Pods used to calm children by shaking as rattle, when they are crying.