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n. kind of turtle


n. Macaranga dioca

Example: Inner bark: bathe in cold infusion, wounds. Mix heated over fire and taken out during sunset. Healer clenches the package in his fist, then gently punches the patients left, then right knee, then his forehead and finally squeezes over his head, migraine a


n. a burden of pandanus leaf

nahcai milmat


[naɣai milmat] n. before sun comes up, just light enough to see green toward the east looking down from a hill, "green place"


n. kind of tree

nahco aco


[naɣo aɣo] n. just after sundown, still light

nahed u paralecei

Ophioderma pendula

n. pendent epiphyte, growing in dense rainforest. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4039)

nahed u paralelcei

Ophioderma pendula

n. epiphyte on main trunk of large mango tree, growing in secondary forest above river. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3657)



n. kind of fish


Stems are used to produce cyclone houses--secure wild cane (Miscanthus) on the roof of the house. Fold cane in half over the stem of this plant and then lay it on the roof. Makes layers that resist the wind. The stem of this plant can be sharpened to make a fishing spear, or used as the shaft and a few wires are attached to the end.

n. shrub to 1 m tall, frits green. Red clay soil (collection: Michael J. Balick #4880)

Example: Stems are used to produce cyclone houses--secure wild cane (Miscanthus) on the roof of the house. Fold cane in half over the stem of this plant and then lay it on the roof. Makes layers that resist the wind. The stem of this plant can be sharpened to make a fishing spear, or used as the shaft and a few wires are attached to the end.



n. kind of crab


The wood of this species is very straight and people make fishing spears out of it. The wood, being straight, is used as well for roof rafters.

n. shrub, 2 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3488)

Example: The wood of this species is very straight and people make fishing spears out of it. The wood, being straight, is used as well for roof rafters.


Small poles from this plant are used to make fishing spears, and larger stems used for house rafters.

n. saplings, 3-6 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3715)

Example: Small poles from this plant are used to make fishing spears, and larger stems used for house rafters.


Fertilizer, take fresh leaves and put in area where plant taro.

n. shrub, 2-3 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3455)

Example: Fertilizer, take fresh leaves and put in area where plant taro.


1. Young saplings are used to prepare a fishing spear. First a straight sapling is chosen and sized. Then it is heated over a fire to render it pliable. After the length is straightened, it is decorticated. Once cooled, a portion of wire can be affixed to an end to aid in spearing fish.

n. tree, 4 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4066)

Example: 1. Young saplings are used to prepare a fishing spear. First a straight sapling is chosen and sized. Then it is heated over a fire to render it pliable. After the length is straightened, it is decorticated. Once cooled, a portion of wire can be affixed to an end to aid in spearing fish.


n. mimosa (plant)

nahi ateuc

n. a plant with white flowers; a lily


n. Macaranga dioca

Example: Inner bark: bathe in cold infusion, wounds. Mix heated over fire and taken out during sunset. Healer clenches the package in his fist, then gently punches the patients left, then right knee, then his forehead and finally squeezes over his head, migraine a

nahleuco yag

n. kind of taro


n. kind of plant, grass, or fern


n. a plant, the fruit of which is prepared like arrowroot, and used as a food for sick people


Normally these fruits are considered poisonous. But, people have learned to peel off the skin of the fruits, put the peeled fruits in a conical basked and place a bamboo tube that is dripping water over it to wash the basket of fruits for 3-5 days. This is said to leach out the poison and the end result is similar in consistency to cheese. Wrap this up with leaves and put it in an earth oven to cook. This plant is eaten as a "starvation food" only, consumed in times of drought and famine.

n. vine to 3-4 m, aerial tubers brown (collection: Michael J. Balick #4872)

Example: Normally these fruits are considered poisonous. But, people have learned to peel off the skin of the fruits, put the peeled fruits in a conical basked and place a bamboo tube that is dripping water over it to wash the basket of fruits for 3-5 days. This is said to leach out the poison and the end result is similar in consistency to cheese. Wrap this up with leaves and put it in an earth oven to cook. This plant is eaten as a "starvation food" only, consumed in times of drought and famine.


n. a plant from which twine is made


The leaves of this plant are used as a soap. People collect the leaves and mash them and dip in fresh water and use the water to wash their bodies.

n. young vine, still erect (1 m tall) (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3551)

Example: The leaves of this plant are used as a soap. People collect the leaves and mash them and dip in fresh water and use the water to wash their bodies.


n. kind of tree


n. the name of a species of creeper


The ripe fruits of this species smell very nice and people eat the inside part, which tastes similar to a banana. When fruit is ripe the outside is yellow and the inside is purple. The wood can be used for poles to make house rafters. When kids go fishing for shrimps they use the fruit to catch the shrimp by throwing the shrimp into the water which attracts the shrimp.

n. tree, 7 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3646)

Example: The ripe fruits of this species smell very nice and people eat the inside part, which tastes similar to a banana. When fruit is ripe the outside is yellow and the inside is purple. The wood can be used for poles to make house rafters. When kids go fishing for shrimps they use the fruit to catch the shrimp by throwing the shrimp into the water which attracts the shrimp.


Carpoxylon  macrospermum

n. palm to 15 m tall, dbh 30 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4913)


1. The ripe fruits (yellow) are eaten. It is considered very sweet. 2. Young saplings are used to fashion a digging stick to plant kava and taro.

n. well branched tree, 10 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4083)

Example: 1. The ripe fruits (yellow) are eaten. It is considered very sweet. 2. Young saplings are used to fashion a digging stick to plant kava and taro.


To trap fish, the vine of this plant is rolled in large quantity and put on the reef in a circle at high tide in order to corral and trap the fish. At low tide the fish are then speared and harvested. Placement of the circle depends on the rocks and the reef. Children fold the large leaves and bite parts of the leaf to make designs as a craft object. This is a "message plant." If a person wants to build a house or garden in a specfic place, put a piece of the vine on a stick near the area to tell others that they should not build a garden or house hear this area--this is a Tabu message. There are a few other unspecified leaves added to the stick, not only this one.

n. low-growing vine, growing next to airstrip just beyond coastal vegetation. Flowers purple. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3544)

Example: To trap fish, the vine of this plant is rolled in large quantity and put on the reef in a circle at high tide in order to corral and trap the fish. At low tide the fish are then speared and harvested. Placement of the circle depends on the rocks and the reef. Children fold the large leaves and bite parts of the leaf to make designs as a craft object. This is a "message plant." If a person wants to build a house or garden in a specfic place, put a piece of the vine on a stick near the area to tell others that they should not build a garden or house hear this area--this is a Tabu message. There are a few other unspecified leaves added to the stick, not only this one.


Long time ago used seeds to make necklaces, don’t last long.

n. low-growing, creeping vine growing in grassy area just inland from coastal strand. Flowers purple. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3224)

Example: Long time ago used seeds to make necklaces, don’t last long.


Canavalia rosea

n. scrambling vine, growing in coastal strand vegetation. Flowers purple. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3436)



n. kind of shellfish



n. kind of shellfish

nahraren nepig

n. dawn of day

nahrarin nepig

n. early morning; around 3 o’clock


n. half-tide, ebbing


n. half-tide when ebbing

nahrin hat

n. kind of taro

nahrin nij

n. kind of taro


n. plant


n. shrub; small plant

nahtancai upunupun

n. thorn


n. kind of sugarcane


n. a plant with red leaves


n. cotton


n. flax

naiji elcau

n. kind of sugarcane


Children take a shoot of this plant and make a whistle from it. However, when children do this, they are told not to, as it will attract the rains, or a snake, that will hear the noise and come to the person. This is a folk belief. The base of the shoot of this plant is chewed and applied to fresh cuts as a styptic. Pull out top growth of plant that has not flowered and blow on it like a whistle. Ancestors used this as a whistle to attract snakes for edible – not today. Name means “balls or heaps of snakes”  refer to their attraction.

n. terrestrial plant, 60 cm tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3498)

Example: Children take a shoot of this plant and make a whistle from it. However, when children do this, they are told not to, as it will attract the rains, or a snake, that will hear the noise and come to the person. This is a folk belief. The base of the shoot of this plant is chewed and applied to fresh cuts as a styptic. Pull out top growth of plant that has not flowered and blow on it like a whistle. Ancestors used this as a whistle to attract snakes for edible – not today. Name means “balls or heaps of snakes” refer to their attraction.

naipomyiv ~ naipomñiv

Dianella ensifolia

n. kind of flowering plant (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4771)


n. kind of plant, grass, or fern


To make a local broom, gather a group of branches of this plant, tie together, burn off the leaves when they are dry and then use to sweep (photo with Wopa).

n. shrub to 2 m, dbh 5 com (collection: Michael J. Balick #4875)

Example: To make a local broom, gather a group of branches of this plant, tie together, burn off the leaves when they are dry and then use to sweep (photo with Wopa).


1. Sapling wood is used to make fishing spears. A straight sapling is first heated in the fire to render it pliable. The sapling is further straightened and then decorticated. Once cooled, wire can be added a prong to the end of the spear.

n. sapling, 3 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4106)

Example: 1. Sapling wood is used to make fishing spears. A straight sapling is first heated in the fire to render it pliable. The sapling is further straightened and then decorticated. Once cooled, wire can be added a prong to the end of the spear.


Stems of this tree are used to make canoes as they are always straight. Tree can also be used to for timber and as firewood.

n. tree to 30 m, dbh 75 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4911)

Example: Stems of this tree are used to make canoes as they are always straight. Tree can also be used to for timber and as firewood.



[najsiom] n. bird nest



n. kind of fish



n. kind of fish


Used to make small poles for house rafters.

n. tree, 8 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3613)

Example: Used to make small poles for house rafters.


1. Aerial roots have a natural curve that allows them to be used as a clothing hanger. The outer bark is peeled and dried all day in the sun, before the roots are used. 2. Leaves are used to help remove fish bones lodged in one’s throat. When bones are stuck in one’s throat, then you apply young leaves to the outside of the throat. Apply once and leave until the bones are removed.

n. tree, 8-10 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4017)

Example: 1. Aerial roots have a natural curve that allows them to be used as a clothing hanger. The outer bark is peeled and dried all day in the sun, before the roots are used. 2. Leaves are used to help remove fish bones lodged in one’s throat. When bones are stuck in one’s throat, then you apply young leaves to the outside of the throat. Apply once and leave until the bones are removed.



n. kind of fish



n. kind of fish


Lethrinus erythracanthus

n. Orange-spotted emperor, yellowtail emperor

Example: Photo by FAO / Fishbase, License: CC BY-NC 3.0 via Fishes of Australia



n. kind of banana (short fruits)


n. kind of tree


The very young leaves of this plant are edible.

n. terrestrial fern, 1 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3712)

Example: The very young leaves of this plant are edible.



n. kind of shellfish


1. To cure when the anus falls out - Pound together 1 braches worth of inpalcapnesgin leaves and of both inloptiri (2-4 leaves, any age), also take the inner bark of nekeaitimi and nakhe. Put this into your hand, or another leaf and give it to the person to use it. This should be applied to the anus whenever the anus comes out. USed to use a clam shell to extract the bark but not anymore.

n. fern. Growing in a village back path. (collection: Ashley A McGuigan #29)

Example: 1. To cure when the anus falls out - Pound together 1 braches worth of inpalcapnesgin leaves and of both inloptiri (2-4 leaves, any age), also take the inner bark of nekeaitimi and nakhe. Put this into your hand, or another leaf and give it to the person to use it. This should be applied to the anus whenever the anus comes out. USed to use a clam shell to extract the bark but not anymore.

naklakla adimi


n. dwarf (North dialect)

nakli pece

n. isle, island


n. kind of taro


n. species of palm tree



[nakajaŋ] n. palm of hand

nakohaiag a nijman


[nakajaŋ a nijman] n. palm of hand



n. kind of bush



[nakro] v. share



[nakro] v. chief shares a large amount of food with another district


n. kind of plant, grass, or fern



n. palm tree sp. (RPV #19)


1. Children eat the nut of the ripe fruits. 2. The leaf bases can be used, when tied together, two at a time, to create a bowl from which to drink. 3. In the past, the trunks were used to fashion a hunting spear used in tribal warfare. Further context withheld.

n. large palm, 20 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4080)

Example: 1. Children eat the nut of the ripe fruits. 2. The leaf bases can be used, when tied together, two at a time, to create a bowl from which to drink. 3. In the past, the trunks were used to fashion a hunting spear used in tribal warfare. Further context withheld.


The wood is used to make a fishing spear. Cut the straight stems, heat it in fire, straighten it as much as needed, cool the stem, peel the bark off of the stem and let it cure for 1 month. In the past, the end of the spear was carved into a sharp point and used for fishing. Now steel rods are placed on the tip to catch the fish. This is used in shallow water (fresh water or sea water) as the wood is heavy and can sink. People making these spears go to older forests that are higher up to collect the wood.

n. treelet to 1 m, sterile. In transition zone from pine forest to scrub forest. (collection: Michael J. Balick #4981)

Example: The wood is used to make a fishing spear. Cut the straight stems, heat it in fire, straighten it as much as needed, cool the stem, peel the bark off of the stem and let it cure for 1 month. In the past, the end of the spear was carved into a sharp point and used for fishing. Now steel rods are placed on the tip to catch the fish. This is used in shallow water (fresh water or sea water) as the wood is heavy and can sink. People making these spears go to older forests that are higher up to collect the wood.


The stem of this plant is used for firewood.  If a person has been drinking kava and the next morning feels hung over, they can take a handful of the leaves of this  plant, crush them in cool water, and wash their face with this. This treatment will help the kava feeling to disappear.

n. shrub to 2 m, coastal vegetation (collection: Michael J. Balick #4961)

Example: The stem of this plant is used for firewood. If a person has been drinking kava and the next morning feels hung over, they can take a handful of the leaves of this plant, crush them in cool water, and wash their face with this. This treatment will help the kava feeling to disappear.


This is a common tree. If a person travels from one district to another on Aneityum, and you see the tree planted in that other district, a person knows they are free to come into this area. When the leaves are yellow, as in a young tree, the local name is nala’gay.  If a person carries a branch of this tree into a village it is a symbol that the person is coming with peaceful intentions.

n. tree to 7 m, dbh 20 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4860)

Example: This is a common tree. If a person travels from one district to another on Aneityum, and you see the tree planted in that other district, a person knows they are free to come into this area. When the leaves are yellow, as in a young tree, the local name is nala’gay. If a person carries a branch of this tree into a village it is a symbol that the person is coming with peaceful intentions.


People must not drink kava close to this tree. If you have any leaves of this plant with you when you drink kava you will not feel its effect.

n. tree, 4 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3533)

Example: People must not drink kava close to this tree. If you have any leaves of this plant with you when you drink kava you will not feel its effect.


It is a kastom belief that people should not drink kava under this tree.

n. shrub, 1 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3572)

Example: It is a kastom belief that people should not drink kava under this tree.


1a. When traveling past a community you can place these leaves in a basket or walk with it in your hand. In this way people in the community know that you are traveling in peace and will cause no harm to people in that village. 1b. Message plant – if you go to visit someone and they are not there, you leave a branch of this on the door or somewhere they can see it and they know that some relatives have come and tried to visit them.

n. shrub, 1. 5 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3217)

Example: 1a. When traveling past a community you can place these leaves in a basket or walk with it in your hand. In this way people in the community know that you are traveling in peace and will cause no harm to people in that village. 1b. Message plant – if you go to visit someone and they are not there, you leave a branch of this on the door or somewhere they can see it and they know that some relatives have come and tried to visit them.

nalad iran

n. seed of a fig



n. plantain



n. kind of shellfish



n. kind of fish

nalak ahod

n. kind of plantain

nalak cai

n. kind of plantain

nalak hat


n. kind of plantain (strong one)

nalak mariaga

n. kind of plantain

nalak mideuc

n. kind of plantain

nalak nagesega


[nalak ŋaɣeseɣa] n. kind of plantain ("red like the sun")

nalak u nije

Calanthe chrysantha

n. terrestrial orchid growing in rain forest on the mountain slope. Flowers white. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3288)



n. kind of flowering plant (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4755)


Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

n. feathers

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

nalau inja

Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

n. chicken feathers

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.


Chalcophaps indica

[nalauba] n. Emerald Dove

Example: Photo by Dr. Raju Kasambe/Wikimedia Commons, License: CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons