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nipji nomu

Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

n. type of seashell

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.


n. the orange tree (117); an orange, a lime, a lemon (102)

nipjid acen

n. citron; lemon; lime tree

nipjid aiyu

n. orange


n. branch (tender)

nipjin gehe nahau


n. turtle shell

nipjin nalmu

Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

n. type of seashell

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

nipjin nirintal

Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

n. type of seashell

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.


Epinephelus merra

n. Honeycomb grouper

Example: Photo by Jeffrey T. Williams / Smithsonian Institution, License: CC BY-SA 3.0 via Fishes of Australia

nipjinecei vanteigin

Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

n. wooden dish

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.



[nipʧinɛtŋaŋ] n. belly


n. another name for "masoa"; arrowroot


Gallirallus philippensis

[niprij ~ nipriʧ] n. Buff-banded Rail

Example: Photo by David Cook, License: CC BY-NC 2.0 via Flickr

nipʧin niri

Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

[nipʧin niri] n. shell (empty)

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

nipʧin njelas

Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

[nipʧin ɲelas] n. crab

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.


Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

[nipʧinite] n. cooking pot

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.


n. kind of plant, grass, or fern

nirac intam henain

Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

n. stick for coconuts

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.


Acanthocybium solandri

n. Wahoo

Example: Photo by ANFC, License: CC BY-SA 3.0 via Fishes of Australia



n. kind of shellfish


This grass is used to thatch the roof of a traditional house. Tie bunches of the grass on a stick ca. 2 m long, using string from Pandanus or other vines. Lay these on the roof and tie these sticks with grass on crossbars to secure them. The flowers of this grass are harvested and put in bags to make pillows. The flowers are soft and easy to gather and make a nice pillow.

n. grass to 1 m tall, florets brown (collection: Michael J. Balick #4973)

Example: This grass is used to thatch the roof of a traditional house. Tie bunches of the grass on a stick ca. 2 m long, using string from Pandanus or other vines. Lay these on the roof and tie these sticks with grass on crossbars to secure them. The flowers of this grass are harvested and put in bags to make pillows. The flowers are soft and easy to gather and make a nice pillow.


Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

n. kind of seashell

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

niri atga


n. kind of shellfish

niri atga

Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

n. type of seashell

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

niri atga

Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

n. kind of seashell

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

niri nara

Neotrygon kuhlii

n. Blue-spotted stingray

Example: Photo by Richard Ling /, License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 via Fishes of Australia



[niriθ] n. gills

nirid u numu

People who go fishing take this plant along with other unspecified leaves, crush them and rub them on the fishing line that the person is using. This is said to attract more fish to the bait. It is also a "message plant" to be put in a person’s hat when they come back from fishing and then people know that they caught fish. Local name means "fish gill." For performing a weather magic ritual to produce fog, this plant is fermented along with another plant (nap̃at) in a hole in a sacred stone (called "Naemoso") at a secret location on Aneityum.

n. terrestrial fern on forest floor, growing in disturbed forest. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3482)

Example: People who go fishing take this plant along with other unspecified leaves, crush them and rub them on the fishing line that the person is using. This is said to attract more fish to the bait. It is also a "message plant" to be put in a person’s hat when they come back from fishing and then people know that they caught fish. Local name means "fish gill." For performing a weather magic ritual to produce fog, this plant is fermented along with another plant (nap̃at) in a hole in a sacred stone (called "Naemoso") at a secret location on Aneityum.

nirid unmu

People who go fishing take this plant along with other unspecified leaves, crush them and rub them on the fishing line that the person is using. This is said to attract more fish to the bait. It is also a "message plant" to be put in a person’s hat when they come back from fishing and then people know that they caught fish. Local name means "fish gill."

n. terrestrial fern, growing in primary rainforest. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3614)

Example: People who go fishing take this plant along with other unspecified leaves, crush them and rub them on the fishing line that the person is using. This is said to attract more fish to the bait. It is also a "message plant" to be put in a person’s hat when they come back from fishing and then people know that they caught fish. Local name means "fish gill."



n. kind of shellfish


Schizaea dichotoma

n. terrestrial fern growing in rain forest on the mountain slope. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3284)


1. The name means "fish gill". When one acquires a culture-bound illness, caused by possesion of the sea devil, this plant is used to prepare a remedy. Further information about the illness and remedy withheld.

n. terrestrial fern, growing along ridge in dense rainforest. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4121)

Example: 1. The name means "fish gill". When one acquires a culture-bound illness, caused by possesion of the sea devil, this plant is used to prepare a remedy. Further information about the illness and remedy withheld.

niriñ mehei


n. laplap leaf (RPV #154)

niriñ neyaiñ

Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

n. coconut leaf

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

nirinat erefera ran

Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

[nirinɣat erefera ran] n. pandanus leaf rolled for the preparation of mats and baskets

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.


Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

n. breadfruit leaf

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.


Siganus punctatus

n. Goldspotted spinefoot

Example: Photo by Mark Rosenstein /, License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 via Fishes of Australia



n. kind of crab


Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

n. kind of crab

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.


Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

[ɲiroʊn] n. basket

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

nis mocop̃


n. kind of fish (folk name)


n. blossoms on breadfruit


Polyalthia nitidissima

n. tree, 8 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3627)


Polyalthia nitidissima

n. kind of flowering plant (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4760)


n. ray of light in the morning


n. Dracaena angustifolia

Example: Leaf: cold maceration, emetic, taken internally against ciguatera poison


n. kind of tree


n. kind of taro



[niseuɣ] n. walking stick, staff

niseuc inmohoc


[niseuɣ inmohoɣ] n. lit. "the moon’s walking stick"


n. the center rib of the coconut leaflet; wire


n. a tree, the leaves of which have no center rib


n. kind of tree


n. shoots of plants of bananas


Plectorhinchus gibbosus

n. Harry hotlips, blubberlip

Example: Photo by ANFC, License: CC BY-NC 3.0 via Fishes of Australia


n. coconut leaves, plaited for covering ridge of roof


n. kind of sugarcane


This plant is used to make a grass skirt for women. There are two different methods decribed. In the first, collect the leaves, tear off 1/2 of the leaf and pleat the halves. Then dry these in the sun by hanging them from the midrib. After they are dry, weave them into a skirt. In the second, take one leaf at a time, tear the leaf down the center and throw away the midrib. The soft part is used in making the skirt by holding a piece of twine between your toes and under your armpit. Weave the length of the twine with the leaf. The let the pieces to dry in the sun for 2-3 days. The skirt can be thrown in the sea before drying to make the skirt white. Bark of inhao is usually used as twine. Retted strips of leaves, later sun dried, can be used to make pillows. When dogs or humans have fish poisoning this plant can help. Take 2 leaves and pound them (use 1 leaf for dogs) and mix with 1/4 cup of water. no further instructions given. (OR - Leaves to cure ciguatera, chew 1 leaf and swallow juice and spit out fiber. Or extract juice into a cup to drink 1x. Give juice + water in cup for dog that is sick.) There is also a belief that you can use the whole stem of this plant as a digging spade to plant sugarcane so the sugarcane is soft and sweet.

n. sparsely branched tree, 2. 5 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3628)

Example: This plant is used to make a grass skirt for women. There are two different methods decribed. In the first, collect the leaves, tear off 1/2 of the leaf and pleat the halves. Then dry these in the sun by hanging them from the midrib. After they are dry, weave them into a skirt. In the second, take one leaf at a time, tear the leaf down the center and throw away the midrib. The soft part is used in making the skirt by holding a piece of twine between your toes and under your armpit. Weave the length of the twine with the leaf. The let the pieces to dry in the sun for 2-3 days. The skirt can be thrown in the sea before drying to make the skirt white. Bark of inhao is usually used as twine. Retted strips of leaves, later sun dried, can be used to make pillows. When dogs or humans have fish poisoning this plant can help. Take 2 leaves and pound them (use 1 leaf for dogs) and mix with 1/4 cup of water. no further instructions given. (OR - Leaves to cure ciguatera, chew 1 leaf and swallow juice and spit out fiber. Or extract juice into a cup to drink 1x. Give juice + water in cup for dog that is sick.) There is also a belief that you can use the whole stem of this plant as a digging spade to plant sugarcane so the sugarcane is soft and sweet.


n sea snake


Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

[nisʧi] n. wooden poles forming the structure of a roof

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.


n. tree from which petticoats or skirts are made


1. The inner bark of this plant is used as a dye or paint to provide a brown color. Boil the inner bark in a pot with a shirt and the color of the shirt will be changed to brown. 2. For toothache, people take the inner bark and mix it with sea water, and then rinse the tooth with this mixture to remove the pain. 3a. People macerate the leaves and the bark and when the tide is low, spread this in a pool of water to poison the sea shells that are edible. When they die, the eyes of this organism comes above the sand, indicating where they are, and people harvest and eat them. 3b. To attract and collect clam – NIPJINUMU – scrape bark in a pool of sea water where the clams are attracted immediately and can be collected, coming up from the sand. 4. Firewood, unspecified medical use.

n. tree, 6 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3574)

Example: 1. The inner bark of this plant is used as a dye or paint to provide a brown color. Boil the inner bark in a pot with a shirt and the color of the shirt will be changed to brown. 2. For toothache, people take the inner bark and mix it with sea water, and then rinse the tooth with this mixture to remove the pain. 3a. People macerate the leaves and the bark and when the tide is low, spread this in a pool of water to poison the sea shells that are edible. When they die, the eyes of this organism comes above the sand, indicating where they are, and people harvest and eat them. 3b. To attract and collect clam – NIPJINUMU – scrape bark in a pool of sea water where the clams are attracted immediately and can be collected, coming up from the sand. 4. Firewood, unspecified medical use.


1. The inner bark of this plant is used as a dye or paint to provide a brown color. Boil the inner bark in a pot with a shirt and the color of the shirt will be changed to brown. 2. For toothache, people take the inner bark and mix it with sea water, and then rinse the tooth with this mixture to remove the pain. 3a. People macerate the leaves and the bark and when the tide is low, spread this in a pool of water to poison the sea shells that are edible. When they die, the eyes of this organism comes above the sand, indicating where they are, and people harvest and eat them. 3b. To attract and collect clam – NIPJINUMU – scrape bark in a pool of sea water where the clams are attracted immediately and can be collected, coming up from the sand. 4. Firewood, unspecified medical use.

n. tree, 7 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3521)

Example: 1. The inner bark of this plant is used as a dye or paint to provide a brown color. Boil the inner bark in a pot with a shirt and the color of the shirt will be changed to brown. 2. For toothache, people take the inner bark and mix it with sea water, and then rinse the tooth with this mixture to remove the pain. 3a. People macerate the leaves and the bark and when the tide is low, spread this in a pool of water to poison the sea shells that are edible. When they die, the eyes of this organism comes above the sand, indicating where they are, and people harvest and eat them. 3b. To attract and collect clam – NIPJINUMU – scrape bark in a pool of sea water where the clams are attracted immediately and can be collected, coming up from the sand. 4. Firewood, unspecified medical use.

nitai auanipin upene

n. frankincense


Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

[nitaʔtel] n. stool

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

nitatel (a nelco)

Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

[nitaʔtel (a nelʝo)] n. seat (for a canoe)

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.



[nitaʔto] v. to bake

nitato naretou

Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

[nitaʔto naretoʊ] n. an oven for baking bread; "nitato" to bake; "naruto" bread

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.


n. kind of tree


n. a fern


n. Ficus adenosperma

Example: Stalk: chewed, agaist headache


1. There are kinds of this plant. This is considered the white one. See GMP # 4100, textit{Cyathea sp}, which is considered the black one.

tree fern, trunk 2 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4102)

Example: 1. There are kinds of this plant. This is considered the white one. See GMP # 4100, textit{Cyathea sp}, which is considered the black one.


Microsorum grossum

n. epiphytic fern, growing in dense rainforest. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4043)

nitit a nelgo waj

Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.

n. knots where rope is tying pieces of canoe together

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, Dec. 2018, Aneityum island.



n. ladder fern, fishbone fern (RPV #221)


The fronds of this fern are used to wrap sting ray and shark meat, which have a great deal of moisture in them, for cooking on the earth overn. Wrap the fronds (leaves) around the meat and tie with a Pandanus string. Because they are not thick, broad, entire leaves, but rather have many places in them where water can drain out during the cooking process, it is said that these leaves are much better for preparing these two types of fish, as well as any other meat that contains a great deal of moisture. For cooking on the earth over, put these wrapped foods on top of any other leaves so that they do not touch the hot stones directly, and then cover with other leaves as well. Then place the hot stones on top of these wrapped meats.

n. fern to 0. 75 m, sori brown. growing along trail. (collection: Michael J. Balick #4972)

Example: The fronds of this fern are used to wrap sting ray and shark meat, which have a great deal of moisture in them, for cooking on the earth overn. Wrap the fronds (leaves) around the meat and tie with a Pandanus string. Because they are not thick, broad, entire leaves, but rather have many places in them where water can drain out during the cooking process, it is said that these leaves are much better for preparing these two types of fish, as well as any other meat that contains a great deal of moisture. For cooking on the earth over, put these wrapped foods on top of any other leaves so that they do not touch the hot stones directly, and then cover with other leaves as well. Then place the hot stones on top of these wrapped meats.

nititan cei

Use it to cover fruit of inm̃ap (Inocarpus fagifer) in earth oven.

n. terrestrial fern, growing in primary rainforest. [in transect t9-3] (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3631)

Example: Use it to cover fruit of inm̃ap (Inocarpus fagifer) in earth oven.


This plant has a secret, unspecified use.

n. epiphytic liana on main trunk of Hernandia moerenhoutiana, growing in secondary forest above river. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3658)

Example: This plant has a secret, unspecified use.


n. Cordyline fruticosa L.

Example: Leaf: chew (leprosy in mouth). Whole plant: planted for several Kastom purposes; many important Kastom-bound uses as magical or ornamental plant throughout Melanesia.


n. Hornstedtia sp.

Example: Subterranean part: cold maceration, taken internally against "cancer", diabetes, or as tonic


Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

[niʧep] n. mat for sitting

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

niʧin neiang

Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.

[niʧin neijaŋ] n. coconut shell

Example: Photo by K. David Harrison, April 2016.



[niʧinin] n. head



inter. what



n. kind of shellfish


Cut this grass in the morning, let dry for 2 days, and then use to weave the roof of a house. This is thicker and heavier than a coconut leaf. Also, use for cyclone house. (see photos of house) When indicating something is Tabu, tie the leaf and put it in an object like ripe bananas and people know it is Tabu and will not take it away.

n. grass to 1. 5-2. 0 m tall, inflorescence white. Red clay soil (collection: Michael J. Balick #4885)

Example: Cut this grass in the morning, let dry for 2 days, and then use to weave the roof of a house. This is thicker and heavier than a coconut leaf. Also, use for cyclone house. (see photos of house) When indicating something is Tabu, tie the leaf and put it in an object like ripe bananas and people know it is Tabu and will not take it away.


1. To cure the sea snake (nispev) curse that causes missed periods. First the husband must combine 4 young leaves of incispev and 4 young leaves of nafanu and mash and squeeze the juice into a small bamboo (1-1.5 inch diameter) The nafanu is important because it is a plant that connects to the sea. Use wildcane leaves cover the bamboo closed. Go to the sick person and unwrap the snake from her. Start from the top and let the woman drink a small part of the potion then wash her with the mixture, making sure to wash head, elbows, knees, feet, and belly. Then take a leaf of naha and break it over the woman’s belly button to break the snake off. Smash the bamboo vessel to pieces. Leave the woman there until the wash dries on her. This takes one whole day and the ceremony in the evening so she can sleep and she must not eat. This ritual is performed by men. 2. Main plant to thatch roof of local houses. 3. Collect the dry stems, tie together, use as a torch at night for walking or walking along the reef when fishing. 4. Take 1 cane and tie the leaves together and tie on a tree to indicate tabu – e.g. a citrus tree that will be ripe soon to tell people not to pick it. 5. To catch crabs just before sunset, burn the torch and shake the ashes on the rocks; come back an hour or so later and the crabs are attracted by the ashes and you can collect them. 6. Can also use to weave walls of house. 7. Women clean the leaves of the stem and use the hard part of the stem to strip pandanus leaf before weaving a basket. 8. Cut wild cane in half and sharpen the end, use this to cut the dried pandanus leaves into small strips. 9. Tie leaves into a knot and stick the knot on the kava stem; t is means that this kava goes “express” so the carrier goes to one border of a village and passes it to another person who knows it cannot stop in this village but goes to the next border and is passed on 10. This plant is a “message plant” to say “don’t stop,” referring to something being delivered.

n. grass. Found in disturbed area behind the village. (collection: Ashley A McGuigan #12)

Example: 1. To cure the sea snake (nispev) curse that causes missed periods. First the husband must combine 4 young leaves of incispev and 4 young leaves of nafanu and mash and squeeze the juice into a small bamboo (1-1.5 inch diameter) The nafanu is important because it is a plant that connects to the sea. Use wildcane leaves cover the bamboo closed. Go to the sick person and unwrap the snake from her. Start from the top and let the woman drink a small part of the potion then wash her with the mixture, making sure to wash head, elbows, knees, feet, and belly. Then take a leaf of naha and break it over the woman’s belly button to break the snake off. Smash the bamboo vessel to pieces. Leave the woman there until the wash dries on her. This takes one whole day and the ceremony in the evening so she can sleep and she must not eat. This ritual is performed by men. 2. Main plant to thatch roof of local houses. 3. Collect the dry stems, tie together, use as a torch at night for walking or walking along the reef when fishing. 4. Take 1 cane and tie the leaves together and tie on a tree to indicate tabu – e.g. a citrus tree that will be ripe soon to tell people not to pick it. 5. To catch crabs just before sunset, burn the torch and shake the ashes on the rocks; come back an hour or so later and the crabs are attracted by the ashes and you can collect them. 6. Can also use to weave walls of house. 7. Women clean the leaves of the stem and use the hard part of the stem to strip pandanus leaf before weaving a basket. 8. Cut wild cane in half and sharpen the end, use this to cut the dried pandanus leaves into small strips. 9. Tie leaves into a knot and stick the knot on the kava stem; t is means that this kava goes “express” so the carrier goes to one border of a village and passes it to another person who knows it cannot stop in this village but goes to the next border and is passed on 10. This plant is a “message plant” to say “don’t stop,” referring to something being delivered.


1. Dried leaves are used to make the thatch roofs of traditional houses. The same leaves are woven to make the walls of traditional houses. 2. When a large torch is required, many dried stems are bundled to form a flambeau. 3. The leaves of this plant are used to demarcate tabu areas. Further information about the practice withheld.

n. grass, 2. 5 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4071)

Example: 1. Dried leaves are used to make the thatch roofs of traditional houses. The same leaves are woven to make the walls of traditional houses. 2. When a large torch is required, many dried stems are bundled to form a flambeau. 3. The leaves of this plant are used to demarcate tabu areas. Further information about the practice withheld.

nobohtan aiyu

n. meadow


Selar crumenophthalmus

n. Bigeye scad

Example: Photo by J.E. Randall / Fishbase, License: CC BY-A-NC 3.0 via Fishes of Australia


n. a sago palm


1. Considered to be a relative of textit{Morinda citrifolia}.

large tree, 13 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4052)

Example: 1. Considered to be a relative of textit{Morinda citrifolia}.

noco p̃wop


n. kind of bird


n. a bundle of reeds; also "nohudieg"


n. a bunch of taro


n. a native pudding made with yam and coconut


n. kind of banana



n. kind of shellfish


n. river


n. kind of plant, grass, or fern