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n. herb to 1. 5 m tall, sterile. Growing in weedy patch behind buildings on edge of trail. (collection: Michael J. Balick #4986)
Example: People use the leaves of this plant to wrap lap-lap for cooking on the earth oven or when boiling foods. The leaves can also be used as serving plates and to cover the stones on the earth oven.
bookmarkinmehei ipciv
n. kind of banana
n. kind of breadfruit
n. breadfruit crop in October



n. kind of breadfruit
n. kind of breadfruit

n. tree to 2 m tall,dbh 40 com (collection: Michael J. Balick #4877)
Example: To treat a local disease (that causes pain in the stomach) called "Namya," peel off the outer bark, collect 1 handful of inner bark, boil with 1/2 liter of water, drink warm, 3 cups/daily, for 3 days. At that point the person will feel that "the weakness is no longer in the body." After 3 days of treatment the pain in the stomach goes away. Wood is used for posts; leaves for compost for holes that people will plant taro in--line the bottom of the hole before placing soil and taro in it.
n. kind of breadfruit
n. a stringy bark tree
n. kind of breadfruit
n. kind of breadfruit
n. kind of breadfruit
n. kind of breadfruit
n. the cold season; winter


inmohoc onubidou
inmohtan nohos
n. kind of taro
bookmarkinmoijeuv adpoig
inmoijeuv ahcil
n. false star
bookmarkinmoijeuv amen ehcid
n. planet
bookmarkinmoijeuv an nofomot
inmoijeuv natpoig
n. a comet

n. Steephead parrotfish
Example: Photo by charlie20 /, License: CC BY-NC 3.0 via Fishes of Australia
n. a horse-chestnut tree

n. tree, 10 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3516)
Example: The young stems are used to make fishing spears. These stems are also used to make the poles that connect an outrigger to a traditional canoe, as they are light and strong. The large trees have extensive roots and stumps and are used as a pen for pigs by making a fence from these.

n. Foxface
Example: Photo by Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, License: CC BY-SA 3.0 via Fishes of Australia

n. Coral hind, coral grouper (deep sea)
Example: Photo by Jan Messersmith, License: CC BY-SA 3.0 via Fishes of Australia
n. fog or mist

n. tree to 8 m, dbh 20 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4927)
Example: The wood of this tree is used as firewood. Children collect the dry fruits and use them for decorations and toys, for example playing with a fruit on the beach, driving it as if it were a toy truck or boat (photo).

n. vine to 40 cm, flowers blue (collection: Michael J. Balick #4949)
Example: To heal cuts, select a piece of the larger part of the stem (woody) cut a 6 inch piece and blow on one end; the sap comes o ut on the other end and this can be used to cover the wound. As a pig feed, people collect the stems and leaves and feed these to the pigs.
bookmarkinmowad itouga

n. vine climbing on Geissois denhamii (GMP #3522), growing in open (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3524)
Example: The word itougo means from a different country or place outside of Aneityum. The plant was introduced by the first missionaries who came to Port Patrick. Calendar plant – sea cost people see this flower in the forest and they know it is time to go into garden and harvest taro or make new gardens– see GMP 3263. This is also good firewood.
bookmarkinmowad u pikad

n. vine to 5 m tall in trees, fruits maturing yellow-brown. Growing in agroforest/secondary forest. (collection: Michael J. Balick #5009)
Example: People collect this vine and feed it to pigs. It also has an unspecified medicinal use. The vine of this plant forms a thick canopy so some people plant it around the house near trees that do not give much shade in order to reduce the intensity of the sun on the house and thus keep the temperature lower. The vine grows quickly into the trees.
n. thunder
bookmarkinmusji nupul
n. kind of tree

n. shrub, 1. 25 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3525)
Example: The young leaves are edible, after boiling for 5 minutes. A piece of coconut and a pinch of salt is wrapped in the leaves and eaten. The mature leaves are used to wrap food such as pig or cow meat and cooked in an earth oven. Tie this bundle with a piece of Pandanus fiber to secure it before putting in the earth oven. Both the green and ripe fruits are edible. This plant is used in kastom ceremonies. For a peace ceremony, if there is an argument, then this leaf is used to make peace between the parties. For many ceremonies, put on top of taro, kava or food pile, . For peace ceremony, when a person has food in an offering, give a branch of this plant to the other party to symbolize that the conflict is over. It is a "message plant" that conveys a meaning that people do not have to say out loud. When a stranger walks through a village with this plant in his or her hand, people know there is no threat or problem. When a young man first shaves, people give him a necklace of this plant. In the old days, hair was pulled out of young men, now people use razor blades.


n. shrub. Growing in the village. Cultivated. (collection: Ashley A McGuigan #26)
Example: 1a. To stay healthy while pregnant - grate 1 coconut with nekei leaves, about a handfull (8). And 8 inpa leaves and 8 niditau leaves. Pound all of this together and squeeze juice out and bath in this then jump into a clear river to wash it off. 1b. Handful of leaves mashed with grated coconut and put in a shell, heat stones and put in shell, then take hot liquid to rub on body of woman who have just delivered to make their bodies healthy again, back to normal – when they deliver they are in huts, then wash with this and then come out of the huts and rejoin family. 2. Symbolic plant for peace (name means peace). 3. Message plant – put small tips of leaves in hair or make hat out of it and people know you come in peace. 4. When giving a gift, put this leaf on the gift, as in a basket – people wear them they are happy and peaceful – it is symbolic of Aneityumese people – so even when the people leave the island they will grow this plant. 5. People bathe with this leaf, mixed with grated coconut and cover body and hair to smell good and be strong. 6. Mosquito repellant, build fire, put green leaves on top, smoke and aroma chases mosquito away. 7. Take top of leaf with 3 young leaves and put in hair as there is the belief that this plant symbolizes the trinity. So it protects people. If a person from the island goes elsewhere and is faced with black magic they bathe with a handful of leaves, boil them and bathe with the liquid to remove the spell. 8. Decorate people with this leaf day feasts, weddings, and other events – very sacred.
bookmarkinpa u natmas

n. tree. Growing near village. (collection: Ashley A McGuigan #13)
Example: 1. To cure toothache when pregnant - Take the inner bark from Intejed and boil it in a pot of seawater (about 1 liter) along with 2 leaves from each of inpoutnatmas, narayag, nahayag, and nelmaha. Boil until juice is visibly leaving the plants. Put this water into your mouth and hold it there for 2-3 minutes. Do this this with one cup in the morning, 1 cup in the afternoon, and 1 cup in the evening. 2. This plant is special and people grew it – use it after burial of a chief – wash hands with these leaves and water to cleanse the people who buried the chief. 3. Name means belongs to the spirit
n. kind of palm
n. kind of taro
n. species of banyan


n. treelet or shrub, 1 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3204)
Example: To treat a headache, people traditionally would make a small cut ¼ inch long with a bamboo or piece of glass around the eyebrows where it is soft and then drip juice of the crushed leaves in the cut to take away the pain. Let the cut bleed first and then put the juice in it and it will stop the pain. The bleeding will stop the pain and the leaf juice will stop the bleeding – sometimes the pain will go away immediately and sometimes it takes a few minutes. So this technique is used to treat a very strong headache like a migraine.
bookmarkinp̃al anhas

inp̃al apogen
inp̃al cap̃ nesgin

n. shrub. Found in the village, Unames. (collection: Ashley A McGuigan #31)
Example: 1. To cure when the anus falls out - Pound together 1 braches worth of inpalcapnesgin leaves and of both inloptiri (2-4 leaves, any age) , also take the inner bark of nekeaitimi and nakhe. Put this into your hand, or another leaf and give it to the person to use it. This should be applied to the anus whenever the anus comes out. USed to use a clam shell to extract the bark but not anymore.

n. kind of banana

n. tree to 15 m, dbh 50 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4918)
Example: The fruits of this tree are collected, mixed with ground coconut, boiled in water and the oil collected. The resulting oil is used medicinally, put on the skin for any condition to promote healing. Apply once a day until the condition resolves. Also can be used to treat head lice. Add the oil mixture to the hair, massage in, keep the hair dry for a day, then wash. Use once daily for 3 days.
bookmarkinpece lelicai
n. kind of tree
bookmarkinpecelelcei paralelcei

n. tree, 18-20 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3584)
Example: The young stems of this tree are very light, and used to make spears for fishing--they float. The stems are used to make the poles that connect the outrigger to the canoe. Good to make a fishing spear with as with others, timber. Leaves used with other plants to heal a sick woman who is sick from a male spirit – PARALELCEI – This lead with other leaves unspecified, tie together pound juice out of it and put juice in bamboo, cover top w/ wild cane leaf and take to sick woman before sunset, give to her to drink, before wave bamboo around her, open it and pour a bit on her head and drink a bit and wash her face, then break bamboo and discard it before sunset. Then tell spirit to go away. Symptoms such as a miscarriage or continued period, or dream and see the male spirit, or dream of snakes from the forest.
n. today
n. the thick end of a coconut leaf, used as a mark for throwing spears at; also "inpotin lilighap"
bookmarkinpwain ~ inhwain

n. a branch