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n. a bamboo flute

n. Common dolphinfish, mahi mahi
Example: Photo by Alex Kerstitch / Shorefishes of the Eastern Tropical Pacific, License: CC BY-SA 3.0 via Fishes of Australia

n. Moorish idol
Example: Photo by Ian Shaw /, License: CC BY-NC 3.0 via Fishes of Australia

n. Moorish idol
Example: Photo by Ian Shaw /, License: CC BY-NC 3.0 via Fishes of Australia


inje tadwain anholwas

injedete anawanarin


n. Titan triggerfish
Example: Photo by Leonard Low, License: CC BY-NC 3.0 via Fishes of Australia
n. the afternoon
n. night; quite dark
n. afternoon
bookmarkinjupki upni

n. vine, growing in disturbed forest. Fruits green. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3470)
Example: A man named Johnnie (Reuben’s grandfather) brought this vine to Aneityum to use it as a rope to tie objects. The ripe fruits are used to paint the face and hands and children make drawings from this dye.


n. vine, growing in coastal forest. Fruits purple. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3556)
Example: A man named Johnnie (Reuben’s grandfather) brought this vine to Aneityum to use it as a rope to tie objects. The ripe fruits are used to paint the face and hands and children make drawings from this dye.
n. light
n. daylight
n. a plantation
n. bush land; uncultivated land
n. native petticoat
bookmarkinlepei owonp̃oded
inlepei u inpoded

n. epiphyte, growing in dense rainforest. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4104)
Example: 1. This plant is considered bad luck when hunting or fishing. When doing these activities, do not decorate your hair with them. 2. This plant is used to weave the sheath portion of "nambas". First the stems are retted, then the inner portion of the plant removed. Once removed, the sheath is woven with the blanched fiber. 3. This is considered the male version of this plant. See GMP #4105, Phlegmarius sp. for the female version.
bookmarkinlepei u inpoded

n. epiphyte, growing in secondary forest along trail above river. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3664)
Example: This plant is used to make a head garland, but if you are going hunting or fishing do not put this on your head as you will not be successful in your quset. This is the grass skirt for the spirits; you can hear them but you cannot see them.
bookmarkinlepei u inpoded

inlepei u inpoded

inlepei u inpoded

inlepei u inpoded ataheñ

n. epiphyte on dead log, growing in dense rainforest. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4105)
Example: 1. This plant is considered bad luck when hunting or fishing. When doing these activities, do not decorate your hair with them. 2. This plant is used to weave the sheath portion of "nambas". First the stems are retted, then the inner portion of the plant removed. Once removed, the sheath is woven with the blanched fiber. 3. This is considered the female version of this plant. See GMP #4104, Phlegmarius sp. for the male version.
bookmarkinlepei u inpoded atamaiñ

inlepei u inpoded atam̃wain

inleuc nipji nakevai
n. a bolt of pandanus leaf
n. summer, autumn
n. the thick end of a coconut leaf used as a target
n. croton plant

inlopot jap

n. shrub to 1 m, flower white (collection: Michael J. Balick #4866)
Example: When making a taro patch, and removing soil, add the leaves of this plant to the soil to fertilize the taro, and prevent the bottom part of the taro from rotting. Put a layer of leaves on the bottom of the patch before planting taro and covering with soil.

n. shrub to 2 m in height, flowers white. In agricultural field. (collection: Michael J. Balick #4951)
Example: The young leaves are used to protect food as it is being cooked on an earth oven. To prepare the oven, pile hot stones, then put a layer of leaves on the stones, and then place hot stones on top of the leaves. To make a hot oven, the stones are lined in a pit, a fire lit, more stones placed on firewood and the top layer of stones gets very hot. Then, remove the stones from the top of the wood, and cook food o the bottom layer of stones, add a layer of leaves, place the food on top of this, then cover with a layer of leaves and then pile the rest of the hot stones on top of the leaves.

n. shrub to 1 m, fruits green. Secondary forest. (collection: Michael J. Balick #4897)
Example: The leaves are used for compost in the taro patch. Dig a hole, line it with the leaves of this species, cove with earth and plant taro. The leaves of this species are used to cover earth ovens.


n. shrub. Found in the village Unames. (collection: Ashley A McGuigan #32)
Example: 1. To cure when the anus falls out - Pound together 1 braches worth of inpalcapnesgin leaves and of both inloptiri (2-4 leaves, any age), also take the inner bark of nekeaitimi and nakhe. Put this into your hand, or another leaf and give it to the person to use it. This should be applied to the anus whenever the anus comes out. USed to use a clam shell to extract the bark but not anymore.
n. a breadfruit tree
n. Artocarpus altilis
Example: shoot: Mix heated over fire and taken out during sunset. Healer clenches the package in his fist, then gently punches the patients left, then right knee, then his forehead and finally squeezes over his head, migraine and headache.
n. old coconut leaves


n. tree to 10 m, dbh 1 m (collection: Michael J. Balick #4991)
Example: The young trees are a good source of lumber as they are straight and can be used as poles or sawn timber. This tree is also a source of firewood and is known to be easy to light and burns well. The fruits are a source of oil. Collect the ripe fruits, remove the seeds from the shell, macerate the seeds to release the white endosperm inside, place this in a pot without water and heat it. The brown-yellow oil will come out from the crushed fruits. It is good for using on the body but not edible. It is a good massage oil, or to lubricate the skin or to heal small wounds. For the latter, drop some oil on the wound once daily until the wound heals.
n. kind of tree
n. Tabernaemontana padacaqui
Example: leaf used for for wounds; cold maceration taken internally against "skin cancer" (severe wounds?). Stalk, chewed, influences sex of an embryo in favor of a girl.


n. tree to 7 m, dbh 30 com (collection: Michael J. Balick #4870)
Example: This plant is used for spiritual purposes. When fruits are young, the children take the fruit, cut it open and take coconut leaf midribs, impaling the seeds on the midribs and painting themselves with the fruit.

n. tree to 5 m, dbh 8 cm (collection: Michael J. Balick #4855)
Example: To treat a flu that has resulted in a thick, runny nose, collect sap of this tree, drink 2-3 drops directly (not in water). This is for treating the type of flu that provokes yellow mucus coming out of the nose. Drinking the sap breaks up the stuffy nose. Use once, it tastes very sour. In 3-4 days the mucus will be expelled. Do not use too much! If a person has a new cut, and the bleeding will not stop, place the sap on the cut and the bleeding will stop. If you have a burn that is bleeding, applying the sap will stop the blood and oozing sore. If a person has a sore on their body, cover it with a layer of the sap from this plant. This will ensure that the sore will not get larger from infection, flies, etc. but stay its original size. This plant is also used for unspecified spiritual practices. To determine if a fish you have caught is poisonous, e.g. with ciguatera, take an 8’ piece of small branch from this tree, peel the bark and put it inside the fish before you cook it on the earth oven. If the stick turns black, then you know that the fish is not good to eat--it has a poison so should be thrown away.
n. kind of breadfruit
n. the pandanus leaf
bookmarkinmahim nakowai
n. kind of taro

n. well branched tree, 12 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4022)
Example: 1. A durable hardwood that is used for house posts. 2. The wood is used to fashion cross members that affix outriggers to the body of the canoe. 3. 4-5 inch diameter saplings are used to create a track in the forest that larger logs can roll down.
bookmarkinmal acujitai
n. a collection of plantations
bookmarkinmal ahapol
n. a group of cultivations
n. a grove of coconuts
bookmarkinman anjap
n. sea bird
n. kind of tree

n. tree, 12-14 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #3611)
Example: 1. The nut of this tree is edible and very good. Boil it with skin on or bake it in the earth oven and then cut it in half and eat. 2. Leaves for top of house ridge. 3. Leaves for fertilizing the water taro in swamps.
n. kind of breadfruit
n. Tabernaemontana padacaqui
Example: leaf used for for wounds; cold maceration taken internally against "skin cancer" (severe wounds?). Stalk, chewed, influences sex of an embryo in favor of a girl.
n. a convolvulus
bookmarkinmauwad ahi
n. a convolvulus with white flowers; also "inmauwad picad"
bookmarkinmauwad imrig
n. a convolvulus with blue or reddish flowers
bookmarkinmauwad itoga
n. a foreign convolvulus
bookmarkinmauwad picad
n. a convolvulus with white flowers; also "inmauwad ahi"

n. Squaretail coralgrouper
Example: Photo by Mark Rosenstein /, License: CC BY-SA 3.0 via Fishes of Australia

n. Peacock hind
Example: Photo by Andrew J. Green / Reef Life Survey, License: CC BY-A 3.0 via Fishes of Australia