Your search for the imperative 4th person admonition, negative, Optative
has returned 6 entries

Halah doo bíighah jiztį́į da.

opposite.sibling NEG 3-beside 4-lay.O NEG

Do not lie down beside your brother or sister.

Tł’éé’go doo 'ízh'dísóół da.

night-GO NEG 4-whistle.O NEG

Do not whistle at night.

Halah doo bííghah jiztį́į da.

opposite.sibling NEG 3-beside 4-lay.O NEG

Do not lay beside your brother or sister.

Na’ashǫ́’ii doo baa nijit’į́į́ da.

snake NEG 3-with 4-bother.O NEG

Do not bother snakes. (YM 1987: 130)

Ha’a’aahgo doo jiztįį da, johonaa’ai hwił ołtáh jíní.

sunrise-GO NEG 4-lay.O NEG, sun 4-with count 4-say.I

Do not lay after the sun rises, the sun will count you in with the dead.

Doo at’ééké bizhdisóół da.

NEG girls 3-4-whistle.O NEG

Do not whistle at the girls.