Ła’ ha’nitáhígíí ’éí biihidzóhí 50 entries
’Aadę́ę́’ hoołtį́į́ł.
there-from 3s-rain.Prog’Aseezį́ binaaltsoos biníkádinishchid.
gossip 3-paper 3-through-1-stick.finger.P’Ałk’ésdisí naháłnii’go sitsilí dóó shideezhí ’aheełt’éego bá ’ahá níjaa’.
candy 3-1-buy.P-GO 1-little.brother and 1-little.sister RECP-equal-GO 3-for RECP-for 3-lie.aligned.PlO.NP’áádóó
CONJ’áyąą, ’áyaańda
’Áłtsé da’ííyą́ą́’ ’áko shį́į́ ’índa hooghandi nákai.
first 3.eat.P until then only home.at 3.pl.return.PBéégashii báháchxį’go bik’ee neeshchééł.
cattle 3-become.angry.I-GO 3-on.account.of 1-flee.Prog
bee ’ééhóziní
- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- háchį’ become angryfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- -go verb and subordinating encliticfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- -k’ee on account offind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Progressive (Prog)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- neeshchééł flee, run away fromfind in Navajo Verb Modes
3DO-4-wrap.it.around.it.PCh’ééh jiyáán hastiin baa nahashniihgo ch’ééh ’ííł’įįd ’ahbínídą́ą́’.
watermelon man 3-from 3-1-buy.CI-GO tried in.vain 1-act.P morning-past
bee ’ééhóziní
- Continuative Imperfective (CI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nahashniih buy, sellfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’asht’í actfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’ahbínídą́ą́’ this morningfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- -aa tofind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
Ch’ééh jiyáán náánááshdą́ą́’.
watermelon again-1-eat.RChaha’oh biyaagi ni’dííłbąs.
shade.house 3-under-at 2-drive.FChidíłtsooí bidááh síńzį́į dooleeł.
car-yellow-REL 3-for 2-stand.SPN FUTdajiyą́
3DO-2dpl-start.to.herd.them.(animals).FDíí dziłígíí shádi’ááh bich’ijígo ’ałkéé’ ’adíítąąd.
this mountain-Comp southward 3-toward-GO one-behind-another 3Pl-scatter.NPDoo kingóó diit’ash da.
NEG town-to 1dpl-go.du.Prog NEG
bee ’ééhóziní
- Proposal with negationfind in Navajo Imperatives
- 1st person inclusive, Let’s!find in Navajo Imperatives
- Ájoolį́į́łfind in Navajo Imperatives
- doo --- da frame to negativize verbs and phrasesfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- -góó to, toward, along, on, with a numeral it indicates a datefind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Progressive (Prog)find in Navajo Verb Modes
Ha’át’íí lá nizhé’é yaa naaghá?
what Q 2-father 3-about 3-do.CIhadaniilchaad
pl-3DO-1dpl-card.it.(as.in.wool).PHastiin nééz doondó’ ndi ’alzhish da.
man tall NEG but 3-dance.DI NEGHatáálgóó déyáago shikélchí t’óó tsxį́į́łgo bił ’ada’shéshiizhgo ńdaséłkad.
ceremony-1-go-Fut-GO 1-moccasin merelyhurry.GO 3-with 3-1-pierce-GO 3-1-sew-Phayíígeed
3DO-4-fill.something.up.with.it.PHáí lá bił nanilnish?
who Q 3-with 2-work.IHáí lá tsinaa’eeł ’áyiilaa?
who Q boat 3-3-make.PJoe dóó Louise dóó Kii dahataał.
Joe and Louise and Kii pl-3-sing.CIK’os jóhonaa’éí yich’ą́ą́h ’i’ííjool.
cloud sun 3-protect 3-drift.PNa’nízhoozhídę́ę́’ shíká bił ’oolwoł.
Gallup 1-for 3-with 3-drive.I
bee ’ééhóziní
- -dę́ę́’ from a general location or point in space or time, also out of, off offind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- -ká after, forfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- goal
- -ił withfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- transportation
- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’oolwoł drivefind in Navajo Verb Modes
Na’nízhoozhídi Naasht’éshí ’Atsá’jí yee nááda’alzhish.
gallup.at Zuni.people eagle-way 3-with again-pl-3-dance.R
bee ’ééhóziní
- ’Ánáhoot’įįhígíífind in Navajo Verb Modes
- -di atfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- location
- -jí designates ceremonies, religious and political institutions and lifewaysfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- -ee by means offind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- ’Ánáhoot’įįhígíífind in Navajo Verb Modes
Naadą́ą́’ lá haa néelą́ą́’ nida’ak’eh biyi’ góne’?
corn Q how 3.much.N 2-cornfield 3-in thereNádí daats’í ’éí doodaii’ nideezhí daats’í bááh ’íidoolííł?
older.sister perhaps or younger.sister perhaps bread 3-make.Fneiilyé
3DO-1dpl-carry.a.ropelike.thing.around.INidlóóhísh ’éí doodago doo daats’í nidlóoh da?
2-cold.X-Q TOP or NEG perhaps 2-cold.X-Q NEGnishóóh
3DO-1-investigate.it.PSitsóí éí ’ashiiké nidaanéego ’atah nijóne’ laanaa nízin.
my.grandson TOP boy pl-3pl-play.I-GO join 4-play.O hope 3-3.want.CIT’ahdiísh nahałtin?
still-Q area-rain.CIT’áadoo hosh biih dadoołtaałí.
neg cactus 3-in pl-2dpl-step.O-ÍTį’ ninádeiilnish.
let’s.go again-pl-1dpl-work.RTsxį́įłgo łees’áán ’ánílééh; nimásání nihaa níyá!
quickly tortilla 2-make.I 2-mat.grandma 1.pl-to 3-came.P
bee ’ééhóziní
- tsxį́įłgo quickly, fastfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’ashłééh makefind in Navajo Verb Modes
- -aa tofind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nishááh come, arrivefind in Navajo Verb Modes
- goal