Saad ła’ hani’aah [t’áá ’ałtso] ’adah downward from a height ’adą́ą́dą́ą́’ yesterday ’ahbínídą́ą́’ this morning ’ayóigo very, extremely ’ayóí remarkable, amazing, extraordinary ’ayóo very, extremely ’ałk’idą́ą́’ long ago, formerly ’ałk’idídą́ą́’ quite some time ago ’ałní’ní’ą́ągo at noon ’ałní’ní’ą́ągo noon-at ’ałní’ní’ą́ąjį’ noon-until ’ániidígo recently, not long ago ’át’ah ’índa later, later on ’át’ahígo shortly, soon, in a little while ’áyąą, ’áyaańda no wonder, little wonder that ’áłt’ąą after all ’áłtsé first ’ííshją́ą́ certainly 'áłahji’ always -gi ’át’éego like, similar to -go verb and subordinating enclitic ałní’ní’ą́ noon ch’ééh in vain, futilely, try ch’į́į́góó, ch’ínígóó everything possible without result ch’óóshdą́ą́dą́ą́’ formerly, originally daats’í maybe, perhaps, possibly dah up at an elevation, off, static, holding de, deg up deigo, dego up, upward, up in the air díí tł’éé tonight doo ’ashohodéébéézhgóó unbearable doo ’ashohodoobéézhgóó awfully, extremely doo ’asht’é’égóó extremely, very doo --- da frame to negativize verbs and phrases doo --- ndi, doo ndi, ndi --- doo not even, not so much as doo chohoo’į́į́góó very, extremely doo deighánígóó a long ways, far doo ndi --- da not even, doesn’t even doo t’áá k’ad --- da don’t want to, don’t feel like doo yéé --- -í it’s a good thing that, you’re lucky that doochǫǫł --- dooleeł ridiculous, repulsive doolá dó’ --- da lá it certainly is, wow, but it is dooleeł future doondó’ --- da not even, doesn’t even doondó’ --- da, doo ndi ---da, doondó’ ndi --- da not even, doesn’t even doondó’ ndi --- da not even, doesn’t even dooshą’ --- lá, dooshą’ léi’ --- lá, dooshą’ dó’ léi’ --- lá I’ll see to it that, see that doozhǫǫgo acceptable, satisfactory, decent dó’ --- -ísh łí expresses questioning uncertainty, wonderment dó’, ’ałdó’ too, also ha’naa, tsé’naa across haahláyéé don’t dare hah, hahí fast, quick hanii expresses contrariness hazhóó’ógo carefully, painstakingly hazhóʼí carefully hágoónee’ well, all right then, well hííłch’į’go in the evening hodíina’ágo after a while k’ad now k’adę́ę lágo just about the time when k’adę́ę nearly, almost k’asdą́ą́’ almost, nearly k’asídą́ą́’ very nearly, coming close to kwe’é here laanaa optative particle for a positive wish, hope or desire lágo negative particle used with the optative mode le’ ’át’éégóó, doo --- le’ ’át’éégóó with the optative mode: to proof against na’ńle’dii to my dismay, out of luck naa across, crosswise on náás forward, farther on nizhónígo nicely ńt’éé’ relates to past time sha’shin perhaps shá bíighah all day, forever shį́į́ perhaps, possibly, probably t’ah ńt’éé’ all of a sudden t’ahdii still t’áadoo hooyání suddenly t’áadoo not t’áá ’íiyisíí really, very t’áá ákwíízhíní every summer t’áá ch’į́į́góó failure t’áá gééd without t’áá hoosch’į’ suddenly t’áá just t’áá ká don’t t’éiyá only t’óó with tsxį́įłgo quickly, fast tł’éédą́ą́’ last night tł’óo’di outside wónáásdóó soon, finally yaa down, downward yah in, inside a spacious chamber yá’át’éehgo well yiską́ągo tomorrow yóó’ away, disappearing, getting lost łah once, at one time, once upon a time łahágóó in a few places łahda sometimes, from time to time łahgo otherwise, altered, changed łáháda now and then, once in a while, seldom, rarely
Select a conjunction, an imperative, a postposition, question expression, verb or verb mode [t’áá ’ałtso] -- zaalání -- ’azhą́…ndi even though, despite the fact that, notwithstanding ’áádóó and then ’áko so, so that, so then ’áko ’índa when, then ’áko ndi even so, even then ’áko shį́į́ ’índa then only ’áko shį́į́ then maybe, then probably ’índa and only then -ii’ and, and thereupon doodago or doodaii’ or dóó and, and then háálá for, because léi’ because, inasmuch as, in view of the fact that ndi but ńt’éé’ past yę́ędą́ą́’ past -- imperatives -- Command, affirmative Command, negative Indirect command with implied negation Indirect command with negation Indirect instruction, negative Proposal with negation Proposal, affirmative Request, affirmative 1st person inclusive, Let’s! 4th person admonition, affirmative 4th person admonition, affirmative, Optative 4th person admonition, negative, Imperfective 4th person admonition, negative, Optative Náásgóó T’ahdii baa na’aldeeh Imperfective with frame T’áadoo -í Neuter Perfective with frame T’áadoo -í Laanaa hoolzhish saad naalkii góne’ Optative le’ Optative with frame T’áadoo -í Optative with lágo Optative with t’áá ká Optative with t’áá ká and lágo ’Áhoodzaii Perfective with future time reference Ájoolį́į́ł Progressive with frame T’áadoo -í Pronoun with enclitic -íni’ doo with iterative, Future dooleeł with neuter, Future nichxǫ’ stop níwe and t’áádoo---í stop níwe stop -- postpositions -- -’oh less than, short of, too little -’ąą beyond, on the other side, in addition to -aa to -á for, for the benefit of -áátis over -ááłk’iis alongside, parallel with -ąąh on, beside -ą́ą́h passing by -ba’ waiting -ba- to the point of exhaustion, used up, completed -ch’a scold -ch’ijí toward, on the side, supporting -ch’į’ to, toward -ch’ą́ą́h blocking -chá-, -chá bunched up, bunched together, huddled -chą́’ craving, addicted to, fond of -dááh in front of, meeting, before, for -dą́ą́’ past time -de up -deená exchange for -dę́ę́’ from a general location or point in space or time, also out of, off of -di at -diníná opposite to -dóó from a specific location or point in space or time -ee by means of -ę́ę-dą́ą́’ =yę́ędą́ą́’ back when -ghá through -ghą́ą́h attaching to, hitched to, connected to -gi at -góó to, toward, along, on, with a numeral it indicates a date -ii’, yi’ inside of, within, at the interior of a solid object -iih into -ił with -í-jígo over in the direction of the place where -ídin without, lacking -íighah by means of time -íniiká against, counter to -íyah under, supporting as a beam -jigo toward, northward -jí designates ceremonies, religious and political institutions and lifeways -jí on the side of, in the direction of, in the manner of -jí-k’ehgo in the manner of -jį́’ up to, as far as -k’ą́ą́h against -k’ee on account of -k’eh -jí in a language -k’eh according to, in conformity with -k’eh-jí in a language -k’é for, in compensation for -k’i on, onto, off, over -ká after, for -káá’ on, on top of -kéé’ behind, following -lááh beyond, greater than -na’ beside, at one’s side, in place of, waiting for -naa, na- around -naashii across from, opposite -nah aside, to one side -ná around, encircling -nánii on a slope, on the edge -ne’ behind -ni in, during -niinaa because of, on account of -niit’aa to a barrier, to a point at which progress is blocked -niiyé for the purpose of, to -ní into a surface without completely piercing -níká through -t’ah in a recess, pocket or enclosed space, undercover -t’ááh close to -ta’ between -tah, -taa-, -ta- among, mixing -tis over -ts’ąą concealed from, out of reach -ts’ą́ą́’ away from, separating from, derived from -tsąąh in or during sleep -tsé before -tsi first, ahead, in front in space or time -tł’ááh beneath, under -yaa under, beneath, down -yaaghah around the corner from -yah under, beneath -zánághah around -- question expressions -- da’ particle for yes/no questions daats’í particle for perhaps doodago particle or doodaii’ particle or -ísh enclitic for yes/no questions da’ particle for yes/no questions dó’ --- -ísh łí uncertainty, wonder, or probability ya’ particle for tag questions -sh enclitic for content questions -shą’ enclitic for content questions díkwíí how many ha’át’íí biniyé/biniinaa why, for what reason ha’át’íí what, who haa + Neuter V how / what V haa’í where hahgo when [future] há’at’é-P.ENCLITIC where há’at’é-go how, why háadi where at háá-P.ENCLITIC where hádą́ą́ when [past] háidí which one háí who lá particle for content questions -- verb modes -- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅) Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅) Future (F) ’Ánáhoot’įįhígíí Usitative (U) Optative (O) Progressive (Prog) Continuative Imperfective (CI) Si-Perfective Neuter (SPN) Neuter Imperfective (NI) Neuter Perfective (NP) -- verbs -- ’adaashkááh go down (at least three) ’adiishdǫǫh shoot it ’adisht’oh be an archer, shoot arrows ’ahish’áád toss away ’aleeh happen, occur ’ashą́ eat ’ashtł’ó weave ’ashłééh make ’astsid pound, do silverwork ’ádihodiisht’ééh get oneself into trouble ’ádįįh dwindle, become extinct ’áháshyą́ care ’áhonissin be aware ’áshnééh act ’eesbąs drive ’iilts’ííd move (SRO) out of sight ’iishháásh sleep ’iishtł’ǫ́ set up a loom ’oolwoł drive ba’nistsóód feed it baa’nishkah place it, put it be’eshłééh copy, make a facsimile bééhózin there is knowledge bééshhił push along bi’dizhchį́ be born bik’iisdził provide for them, support them bik’í’níshch’iid find it bik’ídísdis wrap it around it binááshwoł run around bíhoosh’aah learn it bíjeeshtał kick it along ch’ééníssííd awaken him/her ch’éghááh go out ch’éghááh walk out ch’élyeed run out ch’ínishtaał bolt déyá go déyá start to go didishjeeh start fire diisłóós lead it (on a leash) dináádish’nííł put more of them into the fire dishááh start to go dishhį́įh melt it dishhį́į́h melt it dishní say it dishnííł start to work díínii’ ache, be in pain díníshkaad start to herd them along díníshniih ache, be in pain dínít’įįh start to grow díníshkaad start to herd them (animals) haasdziih speak, exclaim haash’nééh climb up (on hands and knees) haashgééd dig it out haashgéésh cut it out haashteeh carry him/her up out of something hadishbin fill something up with it hahiiłhan jerk it out hanááshyį́į́’ rest hanishchaad card it (as in wool) hashbį’ clear the land hasht’eeshłééh prepare it hasht’enáshdlééh put back hashtááł sing hááshááł go along after it háchį’ become angry heesh’ááł move it along (heavy object) hoshishkeeh scold k’idishłé plant it na’abąąs drive na’ashkǫ́ǫ́’ swim na’nishkaad herd, go out herding na’nishtin teach naash’na’ crawl around naashá go about naashkaah investigate it, study it naashnish work naashté carry it around (animate object) naashłé carry a ropelike thing around nahashheeh unload nahashniih buy, sell nááshbał turn in circles, whirl, spin nááshdááł return, go back náásxis turn it náháshgod hoe náníshdááh return na‘oolwoł return ndaashjooł set piles out neeshchééł flee, run away from neeshkał herd them along ni’séłhaazh rest up niiltłáád stop, stall niishch’ííł blink niishk’oł blink ninish’nééh crawl to a point ninishjooł feed niséyá go and return nishááh come, arrive nishkaah give open container nisin think, want ńdiishdááh start shishkaah put it on a surface (OC) shishłé put it on a surface (SFO) sisxé kill sodiszin pray tanáosh’nił take it apart tá’dishgéésh shear it tádíshááh go about wooshbįįh win it yá’át’ééh it is good yááshtih talking along yáshti’ speak yiishgish make one cut in it yiishjį́į́h become black, get sunburned yiits’a’ be heard yilyeed go, run yinísht’įįh discuss yish’aah move it, handle it yish’aah move it, handle it (SRO) yish’aash go as a pair (with) yish’aał chew it yishááh go yishááł walk yishą́ eat it yishbéézh boil it yishdlą́ drink it yishghał eat it (meat) yishhį́į́h melt it (snow) yishtł’ééł trot along, jog along yishtł’ó weave it yishwoł run along yishyeed run yishóóh brush/comb it yíníshkeed request yíshą́ eat it ’asht’í act ’ííá extend biséłdá keep it sitting diists’a hear, understand diltłi’ burn ditą́ deep, thick hinishná nitsa big níjaa’ lie in a line sédá sit sétį́ lie down sézį́ stand shijool non-compact matter is situated si’ą́ solid object is situated yiníshyé be named, be called
Hanítá: t’áá át’á saad Dinéjí ’alą́ą saad zaatł’ání baa hani’
’Ááha’nínígíí : [t’áá ’ałtso] accompaniment benefactive cognitive experiencer comparative goal iih imperative instrumental location possessor time transportation weather yą́
Your search for the saad késhdę́ę́’į́ -’oh less than, short of, too little biihidzóhí 3 entries
Haazí’ígíí: Sharon Nelson
Haazí’ígíí: Lorene B Legah