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[ Ɂa.’k’ɨɁ ] sustantivo night
(Spanish) noche
Speaker: Elmar Caal Cohuoj
[t͡ʃ’aɁ ʔik’] verbo intransitivo breathe
(Spanish) respirar
[xun ti kaɁ.’k’ɨl] número twenty-one
(Spanish) veintiúno
[ k’ɨɁ ] sustantivo hand
(Spanish) mano
[ k’a.’ɓaɁ ] sustantivo name
(Spanish) nombre
[ka’ ti kaɁ.’k’ɨl ] número thirty
(Spanish) treinta
[kaɁ.’k’ɨl ] número forty
(Spanish) cuarenta
[ku.’lu:l] adjetivo round
(Spanish) redondo / circular
[p’oɁ] verbo transitivo wash
(Spanish) lavar
[ tu.ɗa.’Ɂan ] adjetivo full
(Spanish) lleno
[ t͡s’i t͡s’iɁ] adjetivo small
(Spanish) pequeño
[Ɂu.ji.’t͡s’in in tat] sustantivo inalienable father’s younger brother
(Spanish) tio (el hermano menor de su padre)
[ wit͡ʃ t͡ʃeɁ ] sustantivo fruit
(Spanish) fruta