The Tlacolula de Matamoros Zapotec Talking Dictionary currently has 209 entries, with 186 audio files and 32 images.
This image gallery has returned 32 entries.
[ btyùu’ix gui’ihzh ]
noun wild tomato
( Spanish ) tomatillo
Variant: Zapotec
Semantic domains:
[ wzhaar dòo’b ]
noun maguey fronds
( Spanish ) cucharilla de maguey
Variant: Zapotec
Semantic domains:
All content copyright © the recorded Zapotec communities. (2013)
Dictionary produced by Brook Lillehaugen, with support from K. David Harrison and Jeremy Fahringer. (2013).
All rights reserved. Do not distribute or reproduce without permission.
Supported in part with funding from a NSF REU Site grant (PI Harrison, Building Digital Tools to Support Endangered Languages and Preserve Environmental Knowledge in Mexico, Micronesia, and Navajo Nation, Award #1461056).
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
All rights reserved. Do not distribute or reproduce without permission.
how to cite:
2013. Lillehaugen, Brook Danielle, Roberto Antonio Ruiz, and Josefina Antonio Ruiz with Caroline Batten, Helen Felker, Alex Mannix, Katherine Donovan McCormick, and Rachel Elizabeth Weissler.
Tlacolula de Matamoros Zapotec Talking Dictionary, pilot version. Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages.