The Nukuoro Talking Dictionary currently has 7247 entries, with 1078 audio files and 74 images.
This image gallery has returned 74 entries.
noun ant
Example: Photo by David Harrison, 2015
noun plant species with bright green leaves, cooked with turtle
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/11/15
noun yellow root, used to treat bruises; tumeric root
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/11/15
noun coconut crab
Example: Crancs dels cocoters a Bora-Bora. by Brocken Inaglory, 2006, CC BY-SA 3.0 via
noun plant species with white, five-petaled flowers
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/11/15
noun second stage of a green coconut; type of huaamee
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/16/15
noun tool used to soften the pandanus leaf
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/11/15
noun plant species with red flowers, used to make flower crowns
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/11/15
noun Indian mulberry, cheese fruit (seeds)
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/11/15
noun Indian mulberry, cheese fruit; used to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problems
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/11/15
noun first stage of a green coconut; youngest coconut
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/16/15
noun small green offshoots of the coconut tree trunk
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/16/15
decorative plants used to build boundary walls
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/13/19
reel of fishing line (lit. thing to wrap fishing line)
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/13/19
noun stage between a young green coconut and a mature brown coconut
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/16/15
noun first stage of a green coconut; youngest coconut; type of huaamee
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/16/15
noun sprouting coconut; white meat of a sprouting coconut
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/10/15
noun ball woven from coconut palm, used for sport
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/10/15
noun young coconut tree (bearing no fruit or its first fruit)
Example: Photo by Emily Drummond, 06/16/15
All content copyright © Nukuoro community. (2013-2018)
Dictionary produced by Johnny Rudolph, Maynard Henry, Kurt Erwin, Emily Drummond, Gregory D. S. Anderson and K. David Harrison.
Supported in part with funding from a NSF REU Site grant (PI Harrison, Building Digital Tools to Support Endangered Languages and Preserve Environmental Knowledge in Mexico, Micronesia, and Navajo Nation, Award #1461056).
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
All rights reserved. Do not distribute or reproduce without permission.
how to cite:
Drummond, E., G. Anderson, J. Rudolph, M. Henry, K. Erwin & K. D. Harrison. 2016.
Nukuoro Talking Dictionary.
Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages.