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’Aadę́ę́’ hoołtį́į́ł.
there-from 3s-rain.Prog’Ahwééh bee yishdlį́hígíí bikáá’ ’adání bikáá’ dah yish’ááh.
coffee 3-with 3-1-drink.P-NOM table 3-on up 3-1-put.SRO.U’Áádę́ę́’ nánísdzáago łį́į́’ bá nida’deeshjoł.
from.there 1-return.P-GO horse 3-for pl-1-set.out.NCM.F’Éí naanishígíí haa nízahdę́ę́’ binanilnishgo hoolzhiizh?
that work-ÍGÍÍ how 3-long.N-past 3-2-work-GO time.move.P’Áádę́ę́’ nánísdzáago łį́į́’ bá ni’deeshjoł.
from.there 1-return.p-GO horse 3-for pl-1-feed.FCh’óóshdą́ą́dą́ą́’ Na’nízhoozhídi kééhasht’į́ ńt’éé’.
formerly Gallup-at 1-live.I pastChidí naat’a’íísh hooghan yikáá’góó ch’éta’ ’éí doodago daats’í dził yąąhgóó ch’ét’a’?
airplane-Q house 3-over-along 3-fly.P TOP or perhaps mountain 3-over-along 3-fly.PChidí naat’a’íísh hooghankáá’góó ch’ínísaal ’éí doodaii’ dziłghą́ą́’góó daats’í?
airplane house-over-along over-3-fly.P TOP or mountain-attached-along perhapsChidíísh bee hólǫ́ doodaii’ ni daats’í chidí nee hólǫ́?
car-Q 3-with 4-exist.NI or 2 maybe car 2-with 4-exist.NIDa’ ’ałní’ní’ą́ąjį’ tł’óo’di nishínílnish?
Q noon-until outside-at 2-work.PDid you work outside up to noon?
bookmarkDamóo yę́ędą́ą́’ Yootóógóó niséyá.
Sunday past Santa.Fe-to 1-go.PDiné bikéyah bikáa’gi ndahonidzood yę́ędą́ą́’ Naatsis’áán hoolyéégóó niha’áłchíní bił ’adahineet’į́į́’.
Navajo 3-land 3-on-at past Navajo.Mountain areal-be.called.NI-to 1pl-children 3-with the time people were on the run in Navajoland, fleeing in small groups, we sneaked away with our children one group after another, to Navajo Mountain.
bookmark- -káá’ on, on top offind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- location
- -gi atfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- location
- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)
- yę́ędą́ą́’ pastfind in Navajo Conjunction Lexicon
- Neuter Imperfective (NI)
- -ił withfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- accompaniment
- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)
Dlǫ́ǫ́’ ’a’ą́ą́dę́ę́’ hanoolne’ dóó naneesne’. hole-from stick.head.up.out.P and 3-look.around.PDoo deighánígóó łeeyi’ ’azhnígeed.
NEG far ground-inside 3-4-dig.PDooládó’ shį́į́ ’adą́ą́dą́ą́’ shich’ohoos’ni’ da kintah góyaa yishááł ńt’éé’ béeso naadiinígíí ńdiiłtsooz.
wow probably yesterday 1-lucky.P town areal down 1-go.I Past money twenty-NOM 3-sit.FFO.PDził bit’áahgi bįįh haalzheeh.
mountain deer 3-3-hunting.CIHa’át’íí biniiyé shą́ą́h ńdídááh?
what 3-because 2-go.IHa’ąądi dibé bighan.
areal-other.side sheep 3-corralHáádę́ę́’shą’ tó ndahohheeh?
where-from-Q water pl-3-2-haul.LPB.IHádą́ą́’sh Mary ’ólta’dę́ę́’ nádzá?
when-past-Q Mary school-from 3-return.PHoozdo hoolyéedi deesdoi sha’shin. ’Áyaańda (’áyąą) diné bi’éétsoh t’áá gééd ndaakai.
Phoenix areal-called-at hot possibly no.wonder person 3-coat withoutáádę́ę’shą’ díí ch’ah nizhóní léi’ naa yílts’id?
where-from-Q DEM hat 3-beautiful.NI INDEF 2-to 3-move.air.SRO.PJohn dáádílkałdóó sizį́į́ dóó ’áádę́ę́’ déez’į́į́’.
John door-from 3-stand.SPN and there-from 3-look.CIK’ad cháshk’eh góyaa tó de ’anool’ąął.
now wash down water up 3-rise.ProgK’ad cháshk’eh góyaa tó deg ’anool’ąął.
now wash area-down water up 3-move.ProgKin Łánídi daats’í ’éí doodago Bee’eldííldahsinildiísh naniná?
Flagstaff-at perhaps or Albuquerque-at-Q 2-go.around.CIKin Łánídiísh ’éí doodago Bee’eldííldahsinildi daats’í naniná?
Flagstaff-at-Q TOP or Albuquerque-at perhaps 2-go.around.CIKintahdę́ę́’ łį́į́’ shił nááldlosh.
town-from horse 1-with 3-crawl.CIMósí yázhí chizhtah yiyah yílwod.
kitten woodpile.among 3-under 3-run.PNa’nízhoozhídę́ę́’ shíká bił ’oolwoł.
Gallup 1-for 3-with 3-drive.INaadą́ą́’ lá haa néelą́ą́’ nida’ak’eh biyi’ góne’?
corn Q how 3.much.N 2-cornfield 3-in thereNáás heesháałgo chidí bine’ ’ííyá.
forward 1-step.Prog-GO car 3-behind 1-go.PNichidí lá háadi nííníłbą́ą́z?
2-car Q where-at 3-2-park.PNichidísh háadi nííníłbą́ą́z?
2-car-Q where-at 3-2-park.PNichidíshą’ háadi nííníłbą́ą́z?
2-car-Q where-at 3-2-park.PÓlta’di ndeii’néego ’ashkii ła’ kin bizánághahdę́ę́’ shich’į’ ch’élwodgo bił ’ahídégoh.
school-at 1pl-play.I-GO boy some building-3-around-from 1-to out-3-run.P-GO 3-with 3-1-collide.P
When we were playing at school a boy came running at me around the corner of the building and I collided with him.
bookmark- -di atfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- -zánághah aroundfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- -dę́ę́’ from a general location or point in space or time, also out of, off offind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- -ch’į’ to, towardfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- -ił withfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
Shighandóó ndáá’góó ’ada’iisdee’go nihí ’éí t’áá yiike’.
1-home-from war.ceremony-to 3-go.away.P TOP just 1du-remain.behind.PShimósí yázhí tsin yąąh dah sidáago hádésh’na’ ńt’éé’ ’áłt’ąą hadanáálwod.
1-cat little tree 3-on up 3-sit.SPN-GO 1-climb.P but after.all 3-run.down.PShiníbaal doo tó biníkáogeeh le’ ’át’éégóó ’íishłaa.
1-tent NEG water 3-through-3-flow.O proof.against-NEG 3-1-make.PShí ’éí t’áá naanishdóó kingóó déyá.
I TOP just work-from town-to 1-go.IAs for me, I went to the town from work.