Your search for the imperative Command, affirmative
has returned 50 entries
ʼAdaʼniigeh, nihíká ʼadoohjah.
3pl-marry.F 1dpl-afterʼAghááł chidí bídadooltłʼółígíí k'ad hashtʼe dadiilnííł.
rattle rope car 3-3-tie-ÍGÍÍ.F now 3-prepare 3-1pl-make.F’Ahbínígo gohwééh dííłbish.
morning-GO coffee 3-2-boil.F’Ałk’idą́ą́’ ye’iitsoh lei’ jiní “łeeh nideeshbish.”
long.ago giant INDEF 4-say.P ground-into 2-1.roast.F’Áádóó “shiba’ yílwoł”, ní ma’ii, jiní.
and.then 1-ahead 2-run.F 3-say.P coyote 4-say.P’Áłahji’ tó dilchxoshí síníł’ą́ą dooleeł.
always water popping-Í 3-2-keep.SPN’Áłchíní hazhóʼí bik’i yíldził.
children careful 3-for 2-support.Prog'Ólta’góó dayínóhkááh.
school-toward'Ólta’góó deínóhkááh.
school-toward"Binák’eegóó baa da’ashch’osh lá," didíínííł.
3-eye-between-around 3-to pl-3-infest.P DISC 3-2-tell.FAbínídą́ą́’ kintahgóó dah didoohkah.
morning-past town-GÓÓ up start-3pl.go.F
You all go to town in the morning. (YM1987: 344)
bookmark- Command, affirmativefind in Navajo Imperatives
- Futurefind in Navajo Imperatives
- -góó to, toward, along, on, with a numeral it indicates a datefind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Future (F)
- ’ahbínídą́ą́’ this morningfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- dah up at an elevation, off, static, holdingfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Future (F)
Beeldléí danołtsóós.
blanket pl-3-2dpl-bring.FFO.IBįįh bił da’doołdǫǫh.
deer 3-with pl-2dpl-shoot.ICh’ééh jidighaahgo, ajółhosh laanaa jinizin łeh.
in.vain 4-walk.I-GO, 4-sleep.O hope 4-want.CI usuallyChaha’oh biyaagi ni’dííłbąs. 3-under-at 2-drive.FChidí diiłts’į́į́h.
car 3-2-start.IDibé yah ánádanołkaad!
sheep inside semelit-pl-2pl-gather.RDibé yah ánáádanołkaad!
sheep inside semelit-pl-2pl-gather.IDíí tł’éé’ t’áá ká dóola dá’ák’eólyeed lágo, dádiʼnítįįh.
this night NEG bull into.field-3-run.O hope.not 3-2-close.gate.I
Don’t let the bull get into the field tonight, so close the gate.
bookmark- Command, negativefind in Navajo Imperatives
- Optative with t’áá ká and lágofind in Navajo Imperatives
- t’áá ká don’tfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- lágo negative particle used with the optative modefind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Optative (O)
- Command, affirmativefind in Navajo Imperatives
- Imperfectivefind in Navajo Imperatives
- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)
Díí yiską́ągo ’íídííłtah.
this tomorrow 3-2-read.FDíí tł’óół yílééł.
this rope 3-2-carry.SFO.ProgHada’niłhosh le’!
up-pl-3-3-bubble.up.CI LE’Hazhó’ó nidahísóotą́.
stillóʼí sínídá. Tʼáadoo naaní’dííldisí.
careful 2-sit.I NEG again-2-wander.Prog-í
Sit still. Donʼt just run around.
bookmark- Progressivefind in Navajo Imperatives
- hazhóʼí carefullyfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Command, negativefind in Navajo Imperatives
- Command, affirmativefind in Navajo Imperatives
- t’áadoo notfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Progressivefind in Navajo Imperatives
- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)
- sédá sit
- Progressive (Prog)
Háát’i’ le’!
up-3-extend.P LE’Hózhó’ógo baa nitsínkeesgo níni’ bá na’iłt’oh.
3-harmonious.I-GO 3-toward 2-think.I-GO 2-mind 3-for 2-smoke.IJáan biʼdizhchínéejįʼ ʼanááhoolzhiizh. Tįʼ bá daʼdiidįį́ł.
John 2-birth-up-to again-area-arrive.P let's.go 3-for pl-2-eat.FNaʼahóóhai baa nídiikai ʼakó ʼakʼidahiʼniłí bee shíká ʼadíílwoł.
rodeo 3-about 1pl-do.F so saddle.blanket 3-with 1-after 2-help.FNaʼazhǫǫshgóó dooʼáazhgo nihikééʼ ʼiih deeshwoł.
casino-GÓÓ 2du-go.F-GO 2pl-behind 3-into 1-run.FNeel’ą́ą le’. LE’Ni’éé’ náníłkad.
2-clothes 3-2-sew.INi'dózhoł.
term-3-sprinkle.ONizhéʼé nilą́ąjįʼ yigáałgo bikééʼ yilwoł.
2-father 2-in.front-to 3-walk.Prog-GO 3-behind 2-run.Prog
Run along behind your father as he walks ahead of you.
bookmark- Command, affirmativefind in Navajo Imperatives
- Progressivefind in Navajo Imperatives
- -go verb and subordinating encliticfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- -jį́’ up to, as far asfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- -kéé’ behind, followingfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Progressive (Prog)
- yishwoł run along
3-2-hit.INíwe, bíni'dii ’ałwosh!
stop 3-let 3-sleep.INíwe, bíni'dii ’áyą́!
stop 3-let 3-3-eat.INíwe, naaltsoosgo yee' baa nitsíníkees!
stop paper-GO really 3-with 3-2-think.INíwo’jį’ nídiidááh.
move-to 2-get.up.IShił dó’eeł!
1-with 3-float.OShíká ’anilyeed.
1-for 2-run.IHelp me. / You’re helping me. (lit. You’re running for me.)
bookmarkT’iis bąąh nidaohna’.
cottonwood 3-on pl-2dpl-climb.ITó háálínídi ’ahéédidiit’ash ’ałní’ní’ą́ągo.
spring-at refl-1du-meet.F noon-GO
Let’s meet at the spring at noon.
bookmark- Proposal, affirmativefind in Navajo Imperatives
- 1st person inclusive, Let’s!find in Navajo Imperatives
- -di atfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- ’ałní’ní’ą́ągo at noonfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Command, affirmativefind in Navajo Imperatives
- 1st person inclusive, Let’s!find in Navajo Imperatives
- -di atfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- ’ałní’ní’ą́ągo noon-atfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Future (F)