Your search for the Future (F) mode
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Ch’éénísh’į́įgo náá’deeshtł’óół nissin.
out summer.GO 1-again.weave.F 1-desire’Ach’ą́ nisin ndi shidíbé nído’ahígíí ’ádin.
meat.hunger 1-want.NI but 1-sheep 4-butcher.F 3-1.none.NI’Ałní’ní’ą́ągo tó háálínídi ’ahéédidiit’ash.
noon-GO spring-at refl-1du-meet.FLet’s meet at the spring at noon.
bookmark’Áádę́ę́’ nánísdzáago łį́į́’ bá nida’deeshjoł.
from.there 1-return.P-GO horse 3-for pl-1-set.out.NCM.F’Áłah ’aleehgo ch’iyáán ’ádadiilnííł ’áko shį́į́ ’índa diné ndahidookah.
meeting-Comp food 3-1-Pl-make.F CONJ people 3-Pl.will-arrive.F’Íídeeshwosh daats’í doodaii’ saad naalkaah bindeeshnish.
1-sleep.F maybe or word research 3-1-work.FChidí łizhinígíí doodago łigaaígíí daats’í nahideeshnih?
car black-nom or white-nom perhaps 3-2-buy.Fdadidínóołkał to herd them (animals), 2nd person plural
bookmarkdadoohsį́į́łóogo ’áłah ’aleeh ’áko ’áadi nihaadíínááł.
Sunday 3-gather 3-be so there-at 1-Pl-to-2-arrive.Fdeidooyį́į́łínííłkał to herd them (animals), 2nd person singular
bookmarkdizhdínóołkał to herd them (animals), 4th person
bookmarkDíí yihahígíí biyi’, háísh tówónaanígóó ch’aa deeyá?
this year.IGII within who overseas.GOO travel 3-going.F-QDoo ’áłah diidleeł da.
NEG together NEGhadadoołtééł
pl-3DO-2dpl-carry.him/her.up.out.of.something.Fcarry him/her up out of something, 2nd person plural
3DO-2-carry.him/her.up.out.of.something.Fcarry him/her up out of something, 2nd person singular
3DO-4-carry.him/her.up.out.of.something.Fcarry him/her up out of something, 4th person
bookmarkHáidíígíísh neidiyoołnih nínízin?ÍGÍÍ-Q 3-3-buy.F 2-think.NIHáí lá yiską́ągo Tónaneesdizígóó bił ’adeeswod?́
who discovery tomorrow.GO Tuba.City.GOO with 3-drive.F-QHáá’íshą’. ’Ákǫ́ǫ́ dílyeed!
what-Q there 2-run.Fjidooyį́į́łʼahóóhai baa nídiikai ʼakó ʼakʼidahiʼniłí bee shíká ʼadíílwoł.
rodeo 3-about so saddle.blanket 3-with 1-after 2-help.FWe are having a rodeo, so help me with a saddle blanket.
bookmarkNaʼazhǫǫshgóó dooʼáazhgo nihikééʼ ʼiih deeshwoł.
casino-to 2du-go.F-GO 2pl-follow 3-into 1-run.FNáá’íídéeshtah nisin doodago t’óó siláogóó deeshááł. 1-want or merely military-to 1-go.Fnidadiilyeeł
pl-3DO-1dpl-carry.a.ropelike.thing.around.Fcarry a ropelike thing around, 1st person plural
3DO-1-carry.a.ropelike.thing.around.Fcarry a ropelike thing around, 1st person singular
bookmarkNíká ’adeeshwoł biniiyé níyá.
2-for 1-run.F 3-purpose.of 1-came.PShichidí t’ahdii yá’át’ééh, ’át’ah ’índa ła’ ninááhideeshnih.
1-car still 3-good.N later one again-3-1-buy.FShilį́į́’ doo dah didíłdąsh da.
1-horse NEG up start-3-2.jerk.F NEGShimá bighangóó shíni’ ńt’éé’ ch’ééh déyáago shił náhoogéé’.
1-mother 3-home-to past in.vain 1-go.P-GO 1-with ho-become.lazy.XI wanted to go to my mother’s house however I was tired and became lazy.