Entry # 602 has returned 1 entry
haa néelą́ą́’
how much, how many, what quantity. [mass]
Sources: YM 1987:24, YM 1987, Speaker: Lorene B Legah
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All content copyright © the Navajo community. (2021)
This lexicon was authored by Devon Denny, Natalie R. Desiderio, Jeremy Fahringer, Theodore B. Fernald, Ronald Gene, Johnny Harvey, Betsy H. Horner, Sammy Largo, Lorene B. Legah, Sharon Nelson, Tyler Tinhorn, and Ronald Yazzie.
Dictionary produced by Ted Fernald, K. David Harrison and Jeremy Fahringer. (2021)
Supported in part with funding from a NSF grant (PI Fernald, Collaborative Research: Training the next generation of Navajo language scientists, Award #1563672).
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
All rights reserved. Do not distribute or reproduce without permission.
how to cite:
Fernald, Theodore B., Devon Denny, Natalie R. Desiderio, Jeremy Fahringer, Ronald Gene, Johnny Harvey, Betsy H. Horner, Sammy Largo, Lorene B. Legah, Sharon Nelson, Tyler Tinhorn, and Ronald Yazzie. 2021.
Navajo Verb Modes: grammar and examples.
Navajo Language Academy.
Interface and database design under the direction of Jeremy Fahringer and Swarthmore College ITS.