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Shizhé’é bitsą́ądi haashį́į́ yidzaago tł’óó’góó yik’ee naalyiish.

1-father 3-stomach-at something 3-happen.P-GO outside-toward 3-on.account.of 2-bend/stoop.CI


’Ashkii yázhí bee’eldǫǫh yik’ee ’ádadeeznih.

boy little gun 3-on.account.of REFL-3-hurt.P

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Natalie DesideriolistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Natalie R. Desiderio

The little boy hurt himself with the gun.

Hak’az bik’ee shíchį́į́h doo ’áháłchįįh da.


My nose is numb with the cold.

Ńló bik’ee hooghan góne’ yah ’aniidzood.

hail 3-on.account.of house areal-in 3-in 1Pl-flee.P

We took refuge from the hail by fleeing into the house.

Shį́į́dą́ą́’ na’niiłkaadgo t’áá ’áháníjį’ ’adeeshch’iłgo bik’ee deelyiz.

listenloadingplayingSpeaker: Wallace DalelistenloadingplayingSpeaker: Sharon Nelson

Last summer when we were out herding sheep a bolt of lightning struck nearby and gave us a startle.

’Ąąh háá’á wolyéii k’ad doo ’asht’é’égóó bik’ee ntsinisdzá.

credit 3-call.P now neg extremely.neg 3-on-account-of overwhelm.P

Dichin bik’ee doo bííchįįd da.

hunger 3-account neg 3-become.hopeless.P neg

On account of famine conditions have become hopeless.

K’adę́ę ’ałné’e’áahgo díchin bik’ee shitah ’anahodí’niitłi’.

now noon hunger 3-account 1-among 1-shake.R

When it is nearly noon, I get shaky from hunger.

Béégashii báháchxį’go bik’ee neeshchééł.

cattle 3-become.angry.I-GO 3-on.account.of 1-flee.Prog