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ʼAshiiké chahaʼoh ʼádeidoolííł, ʼatsʼos bee ʼazhish biniiyé.
boy-pl shade-house 3-3-pl-build.F feather 3-means-of dance 3-reason’Ahwééh bee yishdlį́hígíí bikáá’ ’adání bikáá’ dah yish’ááh.
coffee 3-with 3-1-drink.P-NOM table 3-on up 3-1-put.SRO.U
Whenever I finish drinking coffee I place it (the cup) on the table.
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’Ahwééh ła’ yishdlą́.
coffee some 3-1-drink.I’Aoo’, shí dó’ t’áá ’ákwíinisin.
yes 1 also just’Átséétł’éédą́ą́’ lą’í nahoołtą́.
before-last.night many around-3-rain.P’Óshą́ą́’ laanaa’ dichin shi’niiłxį́.
1-eat.O wish hunger 1-3-kill.IBilagáana bizaad bił nantł’a.
English language 3-with 3-difficult.NICh’ééh jiyáán náánááshdą́ą́’.
watermelon again-1-eat.RChidí sits’ą́ą́’ hashtł’ish yiih yilwodgo t’áá ch’į́į́góó ch’ééh ’ííł’įįd.
car 1-from mud 3-into 3-go.P-GO failure in.vain 1-act.P
I did everything possible to get my car out of the mud.
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- yilyeed go, runfind in Navajo Verb Modes
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dadiilbishłhį́į́’ díníilghaazhísh ’íilnilaa?
fry.bread-Q 3-2-make.PDah nóóljííd lágo.
up 2-jump.O don’tdaooshóó’
pl-3DO-2dpl-brush/łhįhíísh haa yit’éego ’atiin?
this-Q how 3-be.NI roaddoo ’asht’é’égóó
Doo ’áłah deiidleeh da.
NEG together NEGGah bikéé’ yishwoł.
rabbit 3-following 1-run.ProgHa’át’íísh hastiin dóó ’at’ééd ’áyiilaa?
what-Q man and girl 3-3-make.PHa’át’íísh nizhé’é yaa naaghá?
what-Q 2-father 3-about 3-do.CIHáadi lá łį́į́’ naakai?
where-at Q horse 3dpl-walk.IHáádę́ę́’shą’ tó ndahohheeh?
where-from-Q water pl-3-2-haul.LPB.IHáágóó díníyá?
where-to 2-go.Fhááji
Hádą́ą́’sh Mary ’ólta’dę́ę́’ nádzá?
when-past-Q Mary school-from 3-return.Pjidooyį́į́ł Łánídi daats’í ’éí doodago Bee’eldííldahsinildiísh naniná?
Flagstaff-at perhaps or Albuquerque-at-Q 2-go.around.CIKin Łánídiísh ’éí doodago Bee’eldííldahsinildi daats’í naniná?
Flagstaff-at-Q TOP or Albuquerque-at perhaps 2-go.around.CILąʼí nahółtą́ągo t’éiyá hodookʼááłígíí yaa hódoonííł.
much 3-rain.O-GO only areal-fire.I-IGII down HO-happen.FThe forest fire will go down only if there is heavy rain.
bookmarkNa’ahóóhaii Ya’iishjááshtsoh bini góne’ nída’adleeh.
July 3-in 3-into rodeo 3-Pl-SUP-be.RNaalyéhé bá hooghandi t’ah doo dá’deelkaałdą́ą́’ nisingo na’ńle’dii tsį́į́ł shiisxį́ (siisxį́). just NEG 3-PASS-close.I-past 1-think.N-GO dismay speed 1-3-kill.PNibéézh bee hane’é doo ndi naalnish da.
2-cellphone NEG but 3-work.P NEGNihizaad ’índa bik’i’diishtį́į́h ndi k’ad bee yashtí’ łeh.
1du-language 3-1-understand.I but now 3-by.means.of 1-talk.DI usuallyUntil now I understand our language, but now I can speak it usually.
bookmarkNíká ’adeeshwoł biniiyé níyá.
2-for 1-run.F 3-purpose.of 1-came.P
I came to help you.
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- nishááh come, arrivefind in Navajo Verb Modes