Ła’ ha’nitáhígíí ’éí biihidzóhí 50 entries
ʼAshiiké chahashʼoh ʼádeidoolííł, ʼatsʼos bee ʼazhish biniiyé.
boy-pl shade-house 3-3-pl-build.F feather 3-means-of dance 3-reason’Ahbínígo gohwééh dííłbish.
morning-GO coffee 3-2-boil.F’Asdzą́ą́ Báhoozhóní yinishyé.
woman happy 1-called.NI’Azhą́ ts’aa’ nízhóní ndi ’áłts’íísí.
even.though basket 3-be.pretty.NI even.though 3-be.small.NI’Ámá chaha’oh yiyaagi sidáago dádíníigaazh ’íílééh.
INDEF.mother brush.arber 3-under-at 3-sitting.SPN-GO frybread 3-3-make.I’Ánísts’ísí yę́ędą́ą́’ Kintahdi shi yaa hoo’a’ ’éí biniinaa díshní.
1-small.NI past town-at 1-possessive 3-of 3-space.P TOP because 3-1-say.NI’Ííshją́ą́ ’at’ééd yázhí hooghandę́ę́’ ch’idoogááł.
certainly girl little house-from out-3-walk.F-nánii
Béégashii yáázh ła’ shibee’í’diidłííd bik’i niní’ą́.
calf one 1-cattle.brand 3-on 3-1-put.NPChidí ’ániidígíí naháłnii’ nít’éé’ bee lą́ą́ shąąh háájil.
car new-ÍGÍÍ One 3-1-buy.P-GO 3-with many 1-on 3-charge.Pdazhdííłhį́į́’
pl-3DO-4dpl-melt.it.PDibé ła’ yóó’ ’íínilgo k’adę́ę ’e’e’aahgo ch’ééh bíká naanááshwoł.
sheep some away 3-1-lose.P-GO almost evening in.vain 3-after 1-run.around.PDíí ’abíní dibé tóógóó neeshkał.
this morning sheep water-to 3-1-herd.ProgDíídó’ doo ákót’ée daásh łí?
this-DÓ’ neg indef-how-3-be.NI neg-ÍSH ŁÍDoo dibé ch’íi’niił da.
NEG sheep pl-3-2-du-take.out.I NEGDoo t’áá k’ad bá’ólta’í sélį́į’ da.
NEG just now teacher 1-be.SPN NEGHa’át’íísh neidiyoołnih nínízin?
who-Q 3-3-buy.F 2-think.NIHa’át’íí lá nizhé’é yaa naaghá?
what Q 2-father 3-about 3-do.CIhaa yit’é (hait’é), haa yit’éego (hait’éego)
Hazeistsósí ńlááh ’akǫ́ǫ́ náádilyeed! Ho’dooniid.
Chipmunk 2-ahead over.there again-start-2-run.I 4-say.PJake ’ólta’ bił bóhoneedzą́.
Jake education 3-with 3-possible.NIJoe dóó Louise dóó Kii dahataał.
Joe and Louise and Kii pl-3-sing.CIKinaaldáágóó jidóya’ t’óó ’ílį́.
puberty.ceremony-to 4-go.O hope just thinkKintah góyaa yishááł ńt’éé’ béeso ńdiiłtsooz
areal-down 1-go.Prog past money 3-1-pick.FFO.PMary ha’át’íí yinízin?
Mary what 3-3-want.NIMósí yázhí bimá yits’ą́ą́’ yóó’ííyá.
kitten 2-mother 3-from away-3-go.Pna’ashkǫ́ǫ́’
1-swim.INa’nííshee’ dóó k’ad éí dah ’iishtł’ó.
3-1-warp.P and now TOP up 3-1-tie.DInaohłé
3DO-2dpl-carry.a.ropelike.thing.around.INaʼahóóhai nitsaaígóó dóola dííyééł.
rodeo 3-big-to bull 2-haul.Fnidasiilyá
pl-3DO-1dpl-carry.a.ropelike.thing.around.PShá bíighah tsiyaa sédáago, shinááł nida’jiłkǫ́ǫ́’.
sun proportionate tree-under 1-sit.SPN-GO 1-watch.CI pl-4-swim.P
bee ’ééhóziní
- Si-Perfective Neuter (SPN)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- sédá sitfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- na’ashkǫ́ǫ́’ swimfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- shá bíighah all day, foreverfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- -yaa under, beneath, downfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- location
Shilééchąą yázhí shikéé’ yildlosh ńt’éé’ hashtł’ish yiih yildloozh.
1-dog little 1-behind 3-walk.Prog past mud 3-into 3-walk.PShiyáázh shaa yógháah le’ nissingo sédá.
my.son 1-for 3-arrive.O hope 3-1-want.CI-GO 1-sit.IShíká ’anilyeed.
1-for 2-run.IShínaaí shikétł’á ’iiyilgo łį́į́’ bikáá’ hasis’na’.
1-older.brother 1-foot-bottom 3-3-boost.P-GO horse 3-top up-1-crawl.PShį́į́dą́ą́’ łį́į́’ yázhí shee hazlį́į́’.
summer-past pony 1-with 3-become.Pshíníłbéézh
3DO-2-boil.it.PT’áá ká dibe łá yóó’ ’ayónííł
Neg sheep some 3-lose.OTł’éé’go doo 'ízh'dísóół da.
night-GO NEG 4-whistle.O NEGYiską́ągo ’azee’ííłíní niwoo’ yideeshnish doo.
tomorrow doctor 2-teeth 3-2-work.F will.beYiską́ągo Na’nízhoozhídi háadish ’adeeshį́į́ł ninízin?
tomorrow Gallup-at where-Q 2-eat.F 2-want.CI
bee ’ééhóziní
- yiską́ągo tomorrowfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- háá-P.ENCLITIC where
- -sh enclitic for content questions
- -di atfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- yíshą́ eat itfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- Continuative Imperfective (CI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nisin think, wantfind in Navajo Verb Modes