An example search has returned 50 entries
’Adeesdíilgo dibé sits’ą́ą́’ dah diijéé’.
3-thunder.P-GO sheep 1-away-from start-3-run.Pl.P’Ashkii bi’éé’ hazhó’ó ’ayíyiischid dóó ’ólta’ góne’ yah ’ííyá.
boy 3-shirt nicely and 3-go.P’Ałk’idą́ą́’ tł’oh naadą́ą́’ dant’į́įhgo łį́į́’ doodaii’ béégashii da há hadahwiił’éés ńt’éé’.
long.ago grass corn 3-ripen.I-GO horse or cow etc. 4-for 3-stomp.I past’Ádi’óóyą́ą́’ le’.
self-2-eat.O don’t’Ádihodideesht’ih sha’shin nisingo t’áadoo ’atah haasdzíi’ da.
RFLX-1-get.into.trouble.F perhaps 1-think.CI-GO NEG among 1-say.P NEG
I didn’t say anything because I thought I might get myself into trouble.
bookmark- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’ádihodiisht’ééh get oneself into troublefind in Navajo Verb Modes
- sha’shin perhapsfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Continuative Imperfective (CI)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- nisin think, wantfind in Navajo Verb Modes
- t’áadoo notfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- doo --- da frame to negativize verbs and phrasesfind in Navajo Adverb Lexicon
- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- haasdziih speak, exclaimfind in Navajo Verb Modes
'Áłahji’ tó dilchxoshí síníł’ą́.
always water popping-Í 3-2-keep.SPN'Ólta’góó deínóhkááh.
designates ceremonies, religious and political institutions and lifeways
bookmarkBritain bikéyahą́ą t’áá ’ałtso ’ahíi’nilgo kéyah United States wolyéhígíí bilááh ’áníłtsxo ńt’éé’.
Britain 3-land just all 3-combine.P-GO land United States 3-call.NI-COMP 3-beyond 3-size.NI pastCh’ééh jiyáán náánááshdą́ą́’.
watermelon again-1-eat.Rdadiidį́į́łéézhé bits’į́’ daodą́ą́’ lágo.
sheep 3-meat pl-3-1dpl-eat.O LÁGODibé dził binaashii nanishkaad.
sheep hill 3-across.from 3-1-herd.CIDibé yázhí bitsį’ bíchą́ yídéeshni’.
lamb 3-meat 3-crave 3-addicted.NPdidííłjéé’é nishłį́į ndi Bilaagana bizaad t’éí bee yáshti’.
Navajo 1-be.NI but English language only 3-with 1-speak.IDíí dziłígíí shádi’ááh bich’ijígo ’ałkéé’ ’adíítąąd.
this mountain-Comp southward 3-toward-GO one-behind-another 3Pl-scatter.NPDíí tsídii bit’oh yisdádeeshjoł, ’áko shį́į́ kónááhoot’éhé tsídii ła’ náábít’oh dooleeł.
this bird 3-nest 3-1-save.F-NCM then maybe next.year bird some again-3-nest futureDził bit’ááhgi bįįh halzheeh.
Mountain deer 3-3-hunting.CIdííníłhį́į́’’át’íí lá nizhé’é yaa naaghá?
what Q 2-father 3-about 3-do.CIHaa níníłnééz?
what 2-tall.relatively.NIhadeidééłbįįd something up with it, 3rd person plural
bookmarkHáát’i’ le’!
up-3-extend.P LE’Háíshą’ tsinaa’eeł ’áyiilaa?
who-Q boat 3-3-make.Pjididoołhįhł’ó’aa’ísh tsénaa ’aní’á biyaa doodago daats’í báhátis ’ayiist’oh?
arrow-Q bridge 3-under or perhaps 3-over 3-3-shot.PDid s/he perhaps shoot arrows under or over the bridge?
bookmarkK’os hóle’!
cloud 3s-become.ONa’nízhoozhígóó nihił ’adeeswod ’áko shį́į́ ’adiidį́į́ł chidí nihá ’ánálnéehgo.
Gallup-to 1-with INDEF-drive.P then maybe 1-dual-eat.F car 1-for 3-fix.I-GO
We are going to Gallup maybe then eat while the car is being repaired.
bookmark- -ił withfind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- -á for, for the benefit offind in Navajo Postposition Lexicon
- Perfective (P) (yi, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- Future (F)find in Navajo Verb Modes
- ’áko shį́į́ then maybe, then probablyfind in Navajo Conjunction Lexicon
- Imperfective (I) (∅, ni, si, yi-∅)find in Navajo Verb Modes
3DO-1-carry.a.ropelike.thing.around.Fcarry a ropelike thing around, 1st person singular